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Confused 2

Arizona’s new law which would allow business to deny services based on religious reasons is causing confusion for me. On one side I believe that it is wrong to deny people the right to shop at a store because you disagree with there lifestyle. On the other side shouldn’t people be able to practice their faith the way they see fit even if that faith continues at their place of business. If individuals would just “truly respect” each others differences then this wouldn’t be a problem that needed a law to fix. For example if a gay couple wanted to get a cake I’m sure they could find a bakery to suit there needs without imposing their values on others. WHAT DO YOU THINK?

Our little bubble

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments


We all have a protective bubble around us to secure us from the pain and horror we see around us. We sometimes allow others like family and close friends to penetrate this bubble to share in their grief and sorrow but not everyone can come in because we’d be overwhelmed. Imagine if we cried at every obituary announcement or shed a tear every time a baby in Haiti goes hungry, we would never have a moment of happiness. Some of the bubbles of “great leaders” are so hard that this enables them to climb ahead by stepping on others as they move up. Yet one step too far can lead these individuals to fall down further and further without a hand to grasp. To keep from building your bubble too strong it’s important to take a moment and think about those less fortunate on a daily basis, to prayer for there eventual success, and to find at least a small way to help. We must remember that there will be times that we want others to invite us in there bubble so shouldn’t we?

Jordan Belfort-A despicable but still fascinating character.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

wolf of wall street

I wonder why we are drawn to a man like Jordan Belfort, the man behind “The Wolf of Wall Street”. We want to hate him for all the pain and hurt he has brought to the innocent and not so innocent but for some reason we are still captivated by the man. Here is a man who’s income was founded on basically selling crap for gold to the poor and the rich alike, who betrayed his wives and many loved one, who flew a helicopter on drugs yet we still like him. It is not his opulence that keeps our interest although the white Lamborghini is very hot. It is not his use of drugs or crookedness because that can be found in any two bit prostitute or street peddler. It is the same elements that draw us in like we see in the gangster movies. Here are a few reasons I believe we are drawn to such a character.

(1) CHARISMA- Jordan Belfort had the charisma to take ordinary people and make them work and believe in his vision no matter how crooked that vision was.

(2) PASSION- He has a passion for life in excess!

(3) TOP OF THE GAME- Yes we can call him a …hole but he is the best one out there. We wonder how he was able to achieve what others couldn’t even if it was mostly wrong.

(4) HONESTY NOW- He shows his life for the world to see even through all the acts that surely would embarrass friends, family and associates.

(5) SURVIVAL- Just like Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones he survived all the excesses where most would have died or faded away in a nursing home.

The Wolf got me!

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog, movies - No Comments

#Oscars, # Film Reviews, #Wolf of Wall Street
wolf of wall street

What can I say the wolf got me! I expected to find a movie that was gratuitous with sex and drugs but found all those aspects important in telling this story. I expected to have no feeling for the main character but the wonderful script and the acting of Leonardo DiCaprio pulled me in and left with true empathetic feelings. I guess they truly know how to sell a pen. In terms of film-making this film deserves the nomination of best movie of the year with a wonderful score, great cinematography and incredible sets not to mention again the terrific acting and script. It’s going to be a tough race to decide. MY PICKS FOR THE OSCAR WINNERS SHOULD APPEAR LATER THIS WEEK

Masks we wear

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

wearing masks

HOW MANY MASKS DO YOU WEAR? We have masks we wear at work, at formal gatherings, at religious events, even with our young children; sometimes I wonder if we truly ever get to take them off? With so many masks do we really know who we truly are? Our masks are worn to protect us from saying the “wrong word(s)” that could offend or get us fired, from making us more desirable to those of the opposite sex or those that do the hiring, to enable us to look more confident then we truly are, or to take control when we’ve lost it inside. Masks are needed but can you pull yours off and still survive? Would you even know who you were looking at if that occurred?

A different take on Oatmeal

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, food - No Comments

They say I have a baby face.

#Oatmeal, #RECIPES
I’m eating Oatmeal to lower my cholesterol but that doesn’t mean I have to lower my taste buds. In an effort to keep those taste buds happy I’ve experimented with various additions to those Oatmeal flavors. I’ve done Chocolate and Banana Oatmeal and Cinnamon & Spice but the most unusual one is my Indian Oatmeal. I’ve added the flavor of Curry and a bit of Cilantro to create a unique taste that has kept my taste buds excited in the morning. DO YOU HAVE ANY OATMEAL RECIPES YOU WANT TO SHARE?

The Wall Street Test

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Wall Street Journal

This is the quickest “Wall Street Journal” review I’ve ever done because time is of the essence so please pardon my mistttttakes in advance.

(1) Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel wants to limit pay raises to those in the military.

(2) Students & Graduate Students are a major force of the opposition in Venezuela.

(3) Latin American leaders have been silent to the uprising that is occurring in Venezuela or even supporting the government.

(4) Detroit Officials have put together a plan to get Detroit out of bankruptcy which includes cuts in the guaranteed benefits to it’s government employees as well as paying 20 % on the dollar for unsecured loans to the city.

(5) Young people in foster care have been forced to take anti-psychotic medicines and are now fighting back.

(6) Lake Superior has found new tourist due to it’s current frozen nature.

(7) Pre Home sales have fallen sharply.

(8) “Anne Franks” biographies have been vandalized in Japanese libraries.

(9) There was a commentary in support of making baseball a winter Olympic sport.

(10) A new Scandavian restaurant in NYC is attracting a great deal of attention. The restaurant is called SKAL and is located in lower Manhattan.

(11) Peggy Noonan writes about the concern that the U.S isn’t standing on any side in the world court of opinion.

(12) There is a hysterical article stating that automation has made men less manly.

(13) The movie “Veronica Mars” is making movie history as the first big film to open in theaters and have DVD releases at the same time.

(14) There was an article in support of “Old Florida” as places in Florida that lack the big chains.

(15) Finally a read a wonderful piece on why some video games are truly to hard to resist.

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