Click or Clickless (benefits and losses)

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments


I never fit into any of the standard clicks of high school. My athletic skills were not nimble enough to belong to the jocks, while my Trekian’s skills were non existent so the nerds were out of the questions, and I wore white in the winter so you could forget about the Fashionista’s.  It was difficult because by not belonging to a click I didn’t know which table to sit at for lunch or who I was supposed to hang out with over the weekends.  Clicks made life easier for many young people because they knew where they belonged.

As an adult those clicks still do exist but there are just many more and you have the opportunity to belong to more then one.  Today I guess I’m part of my Shul Click, Art Click, Political Click and even my Family Click (if my children let me in).  I believe it’s a natural impulse to want to belong with others that share the same interest as you and also comforting to know that others share your passions.  The problem with clicks as a whole is it can lead to “group think” where individuality is discouraged by the leader and also become claustrophobic as the world around your click closes.  To conclude I believe  it’s wonderful to have those special times with friends and associates that share the black and white but sometimes it’s also wonderful to explore the other colors and see the world around us as well. So the next time you’re debating the last episode of Star Trek or exploring the newest fashion craze go outside with a new friend and just smell the roses.

Wall Street Journal Review 3/15-3/16

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Wall Street Journal


Distracted from another episode of the “Bates Motel” on Netflix I finally got to read this weekend’s edition and there was a quite a bit to absorb. DID I MISS AN IMPORTANT STORY?

(1) Iraqi’s oil production is the highest in 30 years.

(2) Black Entrepreneurs  are missing out on the rebound in Federal Small Business lending.

(3) The abortion ban on those pregnant for over 12 weeks in Arkansas has been overturned by the courts.

(4) There is a decision that soon will be made in determining whether those who produce the components without assembly should be considered manufacturers.

(5) Corporate insiders are more bearish in their positions since the 1990’s.

(6) Scott Brown has decided to run for the Senate in New Hampshire putting another state within the reach of the Republican party for the 2014 elections.

(7) The President is in a difficult position with his base when it comes to deporting illegal immigrants from the U.S but if he halts many of the deportations his chance of immigration reform will be greatly hurt.

(8) Simon Gronowski a holocaust survivor was able to achieve one of his dreams as he played piano for Woody Allen during a short performance at the Carlyle Hotel in NYC.

(9) Nigerian Christians are abandoned towns in Nigeria after repeated attacks by Muslim extremist.

(10) Justin Hartfield is seeking to become the Marlboro of Marijuana as he buys up the ancillary business in developing this crop.

(11) Quiznos has filed chapter 11 bankruptcy.

(12) Brain chip implants for the general population maybe closer to reality and will help with focus and memory.

(13) The Mclaren might be the greatest car I won’t buy at 1.2 million

So good it’s bad

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, funny - No Comments

cookie dough oreo's


Oreo’s have never been this good and that’s bad.  These cookies are outrageous with flavor that there is no way you can eat one even if your hands were tied behind your back which is  bad because it’s gross to eat with your feet.  These cookies are so good that many people will sell their soul for another bite and we all know that’s horrible it should be for at least a whole cookie (just joking G-D but you’ve got to try them).  There is a way these cookies could be used for good though; let them be used during criminal interrogation and I promise all unsolved crimes will be solved the only problem is we will have a lot more pleasantly plump prisoners.

Malaysia Missing Plane-reveals a deeper side

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malaysian mystery

#Malaysian Plane

It is amazing to see the continuing coverage of the Malaysian missing plane that has engulfed the entire media. I understand that this is a mystery that we are all searching for an answer and that over 200 lives are in the balance but their is a deeper side to why the media and I believe the public is fixated on this story. It is the thought that even in today’s times with all technology that seems to know it all that we truly still are not in control.

Those with faith have understood that there is a higher source but those without continue to deny the basic truth.  They believe that since they can turn a key and start an engine or turn a switch and light comes out that they have become the master of their own destiny. These individuals don’t stop and think why in the bigger scheme things might not go on as planned and become confused and truly frightened when that occurs.  It is why some of us will become lost in the jungle of confusion and despair while others will embrace those times and try to find meaning to the confusion. In the end I believe we will find a common scientific reason for the Malaysian Mystery but until that time period many without faith will gain a new perspective that they will try to cover up.

Democracy and the bullet.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

gun owner

Today’s news in Venezuela and the Ukraine demonstrates again how democracy can crumble in a heartbeat as those in power have the bullets to stop it!  When we surrender our rights to protect our families with firearms we also prevent our ability to defend tyranny.

I understand that if the entire force of a country was against the citizens it wouldn’t take long for that force to win but at what cost to that government?  I also believe most people who serve in public service are good people who believe in the democratic form of government but all you need is a few evil men/woman with the power and their unwilling subjects to crush it for all.  So the next time the government tries to register gun owners or regulate their ownership just think of our friends across the sea that traded in those rights and ended up with tyranny.

Great Fried Chicken

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, food - No Comments

fried chicken

# Fried Chicken

It is great when you take on a new food challenge so tonight I tried fried chicken. I didn’t want it to greasy or too salty but I  still wanted it flavorful.  They key to tonight’s conquest was the after effect. I put many spices in the flour but added extra spices including a touch of lemon when I was letting it cool down a bit.  This enabled the flavors not only to come from the bottom of the batter but also right up to the top.  I’m ready now for a job at KFCB = Kentucky fried chicken better.


It’s never too late until it’s really too late.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments


I’ve tried to write on this blog everyday but today was a challenge because I was out of town for a period of time without any access to my computer yet I still have 2 hours and 58 minutes till I officially call it a day and I’m already writing. It was one of those days where you drove upon hour and hour until you finally made your destination.  I had exhausted all of my 140 (or so) radio stations till the point where you can test me on the latest rock, country, folk, classical, and or comedy act of today (Oh I forget Elvis).

I realized one important point as I drove, we all truly depend on the guy/gal next door. If for some reason the person next to us got distracted even for a minute anyone of us could be going on our last ride. We’ve all seen the “insane driver” that weaves in and out of traffic like he’s/she’s trying out for NASCAR but thank G-D there aren’t many on the track.  In conclusion I want to thank all my fellow drivers on the road today and all the other days that I got home safe for without you I wouldn’t be writing this block with 2 hours 50 minutes to kill.

Now I’m confused.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Health - No Comments

confused 3  confused 2

Just to insure that you’re just as confused as I am please see link.  All I know is it’s good to eat a variety of foods in moderation whatever the latest study says. I also know that if it feels bad to eat it probably is (ex bacon, fatty foods, extra sugar).  Finally I understand if you don’t take care of your mental, physical and spiritual health then what you eat truly doesn’t matter.  The rest I’ll leave to the latest study.

Click to make sure you’re as confused as me.


To complain or not, that maybe not the question.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments


I believe it’s important to speak your mine but when you appear to be complaining about everything nobody will take you seriously when serious matters actually occur.   The key is how to make your opinions truly effect change without always appearing negative.  It is truly not how you feel but how you express it that matters.  Here are a few tips (below)  that might be helpful.

(1) Start Positive even it appears that there is nothing nice to say find something (ex great effort, nice teeth,).

(2) Pose your criticism as a question. Do you think it might have worked better if? Just curious how do you think this would look?

(3) Accept that they may not agree … initially but your questions might make them think differently sooner then they think.

(4) When they come away to your way of thinking compliment them on their unique perspective on this issue.


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