Another Day

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - No Comments

looking up

As mentioned in my previous blog that the experiences that I have been in and helped others witness would have been enough but that doesn’t mean I don’t seek many other day(s). G-D willing my efforts to make the world around me a bit better will allow me to experience this wonderful gift.  So G-D here is my list (below) I hope to achieve if given those many days.

(1) Help my son and daughter gain a foothold in their career so they can be self sufficient productive part of the workforce and achieve health and happiness in their life.

(2) Get my loved ones to be able to express happiness more easily to those around them and themselves.

(3) Give others avenues to achieve greater knowledge in faith and how it is found.

(4) Find avenues to help others through the experiences and talents you have let me acquire.

(5) Bring laughter and happiness to friends, family and associates that need that spark to help them get through a tough day.

(6) Achieve new knowledge that will help make me a better person as a whole.

(7) Insure that after I move on that those around me are protected enough to continue in a lifestyle that helps them achieve happiness and success.


That would have been enough

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith - No Comments


When I was young I was silly enough to believe that if I owned a cell phone that would be enough and G-D could move me home. Yet as life went on it wasn’t just the possessions that had me asking me for another day but my achievements for example inventing a product or making a film. G-D has been gracious enough to allow me to live to see those personal achievements and many more then I ever expected. Yet G-D knew that these personal achievements  weren’t enough so my prayers  moved to others as I  watched the birth of my children, watching a loved one conquer mental health problems, seen my children conquer challenges that looked beyond reach and today I watched my son graduate college.  G-D willing I will be worthy of witnessing more achievements of loved ones and share in their continued success/happiness but if not I thank G-D for allowing me these moments for they would have been truly been enough.

college graduation 4

Hawaii with no Cell

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - No Comments

heavenly gates

If we can see life as just a journey from one place to a higher place with no cell service (emails or faxes) it makes us less fearful of moving through “G-D willing” the heavenly gates. For our deceased loved one’s are living without pain and suffering in a world that is truly peaceful and just right for them.  Why should we think otherwise if we believe that G-D is all good, powerful and just then obviously this one stop here can’t be the end for those that were made in G-D’s image. Of course we will miss them but understanding that they are in the better place that makes the Trump Towers appear as a squatters village, makes the pain a bit more bearable.   Our job is to do our best here for goodness sake so the door to the heavenly gates will be wide open upon our return home.


Dead Watching

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, creatiVe thoughts that..., Faith - No Comments

in heaven 1 court in heaven

After you have committed “the act” a court of your heavenly peers is called to argue your fate.  These would be loved ones who have passed on to represent your defense and those who might not be in love with you to work with the prosecution.  At this court the verdict would be final made by G-D alone and you would face the penalty a moment later. Of course pleas from the defendant might help alleviate the severity of such a penalty.  For the dead could be watching right now and the verdict is final with only you to blame.

Passover & Soybean

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - No Comments


This year I cleaned my whole house out of items that could be even be slightly considered “non kosher” for Passover and hid them away except for a little Soybean Oil from a Butter substitute.  Most of the “Kosher for Passover” items in Israel contain soybean products because they follow the Sephardic  teachings of the Jewish tradition rather then the Ashkenazi leanings. Not to get too much in the weeds (I’ll only touch the tip) one group of rabbi’s from one area believes that Soybeans, Corn Products, & Rice isn’t Kosher for Passover while another group from a different area believes otherwise. The Rabbi’s from the strict side basically say a Soybean/Corn might get confused with a prohibited Wheat product because they’re  grown in a similar area.  I happen to have Ancestry from the rabbi’s that come from the stricter area but this year  I decided to travel to the other side of town and unwittingly have some Soybean Oil. In the end I believe it is the effort that G-D seeks in trying to live according to “the rulesthat count not the dot’s and dashes that fill those rules in-between.

