Republican Presidential Election-South Carolina-Marco Rubio

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Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio is the next nominee I will review as a Presidential contender. This one is the most difficult for me because I’m already leaning in his direction but it’s important for me to pull away from my biases and state the facts good, bad and in-between to determine whether this emotional pull is based on facts on the ground not one’s in my mind. As always I welcome with open arms your comments. 


1.LOOK-  Senator Rubio has the look that can appeal to those  “independent” to swing his way.

2. CONSERVATIVE- He has a consistent conservative record even stating he would rather stand for life then any elected office.

3.IMMIGRATION- Marco has stated his goal is to build consensus on this issue by securing the border first and only then see if he can build consensus on what to do with those who have come across the country illegally. His record shows that he will pull out of pushing legislation against the will of the people instead of forcing it upon them (Obamacare, Dodd Frank etc)

4. LIFE EXPERIENCE- This should be stated with Ted Cruz as well for their background is the story of the American Dream from rags to middle class and beyond.

5. YOUNG- Senator Rubio’s youthful look can draw young people to the Republican party and therefore build on it’s growth.

6. CONSISTENTLY BEATS DEMOCRATS-  Marco Rubio consistently wins polls against any Democratic nominee that would run against him.  This would make the general election race the easiest for us to win.

7. GREAT SPEAKER- Other then last weeks poor debate performance (in one spot) Marco has had the greatest speaking skills of any of the nominees.


1. LOOK –For some Senator Rubio looks to young for this position

2. EXPERIENCE- Senator Rubio doesn’t have the extensive resume of his opponents (Jeb Bush, John Kasich) .

3. HIGH EXPECTATIONS- Where others might flub a line or two Marco Rubio isn’t expected to perform as such and if it occurs those mistakes are painted in more bold colors then in others.

4. GO NEGATIVE- Does the Senator have the ability to attack his opponents and inflict injury as a Donald does in a general election? He had one brilliant moment with Jeb Bush in a previous debate but can he revive this skill for this Saturday’s debate

5. GRASSROOTS-  Is there a strong loyal grassroots network in effect that can pull him through this entire race?

6. PASSIONATE SUPPORTERS- It appears the Senator doesn’t have the passionate supporters of a Ted Cruz or Donald Trump.

Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and Ben Carson coming soon…


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