Why Rubio? Why?

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Marco Rubio

I’ve supported your campaign for President way before you announced but the way you’re running the campaign it makes me have strong doubts.  Here (below) are just a few reasons that this has occurred.

(1) Missing the vote on the Omnibus bill.  Your critics have portrayed  you as not showing up for the job why do you continue to give them ammunition for this statement?

(2)  Lackluster campaign in Iowa-  I understand that this will be a difficult state to win but if you’re not in it fighting your opponents paint you as lazy and out of touch. Plus it’s the open shot that needs to be made.

(3) Working with the grassroots- The campaign has had plenty of large donors but their not the ones who have to vote for you. It’s time to reach out and get to know your supporters and have them involved in your campaign. 

I understand you’re not a big fan of the Donald but I believe it’s time you listen to his timely advise when it comes to the staff that is leading you down this path and say “You’re Fired”.  You can look and act the part but how you perform in the campaign is really what counts.


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Excited 4 Excited 5

While most fans of Star Wars were already psyched to see “Star Wars The Force Awakens” much of the additional hype was manufactured directly by “news organizations” that profited for the films profits.  Disney who owns “Star Wars The Force Awakens” also controls/owns ABC & ESPN which produced at nausea inducement in ” news stories” on this film and how big it was going to be.    It’s great that this build up and film was enjoyed by millions but can you imagine even the greatest P.R firm having such access? How about the independent film-maker who has an incredible story to tell where does he/she go to get even a moment of notice? Maybe in the future before a “news story” is produced the audience should be aware that this supposed news organization  is a benefactor to the good news it’s telecasting.


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How stupid could a restaurant be ask Sakana in Nanuet and you get the answer. For last night I went to this restaurant and ordered a Mango Chicken which upon it’s first bite  tasted fine and even complimented the waitress on it. I went as far as sharing a piece with a loved one but as I bit into a third piece it felt as if the chicken turned to chewy leather. I figured it might be a bad piece and put it to the side but the Wrangler Chicken kept reappearing. When I called my waitress and asked to either exchange the dish for a less expensive dish (fried rice) she was bewildered. She spent a considerable amount of time deciding what to do and finally came to their stupid verdict I would get 1/2 price on my meal and nothing in exchange.  What did the actually count how many pieces of chicken/leather that were left in the plate and divide by 2? If so I wonder if they counted the 1/2 pieces of leather that were all over it as well?   This stupid decision has not only cost them a customer but has brought them bad word of mouth that can’t be replaced.  Start from the basics the customer is always right especially if their eating your food.


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Mrs. Universe Phillipines

If you’re thoroughly confused with this picture you are not alone. For when I went to sleep last night I assumed that Steve Harvey read the write name and Mrs. Columbia was Mrs. Universe, now I read that he made a mistake and it was Mrs. Philippines that was actually the winner.  People that know me understand I don’t get embarrassed easily but if I was Steve Harvey my face would change from black to red. I mean all he had to do was read a simple paper and it would worked out just right.   Anyway it appeared that Mrs. Columbia had a bit of an attitude problem and maybe pulling off the crown off her head might have adjusted it.  Congrats to Mrs. Columbia for her win….  oops  Mrs. Philippines.

Nashua School Districts closed- Phobia

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Nashua School Districts Closed

Nashua School Districts were closed due to threats of violence which showcased our nations fear in full force. Instead of trying to secure the building with a strong police and maybe a National Guard presence, we give into terrorists acts by having them claim a victory.  It’s time we stop closing our fears but face them head on with our own defense up. We need to show we’re open and free so terrorists no that we won’t live under their rule of fear.

SNL Oscar Night- Amy Poehler & Tina Fey

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Snl december 19th Tina Fey & Amy Poehler 2  Snl CNN Republican debate

Last night SNL was at the top of their game with skits that were truly hysterical from start till I think finish well at least until shut eye. They opened with a skit on the CNN Republican debate that was so funny that tears were flowing from my ears  (that’s quite difficult). The opening monologue might have been a strike but Tina Fey & Amy Poehler quickly recovered with a skit on 2nd wife’s.  It was so bad it was gooood. Luckily I DVR’d and therefore will allow me to laugh and sing (Bruce Springsteen performed) all week long.

