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This will be the one dating service where individuals are judged by their character as those that are matched don’t even see the person they are going on a date with until the actual date begins.  As you answer the questions on various subjects you’re choice will dwindle to the one’s whom’s character truly fits your’s until only a handful remain. Then you participate in an exercise to make sure what you are truly saying is what you believe and your final choices are determined.  Of course questions of ones’ faith and observance  will be included in trying to determine “whom” is right for dating purpose.  If in the end if you want to take a peak of you’re final selection you’ll have to pay an extra fee as well as agree to go on at least one date with one of the “finalist”.  If character truly counts then the MLK Dating Service will be proof positive.


I Condemn

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I condemn the House of “Representatives” which today proved it only represents itself not the “American People”. These “representatives” can’t condemn the members that belong to their special club when they say blatant anti-semtic & anti-american comments against the people they represent but quickly condemn the President who verbally attacked the Ilk of the squad. I can’t get into every disgusting and vile comment that these occupiers of house seats have said but let’s just say that they be condemned by their colleagues every other week. House of Representatives is meant to represent our interest not their own political club. It’s time they do this work or be replaced in 2020.

The Media’s Campaign to Destroy Trump’s Reelection Bid

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political - No Comments

The lying media elites are on a tired campaign to destroy President’s Trump attempt for re-election. Despite that, President Trump’s re-election campaign kickoff in Orlando was met with strong support from his base. So strong that the campaign raised $105 million in the second quarter of this year.

In a rare and noteworthy move, back in January of this year RNC members unanimously voted to give the party’s “undivided support” to Trump in his race for reelection in 2020. This is spectacular because the national party has historically refrained from expressing support for a candidate before they officially become the nominee.

As one might expect, the liberal media continues to spout their leftist bias. Cable news anchors routinely take President Trump’s words out of context and misrepresent about national security threats (the migrant caravan, for example) and the economy, among other things.

Unsurprisingly, while the U.S. economy is the strongest in a generation, the fake news networks repeatedly diminishes what President Trump has done and insists that a recession is just around the corner.

They will continue to pound President Trump with hostile coverage until November 3rd, 2020. However, they won’t take him down and here’s why.

The public is tired of hearing the same old tired narrative; they set out to destroy President Trump, but they are destroying themselves and their credibility by doing so. Did you know CNN’s ratings cratered again in April after the network experienced its worst month in three years? And in June, CNN lost an incredible 55 percent (that is not a typo) of its viewers aged 25-54 during prime time. The bottom is falling out over at the fake news network, and Americans don’t care.

President Trump will take control of the truthful narrative and take it directly to the people of our country. I’m guessing he will go after the millions of unregistered voters who support his Trump’s “America First” agenda but haven’t stepped out of the shadows to do something about it. The fake news media and liberal elitists have lost touch with the heart of Americans while President Trump is dialed in with pointed accuracy.

The primary concerns of Americans are their career prospects, wage earnings, and 401(k) plans, not allegations of Russian collusion and the liberal media’s “outrage of the day.” President Trump is addressing these key concerns and providing Americans with more financial security and a bright economic outlook. That’s why if the American people can tune out the unending stream of filthy fake news and listen to the truth, the President will prevail in 2020.

Eliminate A Word

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You’re challenge if you decide to accept it is to eliminate a word from your vernacular that you speak at ad-nauseam.  This mission appeared to be impossible for me until I was continuously teased with a word that  now escapes my memory. Replacing  a word or two with a different word can make you’re whole speech sound more original as it adds a bit of spice to the salt people normally hear.  Eliminate a word might sound a bit harsh but at least replace it with a new word until that other word escapes your mind as well.


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Whether you’re white, black, Jew, Christian, Muslim old, young, gay, straight, in-between etc. LEAVE if you don’t love our country and have immigrated here.  There are millions of others from all different backgrounds that would love to take your place instead. Of course our country is a place that looks to continuously improve itself in so many different ways  from every citizen as well as legal resident here but there is a difference between change and hate.  For example you might believe that big social media companies should be broken up (I do) but still love our free market system. You might feel that more legal immigrants should be allowed  in our country without decimating the current population that lives here with illegal residents.  You might be against a policy of our closest ally but still should recognize the importance of the alliance.  There is a fine line between change vs hate and those that cross it should seek to live somewhere else.


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I generally believe that individual adults should have the right to do what they want with their own body but let’s face it government intervention should occur with smell. For some individuals don’t realize,(how do I say this with tact) oh forget it they STINK?  It totally leaves me in bewilderment that on a Monday morning after a weekend of relaxation that they wake up STINKING!  Don’t get me wrong I understand that some individuals have a medical condition that can cause such odors but there are long lasting deodorants and extra clean shirts for such problems. So here is my government  solution (below)

(1) STINKERS are given extra fresh clothes & bi-weekly showers with soap as well as shampoo

(2) STINKERS receive free weekly trips to the laundromats and extra pairs of clothes.

(3) STINKERS are finally given an emergency deodorant bomb that can be released into the environment to save us all even if it builds up their carbon footprint.

Lost Song

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I’m looking for this song which hit my heart from the 1st time I heard it but left my head right after.  The sad thing about is I’m counting on you to find it. For  if you don’t like this song I’ll probably never hear it again as it dies on the charts as well as playlist. If this occurs I’m afraid  my heart will beat a bit slower (figurative…I hope). The lyrics were beautiful as they dealt with how life isn’t always right but the relationships you moving ahead  Hopefully I will find it soon for looking on the couch isn’t working to well.


Make Me Eat

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I’m really not hungry but you’re smile makes me grab a bite. It’s that you love the left-overs so much that it forces me to eat the main course.  Food is fun when you are hungry but also when someone “special”  wags their tail with every serving.

Not My Nature

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It’s a battle that you have won. For it’s not in my nature not to be friendly but with your “attitude” I’m learning to keep my mouth shut although my head still wants to talk. So you’ll see  me occasionally shake my head in a sign that you exist but since you don’t want me to no words will probably come out of mouth.  My nature to be the first one to be friendly has turned dark in your eye’s and now it’s infected my lips as well.

Disgusting Idea

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   WARNING- Do not read before, during or after you eat although this is what this concept consists of.

   This concept is a brain drain meaning it came out of my mind but it probably should be flushed down the toilet. For I would never eat in this concept as one doesn’t eat where one does “their business”  This restaurant would look like a giant bathroom where drinks were served out of urinal looking cups and there would be plenty of pudding type entrees as well. I’ll leave the rest to your imagination if you are not eating, which I’m going to attempt to do after this disgusting idea, that I probably should have wiped away instead.