Too Happy Funeral

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Happy funeral

It wasn’t this extreme but it sure felt as if it was. This wasn’t even an Irish Funeral but a Jewish Shiva call which is services after the actual burial it occurs. In this case I didn’t know the particulars of the deceased, in which they could have had a long drawn out sickness which only caused suffering but either way they appeared more at a party then a death proceeding.  I personally don’t want my loved ones to have to go  intense therapy upon my passing to a higher place (G-D willing) but a few tears here and there would help me get there.  I’m wondering after witnessing such a “event” whether I need to put in my will that onion chopping is required before congregating in the funeral hall. G-D willing I get additional time to witness tears of happiness by some deed that I’m involved in, just in case the onions aren’t available.

One Shot- Republican Debates

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Donald Trump & Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio’s had one shot to get back into campaign main ring in Republican Presidential Race and he came fully loaded (see clip below).  It was the opposite of what occurred in New Hampshire where Rubio was moving up the ladder until he fell into the recording moment.  This time Rubio lead Donald to that moment and repeat Mr. Trump did in front of a national audience. Donald Trump being the political genius that he is was able to stop the bleeding the next day by employing Marco Rubio’s nemesis Chris Christie as his new supporter.  It is now up to the Rubio campaign to find a way to pull off that band-aid and let the bleeding continue by continuing to pick out Donald’s poor performance and introduce their own super weight supporter to their team.  Stay tuned to see if that one shot performance is enough to carry Marco past Super Tuesday and beyond.

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sleeping on couch

Let’s face it many a man will spend some time sleeping on the couch and although counseling will probably help a HUSCOACH might be just as useful. A HUSCOACH would come with all the manly necessaries (below) that other coaches just don’t have for that special night spent alone.









Who’s the outsider?

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Donald Trump & Chris Christie

Who’s the outsider now? With Donald Trump getting a big hug from one of the biggest insiders in the political game I believe his claim has just been hugged away.  Chris Christie will hug almost anyone who gives him what he wants recent hugs include Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton and now Mr. Trump.   He is consummate political gamester who has part of the NJ establishment for almost his entire adult life whether it is as Governor for 7 years or working for establishment candidates that got him up these ropes.  Now I guess Donald has decided being part of the establishment isn’t so bad after all I guess another mask he has been hiding has been revealed.   I just hope the American people can see behind these masks before Super Tuesday.

Ass…. now

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political, Uncategorized - No Comments

Screamed at

One of the most difficult things to deal with is a Ass…. and to know whether it’s a permanent condition or just a momentary ass… of the road. For sometimes your initial opinion of such an individual would be different if you saw them at a different time or place. Yet how to determine if someone has the permanent strain in their personality or it’s just the wrong and/or place is the question. Here are a few hints (below) that might help. By the way I’m creating new words that I would be happy if you shared with any Ass…. you may know.

(1) ENVIRONMENT- Does this individual inhabit this behavior only in certain environments and under certain stress levels? If so he is only an environmental Ass…. and the key for you is make sure their environment is clear of you.

(2) DISPLACE- Is this the type of individual who is afraid to speak up to their spouse/partner and therefore displaces their anger on someone they feel will take it.  These Ass….s need to know that their is a gym around the corner and you will not be their punching bag.

(3) ENVY- In a sense this is saddest Ass…. who resorts to acts of nastiness because deep down their jealous of your success or happiness. Over-time and with some counseling these Ass….s can calm down and become less Assified.

(4)PHYSIOLOGICAL-  These individuals have mental issues or chemicals going in the wrong place that cause them to act as such. Professional help is the only way to treat such individuals but understanding that it is a problem that they can’t control can also be helpful for them and yourself.

(5) COMEDIC/BULLY- He/she believes they are a comedian on stage although they might only have one supporter in the audience. It’s best to ignore these individuals as much as possible for if they don’t get any attention the curtain will fold on their ass…. act.

(3) TEMPORARY- This is the most common type of Ass…. and to tell you the truth we all have a little this in us. It occurs when we’re near our breaking point and problems build up so that the next straw tips us to Assville. When it occurs we should try to learn from our mistakes so that we don’t fall into any of the other categories above.

CNN Republican Debate-Sound Bite Election

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political, psychology - No Comments

CNN Presidential Debate 2016

This Presidential Election is not for the pundits but Twitter where sound bites rule and policy papers are what?  For the public doesn’t appear to have the time or effort to truly explore the issues in depth of each candidate and would rather rely on the sound bites that hit them right away. “Make America Great”,”Winning”, are just a few phrases that Donald Trump uses at nausea but he isn’t the only one it’s just his quick phrases are sticking as if they were put on with crazy glue to the American people’s brains.  Of course in elections pasts people used simple phrases “Morning in America” to catch the basic message of a campaign but then they’d go a bit more in the weeds to explore what it truly meant or at least consult their regular pundit for some depth today that doesn’t appear to be the case.  Just remember “Having a Coke and a smile” may not actually bring your lips up so let’s find some time to make sure some of the sound bites have a bit more meat behind them before we’re left with only bones.

Cologne with an** Extra** touch of LOVE

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“EXTRA” will be the one cologne that will be  better from deep inside then any cologne before. It will have of an accent that will smell and (hint) taste just right.  How many times have you walked past a bakery or coffee house drawn back because of the aroma? EXTRA will make sure that nobody wants to walk away from you as well.  Isn’t it time that people were attracted to you way past that first impression with “EXTRA” you’ll have the aroma that insures this occurs.

Sanctuary for all

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith - No Comments

hands together

As it is written in the Bible/Torah various hands played vital roles in building G-D’s sanctuary today those hands are still needed.  Bazalel might have been the leader of building the Tabernacle but key parts from all different peoples with different backgrounds, strengths and weaknesses were also utilized.  If G-D utilized all different hands to build the holiest building at one if not the holiest sites in the world, shouldn’t we try to work together on the more mundane activities of our life today?  Synagogues, Church’s and Mosque’s shouldn’t be in the business of pulling people away but bringing them in with all their different backgrounds because only when we utilize all the good parts that each individual brings will we truly be building the sanctuary we need today.

Kindle Friends

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If the people from “Amazon” read this blog and adopt this idea they will bring more revenue to their stream that I hope they will allow me to swim in it as well. For while Kindle shows one person reading a book alone I believe once he/she’s finished with such  a book that they want to speak to someone other then a tree. KINDLE FRIENDS creates such an environment that allows fellow readers to discuss the contents of the book they’ve read so that they can share new insight, gain a different perspective, and maybe meet a friend or two along the way.  Not only will KINDLE FRIENDS bring more to the reading experience but allow Kindle to receive additional monies as they decide on the next book to read along the way.   KINDLE FRIENDS will be great for the reader, Kindle itself and hopeful me as well.

CNN Presidential Debate- Rubio no Trump V.P.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

Marco Rubio 3

Senator Rubio is not looking as if he’s interested in being Mr. Trump’s V.P. after a veracious attack against Donald Trump in the CNN Presidential Debate.  Senator Rubio has hit him with punches that he hasn’t had to absorb in the past whether it be on his past business decisions of hiring temporary workers, to his past policies on immigration yet Trump came back with a flurry as usual. Yet later in the debate Marco hit him brilliantly with  demonstrating how Mr. Trump repeating the same lines over and over again. If that wasn’t enough he hit him with an upper cut on Mr. Trump’s neutral position between Israel & Palestinians that left his legs wobbly.   It will be up to the American people whether any lasting damage to the Donald has been done but if he goes further he’ll probably ripping out Senator Rubio’s resume from his V.P. list.