Jen Walter first Female NFL Coach- Is it time?

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Jen Welter


If Jen Walter can wear the pantsuit then why can’t she be a NFL Coach? The truth is it might seem a little strange at first but the key will be in the results.  If she can perform as well if not better then her male counterparts then she deserves the job but if she can’t then like president nominee Donald Trump say’s “you’re fired”.   I’ve had enough symbols of progress in my life it’s time for action. To tell you the truth I sorta hope she doesn’t do that well not because she’s a woman but because it’s the Arizona Cardinals not my NY Jets.  Team loyalty must come above sex unless it’s the real deal.

Basic Judaism Faith Vs Ritual

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Faith - No Comments

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It bothers me deeply when someone of the faith wears the garb but their soul is cold inside.  Basic Judaism believes that rituals must lead a person to be a better person otherwise they lose all relevance.  A person could put on Tefillin everyday but if their mind, body and soul is not bound to be kind to all G-D’s creations it’s if they are walking around naked.  How we treat others is truly the test of faith especially when times are difficult for us.  Therefore every ritual must be done in a way for the individual to understand how it makes them a better person and only done in the way that makes that occur.  For G-D seeks us to take care and love each other above taking care of an object no matter how holy it might appear to be.

What if it works… really?

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person with money


My meeting yesterday went better than expected which led me to the thought what if this really works?  What if my dreams start to come true like money from heaven? Will I still look up or start to look in? In other words if my dreams start to come true on the big stage will I assume that I’m the dream maker rather than the one who truly starts a beating heart?  G-D willing I’ve planned my mind, body and soul for this day(s) and will keep everything in perspective knowing that my opportunity is given to me by a higher authority and therefore I must not open just one door for myself but find the keys for as many doors as possible for others as well.

Pepino Melon

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, food - No Comments

pepino melon


The “Pepino Melon” is a delicious combination taste that enhances your summer fruit variety.  It tastes a bit like a melon and bit like a pear yet not enough to put in either one of the categories.  It has a nice soft texture that is similar to the melon family yet the flavor isn’t as strong as a Honey Dew or Cantaloupe.   The “Pepino Melon” isn’t inexpensive at a $1.89 for a handful piece therefore it’s worth a try but in the long run I’d stick to your standard melons or pears.

Basic Judaism- Conversation

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - No Comments

jewish star

Every year the Jewish faith loses more of it’s followers due to mixed marriages that stay mixed.  “Basic Judaism” believes there’s is an answer to this problem. For the non-Jewish individual who is willing to accept the basic tenants of the faith, pray the Shema, and is willing to continue to study should be accepted as one of the faithful.  Conversation shouldn’t be such an arduous task that we continue to lose followers yet it shouldn’t be so simple that those who join don’t understand the basic tenants of the faith. Therefore “Basic Judaism” finds this balance ground in which we all can stand together.

A New Direction- Take 2

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opening a door


Last week at precisely this time I wrote about a new door that could be open with an exciting meeting unfortunately or fortunately that door was found this week. For the meeting I believed was last week actually occurs today and with that added time maybe I’m a bit more prepared and ready for the outcome.  It is a meeting that could open a whole new world of opportunity for me and as such bring greater wealth to others as well. G-D willing this will occur but even if this isn’t the case I will continue to search for a new door and make sure when that door is found that I look at the calendar in advance.

Basic Judiasm

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith - No Comments

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I do not claim to be a “Rabbi” but with my 40 + years on this earth I’ve observed the truth in my way that I believe could help those in-between. For many of my prayers although unconventional have been answered and I believe that even those who lack the training/understanding may find a closer conscious with G-D if they follow the tenants of “Basic Judiasm“.  I’ve listed (below) the basic tenants of this path  and will continue to expand on it over time. It is not to challenge those that are more traditional for I truly believe they have a clear path to “salvation” but offer an alternate vision that G-D willing will help those in-between as well.

(1) G-D IS ALL GOOD & POWERFUL- There is only one G-D and all our worries and prayers should be directed to thee.