Adele, Star Wars, Donald Trump- THE WAVE

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The Wave star wars the force awakens 1 donald Trump  2Adele

 Once a wave starts it continues to build and build until it finally crashes.   The question who starts such a wave the actual person, place, thing or is it just timing and marketing? For example Donald Trump has excelled at this effect as he seeks the Republican nomination where no matter what he says it continues to grow the point is does it crash before the Republican nomination or in the general election? This occurred with Barrack Obama and George W Bush as well.  Adele’s song “Hello” was a hit before it even came out and don’t get me on “Star Wars the Force Awakens”.  Most will eventually ride such a wave but even for those who try to avoid it there is no way to eventually get wet as well.

Don’t Listen!

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covering ears

I should have closed my eyes and not looked! It really didn’t matter because this was my day of rest and I had hours to kill until I looked.  I couldn’t have slept this long but if I did I must get up for this many hours isn’t good for though heart. It’s time to get up and smell a new rose for it told me so.   So I got up took a shower and got ready for the day and as I was just about to leave the door I found out the clock time was wrong.


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standing ovation 2

Adam Sander has the life!  Yes of course he has all the great toys that wealthy people possess and the fame that top actors/actresses receive but there is something more he lives as an “entertainer“.  As I watched “Happy Gilmore” last night again with laughter bursting out of my seams  I realized what a great life he has.  For an entertainer allows us to escape from the predictable sometimes annoying parts of our life to a place of laughter and happiness. It might only be for a moment or an hour or two but it’s that moment that we all anticipate with glee.  Not all of us can have the effect of a professional entertainer who’s words are heard by millions but we can have that impact with those most close to our heart and soul. So practice that joke one more time or tell that wonderful story in your life and you might just create a small Adam Sandler role in your life as well.

Please READ & SHARE- It might change your life

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Health - No Comments


Dealing with an individual who has mental health episodes can take the life out of anyone. These individuals are exploding over an issue that makes no sense and the more you attempt to bring logic to such discussions the angrier they can become. I know about this because for years I had to deal with a loved one who suffered with mental health issues without getting the proper treatment. I went through a class at NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) to truly understand what she was going through and how I could survive. .  Here (below) are a few tips that can help you be more effective G-D forbid such an episode(s) occur in your life but please look into NAMI as well for their wonderful resources, understanding and fellowship (a great charity to donate to for the holiday as well).

I   =  You own your feelings no matter what occurs so try to say “I feel, I’m uncomfortable” instead of “You”. ” You” makes the individual who is suffering through an episode more defensive and as result become more aggressive.

ADMIT MISTAKE(S) & ACKNOWLEDGE PAIN = There is a trigger that sets this person off and although it might be irrational if you can find it admit your error.  “I’m sorry I didn’t do, say “….   ” and I’m sorry it caused such pain” might be perfectly for such a moment.

ESCAPE PLACE = Have an escape place to go when it appears things are spiraling out of control . It could be an item you were planning to pick up later that becomes urgent at the moment or a trip to the library to pick up a new book. Just leave for until you feel you can feel “normal again”.

DON’T BRING UP = This is probably the most painful lesson but those who go through a mental health episode paint a different picture then the reality that occurred and the more that you try to “proof the point” the more a worse picture is drawn. Talk about a whole new point and speak in general terms in the future.

DRAW A LINE FOR YOURSELF AND THEM = Once everything goes back to “normal” it might seem to painful to bring up treatment but until you do these episodes will become a broken record with you stepping on the pieces. You can say that you want treatment for both of you or even say it’s for youself but can they come along.  If you have a professional therapist or psychiatrist they will be able to read between the lines and provide the proper treatment that is needed.

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