Who lives longer Vegetarians or meat eaters?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, food, Health - No Comments

vegetarian vs meat eater

The truth is vegetarians win but is their diet truly the reason why? I believe this link (below) gives a better explanation. I truly believe that the key to a good diet is balance. I know it’s said over and over again but it’s still true you must make sure you eat from all the food groups. I have also made an effort to have a vegetarian diet at least once a month. I believe this cleanses me from any left over animal proteins.

Click to find out why these dietary conditions are only part of the puzzle


Burn out- How to battle on.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Health, Philosophy, Solutions - 4 Comments

burned out

It is terrible to feel burned out, this is a time when you lose all sense of drive. You feel like you’re trapped because you’re needed in a position but truly don’t receive the credit that is due. Work keeps piling up and up and feel like you don’t have a chance to breath. All you hear is blame and yet you still feel guilty if you walk away.  Responsibilities also prevent you from walking away like paying the mortgage, car payments, and college education. How can you get over this slide?

(1) Breath- Take a moment to reflect and realize that you’re tough and have got through many difficult times in the past. You’ll get through this but at a reasonable pace. No person should expect more of you then you can physically or mental due so just do your best and leave the rest to G-D.

(2) Give yourself one full day off a week to reflect on anything but the work you do. If G-D could make the world in six days surely you deserve a break.

(3) After work give yourself some down time with your favorite T.V show, music, book or even cloud watching.

(4) Demand that not only your misfires are noticed but your successes. That could be clapping in front of others when you succeed or rewarding yourself with a large coffee and donut. You deserve it!

(5) Create something new at work. It doesn’t have to be big but it has to be original like you. This could be accomplished bit by bit over-time or be a small creation that you can reflect on when it’s getting a bit too hot.


Nuclear option is frightning

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - 2 Comments

kangroo court

It’s interesting that breaking the filibuster rule in the Senate is called the “Nuclear Option” is this because it is a threat to the very foundations blocks of our Democracy? Maybe the answer to this question  should be analyzed on the principal  of whether we believe the minority party should have a voice in our governance or whether we believe that majority should rule and control.  If we believe that majority should rule without any voices from the minority party then could that lead to suppression of minority rights?

The majority party said that they are only changing this policy as it relates to judicial appointments (other then the Supreme Court).  Isn’t the separation of powers a crucial factor in insuring that our constitution protects all of our citizens? If a judicial appointment owes their position only to one party would that judicial appointment only be concerned about protecting their rights? The scary truth is of course that would occur but what is most frightening is the President could openly appoint judges as “yes man/woman” without any fear that the minority party could stop their appointment in anyway.  If the President stacks the courts he could then insure that his executive orders and “waivers in legislation” will go through a “Kangaroo Court” that will always side with him.  We therefore must tell the Senate to reinstate the Filibuster to insure that all of our citizens voices are heard and the constitution is truly protected


Accepted Prejudice

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

prejudice Any form of prejudice shackles the individual holding that position from truly understanding their fellow man/woman 

There is another form of prejudice that is widely accepted and even promoted in our society and media outlets. This form of prejudice  pre judges an individual before they even have a chance to explain themselves.  This form is called “Political Prejudice” when an individual is judged by the political party they are associated with.

Political Prejudice labels everyone in a group and expects them all to act a like.  I understand that individuals from certain political parties generally have certain positions that we as individuals approve of or disapprove of but let’s hear it from the their mouth and/or papers before we throw that position on them. When it comes to voting for individuals for office we might be more inclined to vote for a certain party because we identify with their values those parties espouse yet we should try to look a bit deeper and see if the individual shares those values or is just holding the label.

More importantly lets not judge our fellow citizens because they identify with a certain political party until we hear what that party identification means to them. For  example many of my friends who are conservatives and liberal shock me by the contrarian  positions they have from their own party platform. We even expect every conservative and liberals to live a certain “lifestyle” and are often shocked to see that they actually live their life contrary to the stereotype.  It’s time we look at people as individuals and judge them as such.

It’s a classic

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, food, funny - No Comments

Classic Catalina I’m not going to look at this picture because it makes me hungry.    

There is a sauce that goes with almost anything. It’s flavor is tangy and robust. Yes it is  a classic that I’ve enjoyed throughout my life. It is CLASSIC CATALINA! I say this with pride because many of my friends and family don’t understand my passion for this dressing which blows away any French or Italian dressing in the marketplace.  I shouldn’t even be writing this because once you get a taste of this delicious dressing there won’t be any left for me at my local grocery.  So um it’s uh really not that great ….(like Obamcare is working well)

A story worth repeating

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith - 2 Comments

standing alone

This Sabbath (Saturday) I will be giving the Divrei Torah (Sermon) for my Shul(Synagogue) Shaarey Israel 18 Montebello Rd, Suffern, NY at around 11 AM. I want to warmly invite you to attend because I will be speaking about one of the most significant figures in my life from the Torah(bible) Joseph. Joseph story has inspired me during some of the difficult moments of my life and continues to play a large part of who I am. For those who can’t attend please read the story and think about these points (below).

1. Importance of knowing what to say, who to say it too, and how to say it.

2. Importance of holding your faith in some of the most difficult times.

3. Realize that  people must act not just expect G-D to act on our behalf

4. Sometimes in life you must stand alone even with family

5. Forgiveness is something that is not only good for those that do it but those that give it.

6. The danger of group-think

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