This could ruin my political career before it even starts…

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, funny - No Comments

school closed

I wish children didn’t go to school.  Home schooling is fine though.  Driving to work was paradise today even Al Gore would be proud.  My carbon footprint is at least half of what it was last week.  I can see the political commercials today  “Bud Rebel wants to stop your children from going to school” but that is far from the truth.  I just want them and their teachers to wait till I get to work or move schools far away from my route to work.   Before the ad copy is actually made try to get a sense of humor they’ll be on special after X-Mas.


A different perspective on family business.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

child fathers shoes


Today many business owners will work tireless hours to keep up and build the business that their fathers have created. In so doing they will continue a tradition that enables their employees and the community as a whole to find consistent quality of work and employment that last another generation. In a world where many of the values and traditions we hold dear are continually tested these businesses will stand the test of time by providing trust that the community depends on or be forced to closed.

These business owners will have to prove that they not only have the character and fortitude of their parents but be able to move with the times without changing the basic brick and mortar that these businesses are built on. There hard works and efforts will be ignored by many who only see the “edge” they have on others. They don’t realize we all have an edge, some will spend hours upon hours to sharpen it while others let it rust or become dull overtime.  So the next time you see someone in their ” Daddies Business” thank them for all the hard work they’ve committed in continuing to bring quality work and employment to the communities we truly enjoy. The world may never realize how hard it truly is to fit in your father’s shoes and still be able to walk in them.

One Jews perspective on Jesus

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - 2 Comments


It is an uncomfortable conversation among fellow Jews because there are so many differing opinions on Jesus and his view(s) on the world so I’m just giving you my perspective. I believe that Jesus was a Jewish man who lived and died with that faith in tact but questioned many of the practices of the faith as many others do even today. His philosophical view on theology has brought over a billion followers from the path of paganism and idolatry to a path that consists of strong moral values and truths that we in the Jewish faith hold true as true.  We can not deny that some who have practiced this faith  in the past and even today have used it to forcefully proselytize other (even to the point of death) and justified it for Anti- Semitic attacks but I believe that those who have done such hideous acts aren’t following Jesus’s teaching.  Today most Christians believe that you must volunteering submit yourself to the faith to be a true believer.

I believe if Jesus didn’t exist then those values and practices would not be observed by many and the world as a whole would suffer. Those that follow Christianity have put their lives on the line to fight for/defend freedom for many including the abolition of slavery, civil rights, pro-life issues, Israel security and the basic foundations of freedom that we in the Western World truly enjoy. There acts of non-violence when violence was around them has enabled the world to witness true sacrifice and become more free

One of the key values that I find especially appealing of those who follow Jesus teaching is the view of forgiveness and charity. This view has enabled many people to change paths in their lives and accept many who in the past wronged them.  It has taken those least among us and given them hope for a better day. It has produced some of the greatest charities that the world has known such as the Salvation Army. To conclude although I do not accept Jesus Christ as my savior I do accept that his beliefs have made the world a better place today for the world as a whole.   Merry X-Mas to all my Christian brothers and sisters.

Future- Is what you dreamed about

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

desirethe future

In the future what you dream about will become “reality”.  It will appear that you will have the job that you have desired and have every other desire fulfilled. Society will insure that you are protected from any outside elements that could injury your well being. How will this be accomplished all from your DNA and a special uniform.

(1) This uniform  will be connected to all your vital organs monitoring your well being continuously and feeding the exact nutrients that your DNA requires.

(2) It will also insure that you are protected against any outside factors that could cause harm to your body (allegories, pollutants, bacteria’s etc)

(3) When you perform the work that your DNA shows is the best course for society it will appear that you are doing the work you always desired as a simulation will occur. (Sanitation workers will appear to be rescuing people from fires)

(4) After work your simulation will allow you to experience any desire you want and/or adventure while at the same insuring that it is not to stimulating to cause harm to your body.

Everything will appear just perfect until the system is hacked.

This concept all came from a dream I experienced last night.


Emotional Bond

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments


It’s often difficult to find something in common with someone who appears so different from you. Whether that difference is related to political issues, religious views or different take on the local sports team they can seem like a division that can’t be mended  Yet what can separate can also bring people together when you find an emotional bond.

I have friends and family that I have continually argued about some or all of the issues above but recently have looked closer at the issues that bring us together instead. It might be something as simple as the love of chocolate chip cookies or something deeper like the love of family yet when we find those bonds they help hold us together rather then the issues that might separate issues. When those issues that separate us come back you can just say that I believe you understand my position and move on to discuss something else or if you’re good bored let the debate roll.

Great Compromise not principles

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments


Many people believe to compromise means to give up on basic principles but I see some of the greatest compromises occurring when people hold true to their values. Whether it be the development of the House of Representatives (representing the larger state values) and the Senate (representing the smaller state values) compromise works best when everyone feels they won something. It allows people not only to save face but gives them the incentive to work together to make sure the goal is successful.

Recently at my Shul there was a heated discussion on where monies donated during religious services should go. One side believed that charity begins at home and therefore we should use the funds to take of running the Shul. The other side believed that charity monies should truly go to the least among others. The debate was getting heated when a man of principle suggested let the donor decide. This would occur  by putting up two boxes out one to fund the Shul and the other to go to those who are least among us. The donor would then put his/her money where his mouth is.  Compromise is not a dirty word when people can walk out of the room with their values still upheld.

Am I popular or spammed?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, funny - No Comments


The good news is I get a hundred responses to this blog everyday and they’re usually very positive.  Maybe I should let this satisfy me but some thing makes me a bit suspicious maybe it’s because they all sound EXACTLY THE SAME. Yes I know sometimes people can think alike BUT EVERY WORD. I work in the inner city so I’m sorta street wise (although I hide inside).    I guess it’s nice that they come from different people but I’m wondering how many lovers of Uggs there are.  UGG’S really loves me and I don’t even own a pair.  Anyway keep the spam coming and I’ll keep the delete button armed and ready. Maybe I’m being a bit suspicious.  Maybe they have already cloned people and they all have decided to go to my blog.

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