(2) TORAH IS TRUE- This book must be followed when clear assertions are made such as thou shalt not eat swine. Yet there is room for interpretations when it is not clear.

(3) TALMUD HELPS WITH INTERPRETATIONS/CLARIFICATIONS- The Talmud should be studied because very wise, thoughtful people worked tirelessly on trying to find meaning in every word yet there might be a different path for some.

(4) INDIVIDUALITY- It is important for an individual to find their own path for G-D didn’t make us all the same. We may start with the same room put paint it in very different colors. Therefore although we must respect the traditional observations  especially at Synagogue we must also have the room to express our faith in our way (as long as it doesn’t conflict with the Torah)

(5) PRAYER- Shouldn’t just come from prayer book but in your heart and soul. Therefore when experiencing a moment your own words can and should come out to G-D and thou will listen to you as if it was written by the great scholars of anytime.


Crazy Business- Stealing

Posted by Bruce - in Crazy Business, Uncategorized - No Comments

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I would be writing this blog in a 50×50 cell,  if I was called upon to act on my anger at that moment. For my father aged overnight as he discovered one of his trusted associates “His accountant” was stealing the monies that were intended to pay the business taxes. This man had gone to our biggest family celebration and was treated as if he was part of the family and yet he had the nerve to commit such a heinous  act that not only could have put the entire business in jeopardy but sent my father to that 50×50 cell.  Luckily we resolved this peacefully and I’m writing this blog from the free world (sorta free President Obama is still President).

The betrayal of stealing is factor that has continued to haunt this “Crazy Business”. We have had so many close people steal from us that trust has been thrown out the window years ago and replaced with camera’s.  Drug habits have been the cause of many a great person turning to this evil behavior and once a thief they can hardly kick this habit as well. Stealing has made it difficult to hire people from the same family as we have seen wife’s steal while their husband supposedly didn’t know.  Many a thief will try to frame another person for the actions but through the use of camera’s the truth finally does come out.  The truth is stealing has put this entire “Crazy Business” in handcuff’s as we lose the freedom that trust enables a business to grow in fun and profits.

Take Time

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take time

Life can go so fast that sometimes we wonder where the time has gone. That’s why it’s important to make sure you take the time to make every second counts. Here are some of the moments (below) I make sure I take time for everyday

(1) READ- It’s important to let the mind picture the words that come across your eyes.

(2) WRITE- Those thoughts should be written down instead of left in a brain where they may be forgotten.

(3) PRAY- Understanding how you got where you are helps you find the path you should be going on.

(4) DOG TIME- Don’t take life so seriously that you can’t take a moment to be silly and have some fun (you’re dog or loved one will appreciate you more).

(5)  EXERCISE- You may not be able to hit the gym but there’s no reason you can’t hit the floor with some pushups.

(6) LOVE TIME- It might sound corny to some but taking the time to love what is around especially your loved ones makes you realize how important your life truly is.

(7) ME TIME- Having the time (even if it’s only a few minutes) to do something that is exclusive yours allows your individuality to come through in a conforming society.

Help Poor – Stop Government

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments


My business experiences have shown me the larger government becomes the worse the poor have it.  For the government feeds the bureaucrats at the top who continually want to increase the budget not truly help the poor. If they could solve this problem they would be out of business. It becomes apparent that corruption and cronyism insures that the problem stays the same or actually increases.  What also adds to the problem is that government has no competition so being efficient is a joke. Many a bureaucrat can continue to find ways to put more in their own pocket without helping the poor and usually the worst punishment they will face is losing this position. This procedure usually takes years  with the  unions having a strangle hold on these bureaucratic monsters.  Here are some solutions (below) that change this cycle.

(1) SCHOOL VOUCHERS- Allow parents with guidance from a private sector advisor use government monies to find the best school for their children whether private, parochial, or public.

(2) WORK BENEFITS- Private Sector social workers will receive benefits for helping those less fortunate find the skills and jobs to lower their dependency on governmental strangle holds.

(3) LOCAL BUSINESSES- Give incentives for local businesses and community organizations to find solutions that work in their area to end the plight of poverty. Those on the ground no more then those in the sky.


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