Hamilton- Pence- Thank you for saving for $$$

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political - No Comments

mike-pence   mike-pence-2

I want to thank the cast of Hamilton for saving me the $$ by not worrying about running and buying tickets to this fabulous show. Their little political correct diatribe “”We are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our friends, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” by cast member Dixon will allow my monies to fund other artist achievements 1st that aren’t so blatantly biased against an administration that was voted on by the same American people he says it represents.  Mr. Dixon fear isn’t reality and shouldn’t be expressed as such.  There will be a day  when I will see the show Hamilton but that will be many, many years after the Trump administration has made America great again.


Girlfriend/Boyfriend without dog traits

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Uncategorized - No Comments

womens-best-friend  mans-best-friend-2

In a recent blog I suggested that you look for your boyfriend or girlfriend that had many of the traits of our four legged friends (see below) yet I don’t want you to get the wrong idea and believe all their traits are admirable. Here are just a few that I believe you should walk the other way if you see them in a human companion and without a leech.

(1) NAKED- It sorta ruins the excitement of life when your partner insists on being naked all the time and is too lazy to put on their own clothes.

(2) AFFECTION- Everyone appreciates affection but with a tongue on the nose and face can be sorta gross from fellow homo sapiens.

(3) LIFE- You should want a partner that has their own life and doesn’t find it so enthralling to sit on your lap.

(4) SPEAK- We all want to be listened to but also want some type of response other then ruff.


Trump Successe1- Neutral-& Disappointment…so far

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political - No Comments


President Elect Donald Trump has started building his administration with gusto that many in the mainstream media have downplayed if not moved off the front lines. Here are just a few of those moves which were successful, neutral and even one that is negative.


  1. AMERICAN JOBS STAY- Ford suddenly reversed course and agreed to keep their plant up and running in Kentucky instead of moving it to Mexico. This   saved thousands of well paying American jobs. It appears fairly obvious that the the threat of tariffs that President Elect Trump promised on those cars if they came from Mexico was the prime factor in sealing this deal.
  2. CABINET PICKS-  Donald Trump has rapidly added high quality members to his administration at much faster pace then his many of his predecessors.
  3. TONE- The President Elect’s tone has been measured and open as he has met with many of those who opposed him during the election and even considered putting them on his team (ex Mitt Romney, Nikki Haley, Ted Cruz etc)
  4. FOREIGN POLICY- The  President Elect has had more conversations with foreign leaders at this juncture then many of his predecessors combined. 
  5. DAY ONE-  Leaders of Donald Trump’s  transition team are meeting with leaders of various departments way before taking power so they will be ready to act on day 1.


  1. SETTLING LAWSUIT- The  settlement of the Trump University allows President Elect Trump to focus his time & energy on what is best for the country not personal matters but also might invite other lawsuits to occur.


  1. NO INTERVIEW-  It would have been nice for me and Kanye (see previous blog) to be invited to an interview for a position in the White House.  There’s still time I’ll keep my calendar open.





New Years Eve- Music- What songs would make you dance?

Posted by Bruce - in Uncategorized - No Comments


Do you agree with the list of songs I’ve chosen  (with expert advise) to move our feet for our December 31st (below)? What other songs would you choose?

Click for YOUR PARTY -12/31/16

(1) PYT- Michael Jackson

(2) CLOSER- Chainsmokers


(4) HOLIDAY- Madonna

(5) BILLY JEAN- Michael Jackson

(6) GET DOWN ON IT- Kool and the Gang

(7) COME FLY WITH ME- Frank Sinatra


(9) WHAT IS LOVE- A Night at the Roxbury

(10) IN DA CLUB- 50 Cents


(12) YEAH- Usher & Ludacris

(13) WHO LOVES YOU- Frankie Valli

Click for YOUR PARTY -12/31/16

Not what you expect

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog, music - No Comments

For those who believe Country music is too predictable here’s a song that will SHOCK YOU!  It’s definitely unique but whether I love it or not I’m not sure … yet.

[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/apuyO8XkXqM?list=RDapuyO8XkXqM”]


Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - No Comments


You’re alone in a sea of indifference where everyone else appears to be doing what they want and for some reason your values/morals are being swept away. Don’t fret for only a few can truly save the world. While Noah watched as the world literally crumbled Abraham pleaded to G-D to save two small communities. Although it would take 10 some what righteous people to save this community it took one person with the divine spark to start the conversation. Maybe you’re such an individual standing alone while others are really the one’s drowning and your actions/words are giving them some needed oxygen to keep them afloat.  Just maybe your grip in a sea of indifference may leave you alone but protect the boardwalk so others can climb aboard.  It is difficult to be alone but if it’s for the right reason you’re standing for more then you can imagine.


Computer for LIFE

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

computer-meltdown-1   antiquated-computer

With the way technology is going your outdated before you take your computer out of the box and don’t remind me about viruses, bugs as well as probably now a few ticks; that’s why it’s time to create “COMPUTER FOR LIFE”.  The one computer that will grow with you as technology merits and will be able to put out any ….

computer-meltdown-3 fires before they even start.  The reason is simple COMPUTER FOR LIFE systems are adaptable to changes with a technician that comes out once a month or so to update your computer with the newest technology, apps, and anti anything to make sure it’s running just right for you. For a small monthly fee you will feel the security knowing that your computer and technical life will run as long and as strong as your heart does.  COMPUTER FOR LIFE because times are a changing and you need to keep up without the bugs.

Kayne West – Donald Trump

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog - No Comments

kayne-west donald-trump-5

Kayne West now you tell us you would have voted for Donald Trump if you voted  but how does that help now accept for yourself.  Yes it brings your name back in the spotlight by being one of a few stars who doesn’t need a bottles to keep from crying by the election results, but we want to see action. Therefore I implore Donald Trump to interview Kayne West for a position in his cabinet. Can you imagine him as your press secretary or spokesman, boy would that shock the system? Even an interview with the Donald would surely turn an extra head or two and allow the President Elect to get the chance he deserves from those who have been unwilling to listen.

Chair Dancing

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

chair-dancing party

It’s time for those who don’t have a partner or just don’t enjoy the dance floor to find a way to shake their booty and the rest of their body, “Chair Dancing” might be the answer. “Chair Dancing” also is fabulous entertainment for those who have difficulty walking as well.  It could become the new sensation at Senior Citizen homes as well as at singles clubs events.  Chair Dancing because sometimes the rhythm is everywhere in your body especially in your chair.

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