Netanyahu VS Obama or Good VS Weakness

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political - No Comments


Benjamin Netanyahu is the type of leader we in the United States will have in less 30 days. A leader that stands for his countries interests above the political correct (really incorrect) world around him. While our President watched (abstained) as the U.N. stabbed Israel in the back, by condemning their legal right to build housing in “disputed territories”, Benjamin Netanyahu decided Israeli $’s could go to a better cause then the Anti-Israel United Nations.

Let the world community give back their land to the Indians and then Israel will consider doing the same. Further note the only difference is Israel received this land after being attacked while many other countries stole their lands from the weak.   It also seems bizarre that this same community that condemns Israel  never see’s her action for peace with Palestinians which have resulted in terrorist death of innocent Israel’s. While the Syrian Government has killed over 200,000 innocent civilians and terrorist groups continue to rise this is what the UN takes up and now?  When Trump is President he will work to bring lasting peace between the parties which will only come when those who have fought sit down and talk. This could only happen when the world community gets out of the way and allow peace to truly occur.

Uber Joins Trump

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

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Come on liberals you’ve got to be excited about this addition to the Trump team, Elon Musk.  Elon Musk entrepreneurial extraordinaire who is revolutionizing energy and even space travel has give you liberals a bit of a jump.  He’s the type of person who will bring revolutionary concepts to government like actually accomplishing a goal.  So take the day off the protest lines and join the Trump train (at least for the moment) for this administration maybe reaching for the stars and wants you to jump aboard.

Aleppo Falls- We all fall/fail as well?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political - No Comments

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As Aleppo falls we as a world community fall as well. We failed to protect innocent life again even as we read this same story over and over again somehow we forget the lesson of history. Stand up to evil or that evil will only kill and maim exponentially.   A brutal vicious leader reigns in control as he kills civilians as if they were cockroaches instead of the people he is supposed to lead.  Red lines were crossed as we gave the green line to such destruction and carnage. We must learn from this history today if we are stop the death of innocents against criminal brutality in the future.  Let the fall of Aleppo be a signal of change that all life’s matter especially those of children and innocent civilians.

Discrediting Trump

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There is a coordinated effort from the Democrats and political elites to do whatever they can to discredit the President Elect.  From the silly recount, to making the American people appear to stupid to understand False News (do they remember World Weekly News) and now going so far as to claim a Russian conspiracy they will stop at nothing to stop this President. For the next 4 to 8 years good news will be on page 27 and bad news will appear front and center.  The truth is there is a conspiracy between those who want to maintain power and those who want to bring power back to the people. I believe the people have won as shown in November 8th and will continue to win depending on the actual actions of the new President and the truth that seeps through the media elite.

Rex Who as Secretary of State?

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If Rex Tillerson is named as President Elect Donald Trump’s pick as Secretary of State it will appear as having a piece of White Bread after eating an elaborate 5 course meal or finding out that Meryl Streep has been nominated for another Oscar. After exciting possible choices came up such as Rudolph Guilani and Mitt Romney we know decide to have Cole Slaw and with mayonnaise.  Rex Tillerson might be the right person for the job with his extensive work around the world as the chairman of Exxon but the suspense has left the room and maybe will all have to watch a different channel.

Giuliani & Trump LESSON

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We may never know the inner workings that occurred which led to Giuliani “pulling his name out of the Secretary of State spot” but we can learn an important lesson. Sometimes silence is truly golden. Whether it appeared for any reason Trump wasn’t going to pick Giuliani for this position and he allowed him to bow out gracefully or Giuliani was tired of standing by we know he left walking out instead of being kicked. Making sure your friends have the dignity and respect they deserve insures that they stay you’re friend for the long term when things don’t work out in the short term.

Nancy Pelosi -GOP WIN -House Minority Leader-

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The G.O.P should open another bottle of Champagne as Nancy Pelosi continues to lead the Democratic House Minority.  Other then knowing where the $$’s is Nancy has continued to lead a losing party in the house and G-D willing her streak will continue.  Her leftist views are so far from Middle- America that she is the poster woman for why people from outside the coasts  (West & East) should continue to vote for the G.O.P.   Nancy we in the G.O.P are delighted to have you back and may you continue in the success you have for many, many years to come.

Secretary of State Tulsi Gabbard

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In a move that has shocked the political landscape Donald Trump has picked Tulsi Gabbard as Secretary of State. The Democratic Congresswoman who originally supported Bernie Sanders for President was picked to show that the President Elect is truly trying to unite the entire country.   This move has sent shock waves through the Democratic party that has tried to de- legitimize the President Elect’s standing and is sure to send shock waves throughout the entire political establishment.  ….. Hey it’s nice to dream.

Mitt Mystery?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political, Uncategorized - No Comments


It is one of the biggest political mysterious of our time two enemies on the political battlefield Mitt Romney & Donald Trump willing to put away their hatchets and not in each other’s back…. (for now) against their most ardent supporters (Kellyanee Conway, Newt Gingrich & even dare I say Sean Hannity) who want them to continue the feud or at least keep the knife’s in hand.  Have they given up their beast or just found a new one? Here are just a few reasons (below) for this sudden change in plans.

(1) CHICKEN- Just as two cars going towards a head on collusion each is testing when the other will blink.

(2) REBEL-  Donald Trump continues to want to defy what other’s say he must do to be political successful even the other’s are his friends.

(3)  NEW FRIENDS-  Forget this one.

(4) EXCUSE-  At the last moment before that big dinner Donald can say he would have chose Romney but ….. and really pull the rug from under his feet falling on his … 

(5) CRITICS INSIDE- It’s best to keep your enemies close and working for you whenever you can.

(6)  INSIDER- Donald Trump is more of an insider then his friends want to admit and wants to be liked by all even his most ardent critics. He feels his friends will continue to support him even if he shoots them in the foot (not literally although he has a pistol license).

Betsy Devos, Nikki Haley- DONALD STOP IT

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

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Stop it President Elect Trump you’re destroying our narrative by electing two strong competent people for your cabinet (Betsy Devos, Nikki Haley) who happen to be woman it’s getting harder and harder to call you a sexist. They’re sorta whitish woman I mean Nikki has some Indian blood but um…   Well we always have the racist angle… wait it’s rumored you’re picking picking Ben Carson who last I checked had darker skin then most of my friends in Wisconsin for a cabinet spot but we can claim he’s an Uncle Tom or at least try to.  Okay the racist label is peeling but can still hold, that’s a relief.  No,  it can’t be Harold Ford who passes the competence and skin test is also a Democratic operative who you’re strongly considering for another cabinet position. Where can our narrative go hmm he hasn’t picked an illegal immigrant to the cabinet and I’m sure we can pin his feet to the fire on that one … even if there is no real fire to start.


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