Monthly Archives September 2019

Too Good

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog - No Comments


The Torah/Bible writes a great deal more about the tribulations which will occur if one “leaves the faith” then if one stays in the fold because let’s face it many who have it “too good” look to evil instead.  They get “bored” with what they have and desire some other “stimulation” which is down a path they know they shouldn’t travel.  G-D knows that when many have it “too good” that it can be a curse as history continues to prove  so G-D puts out the curses in bright red so everyone is truly warned.

Join A Community

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments


You can start with faith but also join because it’s a true community.  Organized religion has gotten a bums wrap as the focus has been on the strict rules that are “observed” rather then the community it brings together in good as well as difficult times. This is a community that truly cares for each other not based on what one can get from another but by what they can give to each other instead.  As someone who experienced “this community” during the passing of my mother I fear that others will not have that warm helpful hand when they need it the most.  Organized religion may not appear to be “your thing” for now but trust me you’ll want and need their support someday so join this community for it’s hand’s need to be continued to be felt.

Elizabeth Warren Running Mate

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

So who will Elizabeth Warren pick as her running mate now that she has the Democratic nomination for President in 2020? What she hasn’t achieved that title yet well with the media in her tank it will tank a whole lot of Pocahontas arrows to take her down.  Whether they show such arrows is another story as well so let’s assume she makes it to the media coronation here’s who I believe are on the top of her list (below) and why.

(1) Cory Booker- Simple she wants to get the African American vote out for her and with Cory on the ticket then that will give her this edge.

(2)  Julian Castro- On the other hand she might assume that “African Americans” will come back to their party and try to bring out the Hispanic vote with this choice.

(3)  Andrew Yang- Finally she might assume that Mr. Yang’s youth and inexperience might be the “thing” that brings out the millennial in droves to her ticket.

FOOTNOTE–  Elizabeth Warren does have the “emotional appeal” that liberals are calling for as well as a populist message that they believe will hit the President the hardest so this could be their most logical choice as well.


In Loving Memory of My Mom, My Biggest Supporter

Posted by budadmin - in Faith, reflections - No Comments

Today is the first day I go on without my biggest supporter – my mom. A person who was truly there for me, even before I was born, and has been with me all along. Unlike other supporters, she didn’t tell me to pursue some “big goal” but gave me the advice to “make sure I had fun along the way.”

When I sought work as a paperboy, she strongly suggested I should enjoy my leisure instead, before I didn’t have that luxury anymore. When I ignored her advice and got the job as a paperboy, she insisted on driving me around to deliver the papers, if even the smallest cloud appeared in the sky (okay, maybe more than just one, but still!)

She made sure that I always had my favorite juice and vegetables through my growing up years as well. Mom was one who stood by my side as I battled everyone else in our family during often-heated debates or at least she told them to listen to me.

But the biggest thing my Mom taught me is that small things truly do matter, and small gestures of kindness can last a lifetime. My mom was wise enough to know that the little moments are truly special. One of my favorite “little” moments with my mom is when we saw the movie Alien together and we didn’t feel like eating anymore popcorn because of what could pop out of our stomach (spoiler alert!). Another one is that last special moment when we fed ducks; she fought for the smallest one to get a bite even though she didn’t feel well enough herself to eat.

While I will still try to change the world, maybe I can work a bit harder to make a difference in my inner world as well; that way my mom will never fade away. My memories and love for my mom will truly last a lifetime.

Mom, may G-D give you a resting place that is worthy of your dignity, grace, and love. I already miss my biggest supporter, and it’s only day one.

Hurricane Dorian Stops Politics

Posted by budadmin - in Political - No Comments

As of this writing, Hurricane Dorian It’s no longer the powerhouse Cat 5 that devastated the northwestern Bahamas, but it’s now bigger. It’s a high-end Category 2 hurricane with strong winds that cover a larger area, capable of generating giant waves and pushing large amounts of water toward the shore.

While this storm has been a bit unpredictable, one thing we know for sure. It doesn’t stop to see whether one is carrying a Republican, Democratic, or Independent card. It just attempts to destroy whatever or whoever gets in its way.

Millions on the east coast are being affected, and news headlines should say “Hurricane Dorian Ends Politics.” For when a storm of such magnitude is about to impact so many people,it’s time to ignore the political party labels and focus instead on helping each other as fellow human beings.

Wouldn’t it be great if we hold our leaders accountable for the actions they take before, during and after this historic storm and not necessarily on which party they might belong to or which party “we’re supposed to support”?

Big storms have been known to end political careers. Those who come across as insincere or unfocused in the middle of a natural disaster can find their political career over. Google will tell you the political fallout Chicago Mayor Michael Bilandic, D.C. Mayor Marion Barry, and former Massachusetts governors Michael Dukakis and Deval Patrick endured from storms.

Keep an eye out as well for the politicians who will try to score cheap political points from a devastating hurricane (you know there will be a few). Those are the folks who need to be voted out in the next election!

Who knows, maybe in some way G-D brings us these severe storms to teach us this fundamental lesson of general humanity that requires us all to live & work together as one.

Not Death

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Uncategorized - No Comments

So if I’m hearing you correctly this murderer doesn’t want to kill individuals just put them to the point of where they actually want to die. For those that are near death can never speak isn’t that true? It appears that our Killer..well almost works in the hospital and makes sure his/her victims are kept quiet whether it be through a ventilator that isn’t needed, drugs that induce coma or worse yet a constant unyielding fear that they will strike again. Fear of not dying might just be scarier then actually RIP.

What Are You Looking At!!!!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

What I don’t have the right to go to “your bookstore” because I’m not wearing the garb? Who do you think you are looking at me with that “attitude” you’re no better then me just because you’re dressed in black with your curls while I have a pair of blue jeans on.  I’m going to give you a piece of my mind.

What the car yeah it drives well.  Yes it has great speed and is fun to drive. Well thank you for noticing. You have a good day as well.

FOOTNOTE– Don’t assume one is “giving you the look” until you know what they are looking at. I did and felt really stupid.

Fat Noticing

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments


It’s not nice to “shame” a person but shouldn’t we “notice” instead especially when not could “kill them”.  The movement against “fat shaming” is truly killing individuals with an obesity epidemic that killed 40,000 people last month while mass shootings killed 53. Shouldn’t we focus a bit more energy on those around us who we can see are putting another bullet in their stomach’s everyday?   We don’t need to shame people just be a friend and ask them to go the gym with you, speak about a new diet or just be a friend which means understanding the weight difficulty without adding to the scale.  Fat noticing is not shaming it’s helping others actually live.

Best Advice-It Sucks

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

Sometimes the best advise is “it sucks”.  It might not sound like advise but allows you to let go of your emotions instead of hold them in. This is especially true when a loved one has passed away and “sorry” might help open a tear jerk but “it sucks” allows it to flow out.  Sometimes life really does hold those to words and it feels great afterwards when someone else truly recognizes your pain. “It sucks” for the pain is real and it’s good to know someone knows how it truly feels.

One for Mom

Posted by Bruce - in Uncategorized - No Comments

With the Shiva coming to an end I ask you to buy your mom or close friend a Vodka Martini in her name. From heaven she’ll be taking her own sip (don’t worry angels don’t have germs) and it will help someone earn their wings or at least feel as if they can fly (depending on the bartender).  I ask this to occur especially if you’re lucky enough to have a mom still here because that is no longer an option that’s on my table so please don’t take this drink for granted and enjoy the moment a bit longer.