Coming soon …. water

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, food - No Comments

bottled water

Can you tell the difference between various brands of bottled water? I wasn’t a chemistry expert but aren’t they all just H20?  Yet according to “experts” their is a difference (see link below).  Coming soon I will due a blind test to see whether my palate can taste the difference and if so is it still worth the expense.  You will see it first!

Click to find the top 10 bottled waters



Extending Long Term Unemployment Benefits is Wrong!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Solutions - No Comments

unemployment centers

It is wrong to keep healthy men and woman dependent on government assistance when there is so much that they can achieve for themselves, their family and society as a whole.  As an employer when I see someone who is seeking a position but hasn’t worked in over 6 months, they fall to the bottom of my pile.  Many an individual will lose self confidence and not be able to project a good image of themselves if they have been unemployed for over 6 months.  As we continue this cycle we lose more and more talented individuals to dependency and fear. It’s time this cycle is broken.

Unemployment Centers need to become Employment Centers. Where these places are run by non for profit institutions or even those in the private center .  Individuals will have one month to try to find a job and receive full benefits and after that the Employment Centers will truly kick in. There will be incentives from all sides to get this individual working as soon as possible (see below).  Most importantly we will help the individual gain the independence to take care of themselves, their family and demonstrate the G-D given abilities to the world.

(1) Companies that hire an individual on unemployment will only pay 70 % of what the individual is receiving while unemployment insurance gives them 38% for a short term basis and 2% goes back to the agency that finds them work.   This program will benefit everyone; the companies will have a financial incentive to hire such an individual, the employment center has an incentive to find work for this individual, the individual will receive more monies working then being dependent on the system and the taxpayer saves monies. After a six month period the employee will incentive package will be cancelled on all ends.

(2) If the Unemployment Center finds a position for this individual that they truly desire the split will be more in their favor for example (5 % Employment Center 70% Employer & 35 % employment insurance)

We can argue about the numbers but not about this system.

Wall Street Journal Test-I took the test how about you?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

Wall Street JournalWall Street Journal


Today I spent approximately 90 minutes reading the Wall Street Journal and decided it was time for a test. I will summarize the articles I read without glancing back at the paper.  What you about to read is what my mind has absorbed in those 90 minutes of time with no outside help. Have you read the paper if so what you absorbed? It’s time you put your mind to the test.

(1) I read about the richest man in Africa who is building refineries in Africa.  He is 54 years old and is friends with Bill Gates. He also sleeps approximately 3 hours a day and rarely goes on vacation.

(2) There was a terrorist attack on Lebanon that killed a moderator in the government.

(3) Steakhouses in America have not changed in generations but change in on it’s way with new varieties on their menu and use of various cuts of meat.

(4) A noted Feminist says that American man are being wimpified and it’s not good for our country.

(5) The newest country in the world is in in a civil war. I know the country is located in Africa I believe it’s South Sudan.

(6) There was a humorous opinion piece on how California is becoming overly P.C.

(7) Their was an interesting piece on the owner of the Dallas Mavericks Mark Cuban (just remembered his name as writing this piece) who is also on Shark Tank.  The piece detailed his background, his political support of Obamacare yet his libertarian position on other issues such as giving monies directly to the poor not through a conduit like the government.

(8) There are books being published on specific food dishes such as Macaroni and Cheese. They appear to be very successful.

(9) There was a column that listed some of the best advise given to top individuals in the financial industry. One example of this was “Never underestimated how much you are worth”.


New Years Resolution 2- Lead and Support

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

New Year resolution

This year I pledge to work harder to lead when there is a vacuum and lend a greater hand of support to those that are great leaders.  Leadership doesn’t necessarily require me to tell others what to do but to act myself  when others refuse.  It requires me to inspire others to commit to tasks that they have neglected.  I must also be willing to relinquish  positions of power to others so that work can be accomplished more effectively. I will also make a greater effort to show my public support to those who are showing great leadership skills.  This help could be an extra hand in performing a task, public complimenting them on their works and/or sending few pennies (even nickel’s) to support their great works.

I pledge this commitment in my business and personal life.  It is no longer enough for me to sit in the crowd when the crowd is just sitting and complaining to each other. We must act  as a leader or supporter if we truly want to effect change and make this world and our personal life’s better.