Why can’t they be as funny as Cinnamon

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Anyone who has seen Cinnamon perform knows she’s hysterical. Her timing is impeccable and although she repeats the same routine many times it still appears fresh every time you see her. Whether it’s her way of walking, or walking the dog she has it all down pat. The best part of her routine is the sudden lick. What your dog never licks you? If only I could get her a gig but I don’t think dogs are permitted. I guess the world will never know the talent of Cinnamon because she’s our families private comedian (guest are welcome).

This is an expensive list

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Once they say top restaurants I know that means top dollars. Personally I’d rather by a new computer or latest phone then spend it on food but everyone has the right to spend their hard earn monies the way that they desire.

Top rated restuarants in NYC

Snow, Snow everywhere but not a drop to drink

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments


water pipe

As we in the Northeast are inundated with snow those in the west are in a drought conditions. Isn’t it time that there was a water pipeline that connected regions so droughts and floods could be avoided? This pipeline could be built without a penny from our budget with the right incentive plan. This pipeline would have already been built if we enabled companies to reap the profits from it without worrying about taxes. We would of course have to insure that these resources would have to be available to all those that this pipeline(s) served. Today our economy would be more stable, more jobs would be created and we would live in a safer place if only the right conditions were made to build such water pipelines.

Hot and Cold Flows

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith, Philosophy - No Comments

water hose

It appears that life goes in different flows. When things are going right you feel like nothing can stop you until the water turns cold and everything seems frozen in your path. I believe it’s important that when the flow is going in the right direction you stop and think who is creating that flow and thank them including of course the flow maker. It also is important to try to try to bring others into this positive force. Yet when things turn cold it’s important to recognize how things were moving in the right direction and how you might have cut off the hose. Could it be an attitude of arrogance that was ebbing through, did you forget those who helped in your success, or could it be that you didn’t take a moment to get on your knees and thank G-D the creator and true engineer? Life turns hot and cold and sometimes it appears when the cold is occurring that no jacket will keep you warm but with a positive attitude and prayers to above you can start a new flow that could be even brighter then the last one.

Puppy Lessons a lesson for life

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teaching a puppy


We are often overwhelmed with the task ahead because they seem like too high a mountain a climb, yet we can learn how to start the climb by observing puppy lessons. You can’t teach a puppy to stay in one lesson and you can’t climb Mt Everest in one day (unless you have a helicopter). It is a process that must be broken up in basic steps with a small reward as we get closer to the goal. It’s amazing how much can be accomplished if we allow ourselves to clearly put together a plan and follow through step by step. Just like a puppy can be distracted from his/her goal with outside influences like birds chirper we to can get distracted (usually not from birds unless there part of a TV special). Our puppy needs to learn the tasks in a controlled environment and repeat them before they can go out to perform in front of the world and so do we. Another lesson from life brought to you by “Cinnamon” my new puppy. Lesson 2 how to not have accidents.

To dye or not to dye.

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gray hair


As we get older our hair normally gets grayer and grayer. It’s a pretty morbid fact that can make us feel like we are getting closer to the finally resting place, especially when we look in the mirror. This is not the hair we started with (most of us didn’t have much) so I’m sure G-D won’t mind if we try to turn back the clock. The problem is as we attempt to turn back the clock the clock keeps moving forward and we may have to continue the process on a regular basis. We also must see areas of our body ( ex wrinkles) that aren’t agreeing with our fountain of hair dye. Whatever choice we take it’s important that we realize that youth may not be in the image we see in the mirror but in the live we choose to live ahead and our inner drive. We can look young but act old or instead be the youngest old man in town. I will choose the later until it kills me. Bring on the hair dye … it’s natural.

Snow Throwout

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snow covered


This seems so basic I’m sure someone has already invented it but if not then someone can make millions developing it (I hope you’ll think of me along the way). “Snow Throwout” is a cover you place on areas such as walkaways that need to be cleaned quickly after (or during) a snow storm. Once that snow has accumulated the cover automatical flips the snow off toward the side. The cover then flips to the clean side and continues the process throughout the day.

Jewish Faith Healing

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith - 2 Comments

Jewish Healing

I begin my study with the Jewish belief that G-D/ Hash-m is the true healer so why would their need to be anything between an individuals prayers and healing? My first experience in studying Jewish Healing began when I studied the miracles that occurred through the prophets Elijah & Elisha. We see that these prophets were able to utilize special prayers to heal the sick and bring the dead back to life. Today there are movements in Judaism that actively participate in “Jewish Healing” whether it be those from “Jewish Science” or those in the Hasadic community such as “Mendel Morosow”. We will take a journey together to discover more about the ancient and present form of this healing. From the most traditional aspects of faith healing to the newest aspects that are occurring today. The reason is simple if my study can help just one person get the help they need or avoid a charlatan then this study will be worth every expense in time, effort and cost. I PLAN TO CONTINUE TO UPDATE THIS BLOG SEVERAL TIMES A WEEK BUT FEEL FREE TO ADD YOUR OWN INSIGHT.

Those who disagree with “Jewish Faith Healing will site Maimoides a great physician and Torah Scholar. Who says that it is prohibited to use spiritual incantations to cure physical wounds. Yet how does Maimoides explain the cures that Elijah & Elisha brought to those that were sick.

2/20/14- I’ve started my journey today by reading a book called “The Magic of Hebrew Chant” by Rabbi Sheffa Gold”. I choose this book because the idea of chanting as a form of Jewish practice seemed a bit unique to me. “Chanting” is repeating a phrase over and over again to bring you to a certain state. It appears to be a form of Yoga that allow the participant to get closer to their inner soul and according to Mrs. Gold get closer to Hash-m. The chanting is not only the key ingredient but the silence is also significant. Chanting might appear to be very “new age” but the idea of truly relaxing seems as old as the Sabbath. The Rabbi suggests groups perform this chanting ritual as the Chanter (leader) helps those who are in the group learn the meaning of the sacred phrase, breathing for chant, Intention, Sound, Melodic story, Tone and Rhythm, Visualization and the context from which the sacred phrase is taken among other aspects of this practice.

Click to find information from Jewish Learning Practices

Click to find information concerning Rabbi Mendel Morosow who practices “Jewish Faith Healing”

Rabbi Mendel Morosow describes how he acquired this healing power and who he has treated. He is a traditional rabbi that has utilized his abilities in an unconventional way. The rabbi first noticed his powers as a youth as he felt he could pick up the pains and moods of others but believed that these were his pains. He says he discovered his powers when visiting a homeopathic doctor for problems he was having, the doctor felt that the Rabbi had an usual power to sense the effect of the remedies. He began working with this doctor to deliver energy remedies to those that were sick. The rabbi claims that he can feel the root of their problem and how they might be helped. In his initial visit with a client he asks them to describe the pain they are feeling and then he can truly search for the cause that is bringing this to bear. If he was to use his power to try to discover the problem the Rabbi claims he would have less power to heal the individual. Cures have “been found” through his healing power or fixing a Mezzuzos or Tefillin. He claims to have helped thousands but has not kept a success rate. The Rabbi claims his referrals demonstrate the success he has brought to others. The Rabbi claims excess worry, fear, and negative thoughts are the cause of much sickness.

An interview with Rabbi Mendel Morosow who practices Jewish Healing

Click to find information about Jewish Science

Jewish Science” truly believes that faith healing can occur. They are an active yet small movement in the Jewish faith. Today “Jewish Science” has their own Shul and library that incorporates their philosophy on how Jewish faith healing can occur.

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