Passover- Chosen People- Responsibilities

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith - No Comments

Passover Sedar

As Jewish people around the world celebrate Passover the only time G-D directly redeemed a people from slavery we must also consider the obligations around being such a chosen people. For while over the next week our non-Jewish friends will enjoy delicious breads,cookies and cakes ours will be just flat unleavened mixtures. The story of Our Torah/Bible teaches us that being a chosen people brings many more restrictions and obligations in our daily life. While you’re enjoying that BLT I’ll be eating just the LT or at least a Turkey form of that B. Those that are not Jewish can get away with Murder (sorry not that far) but you get the drift and not face any of our consequences. We have had our glory days when we’ve kept those rules in effect and fallen many times when we haven’t.   It is not only the rules (to numerous to mention) in this blog piece that a chosen people is commanded to follow but more importantly how those rules help us to become better people to our fellow Jews and Non Jews wherever and whatever we do.  For being chosen is not only a right but a responsibility that we must work everyday to earn in the way we treat others with the same love and caring that we want G-D to show to us.  Passover shows the world’s peoples that G-D can redeem us no matter how hard our circumstances might appear to be and that is why I say Happy Passover to all may G-D’s miracle’s play a role in all our life’s.

One Law

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith, Philosophy, Political - No Comments


One law for everyone, that is what the Torah/Bible tells us to follow but today many doubt this occurs. While movements such as “Black Lives Matter” focus on the propensity of law enforcement to have a stricter code for those in the African American community many others see lady justice turning a blind eye to those in higher authority in the political world even those running for the highest public office in the land.  How can individual citizens trust such a government that will arrest individuals on just a whim while allow a hundred or so FBI officials investigate one individual for months ?  Many have accused the Torah/Bible of being some document from the past but as G-D is  my witness we need more of it’s lessons today especially in our “justice system”.

One Law

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - No Comments

helping hand 2

If one law was followed strictly the world would be a much better place. “Love thy fellow as thyself” would stop all criminal activity in it’s trap and cruelty to fellow man (I would expand it to woman as well). We could eliminate most other laws because individuals would seek betterment for all individuals instead of just themselves and/or family.  Some comedian’s would have to change their act though to be more self deprecating then they could go after those in the audience as well. This one law would help us to learn to love thyself for our good and not such good traits. We would realize that G-D loved us so much to put us in this place at this time so we should have the same love for others.  May G-D grant us the day soon when this one law would be followed in area corner of this world.

Funeral or Family

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - No Comments

Coffin 3   heavenly gates

When a loved one passes away many will go to a funeral but as a Kohen I’m restricted from attending most funerals (that contain a body). A Kohen is considered a direct descendant of Aaron and as such has priestly duties that contact with most of those that have passed away would interfere with  by making us “impure”. We also aren’t supposed to marry a divorcee or a convert but that is a different story.  This is a Torah/Bible law and therefore there isn’t much wiggle room except for the immediate family.  I believe that the wiggle room they have allowed permits you to attend the funeral of non-Jews but this is wiggle room I have decided not to accept. Truth be told in the past I have attended funerals of others that contain bodies but this doesn’t give me permission to continue to make such a mistake and to be perfectly honest this is one restriction I gladly accept.

Basic Judaism- A Different Path

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - No Comments

Different Paths 2

Basic Judaism accepts that the path of the “Orthodox” observers is right but that doesn’t mean it’s the only path. The path for any Jew should be based on the Torah and the wise teachings from the Talmud but that doesn’t mean that this is the end. For without observing the world today these books become ancient to many of the faith. Here’s a good example, those who are traditional will not write on Shabbos because it is considered a “work activity” but too many today this activity has more to do with leisure and expressing themselves then any form of work. I’m one such individual who feels Shabbos is the time that one can ponder and think about deep issues but if one doesn’t write it down then it soon will be forgotten. Even if one is against writing with the standard instrument of a pencil writing on a computer or with a newer device might be seen as an alternative. What do you believe feel free to share your thoughts?