Crazy Business -Secret Agent

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secret agent


My work’s at the “crazy business” can be seen through the eye’s of a secret agent. Don’t worry it’s not if I reveal these works to you that I will have to kill you but that these works are unbeknownst to those that are most effected by them.  I didn’t save the world but might have saved a few pieces of lumber and screws along the way. For running a small business means you take on challenges that many have walked away from yet nobody gives you the applause or even a clap when it is done.

It was up to me to computerize this business and with a D in computer skills at my University I was just the man not to do it. Not only did I get my only D or so from this class but it was achieved with a lot of help from my friends. Yet I was determined to get this job done so I would wake up an extra hour early everyday and do this work before the rooster was up.  It was accomplished and I kept my identity hidden with only a few to know.

Sales are hardly achieved from the first ten calls to a prospective client and it can happen suddenly when you’re not even in the office. These new clients  bring additional wealth to your business but only when they don’t pay is your identity revealed. Then your fault lines are brought into clear focus with the many victories in the past hidden from public view.

Adding new products to the mix or finding a new way to display them adds growth to stagnant water but only when those products crash and fall does a secret agents/buyers identity be revealed.  Many of the new products you bring in will be challenged from the first day they are seen or heard from and when they sell nobody can remember who was able to bring them to market in the first place.

My work as a secret agent at this “Crazy Business” continues and although I may not save the world I hope to add more life to this business. It may be done without the acclaim and recognition of others yet I continue to fight on for the adventure in my “Crazy Business” begins anew everyday.  The adventure of knowing you have made a difference even if nobody really knows how much.



The United States loses

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

President Obama laughing

The President has played the United States Congress in a game of Poker and has had a “Royal Flush” the whole time. For even if the Congressional Democrats agree to over-ride  the President’s Veto on the Iranian deal (a long shot)  it will already be approved by the only body he recognizes … the U.N assembly.  Therefore there is no stopping this terrible deal until the next Presidential legislation. In the mean time I fear the following consequences (below)  that will hurt the U.S and the world.  Let me be straight I don’t believe the President has any evil intentions for these consequences to occur but he reads history from a leftist college book instead of seeing it for what it really is.  G-D willing I’m wrong but elections truly have consequences so let’s make sure we elect a new President who will turn this around from day one.

(1) The Iranian tyrannically regime will utilize the new monies released from this deal to build on their terrorist networks that kill American’s whether they be those protecting our interest overseas or those vacationing overseas.

(2) Our allies in the Middle East will face increased  destabilizing threats from Iran to the point that their very existence will be in peril . Whether that be Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt or even Israel they will realize there only option is too stand against this enemy even if it means breaking the bond with the United States.

(3)  Iran will use this moment and monies to build stronger relationships with enemies of the United States including North Korea &  Venezuela creating more peril around the world.

(4) Iran will cheat on it’s deal with the United States when it has the money it needs to survive and not only develop Nuclear Weapons but share this technology with our enemies. They will take this step to receive various delivery systems (missiles and even suitcases) to deliver this destruction the world over.

Coconut Tequila = Buzz that taste great!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, food - No Comments

coconut tequila

When it comes to drinks I usually step to the “Caitlyn side” but I finally found a sort of “manly drink” that I can enjoy without feeling as if I drank a form of soap. “Coconut Tequila” will give you the buzz you want and tastes smooth and delicious. The hint of “Coconut” last long enough to allow the warmth of alcohol vibrate in your chest. I’ll leave the Whiskey and Scotch to those with more hair on their chest and stick to my one hair  “Coconut Tequila” .

Smelling a different Rose

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pomeranian.jpgn  4 roses

Let’s face it sometimes we’ve already smelled that rose but some how a dog can find that rose we never knew existed.  Every time we go for a walk with this wonderful friend we discover something new about the path that we’ve gone on. It might be a simple blade of grass that has been bent in an unusual way or even a rose that needs a good lick (dog that is) or sniff.  Life is full of wonderful discoveries right in front of our feet it just takes a four legged friend to find it for us.

Death Penalty & The Bible

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james Holmes


I believe the good book has it right. The bible says that if an individual has an item/tool in his/her possession that is known to kill (heavy stone in biblical times) and murders another individual then this person is subject to the death penalty. It does suggest a need for an intention behind such evil but the tool has a greater emphasis.  While we have waited 3 year to determine the guilt of the Colorado Theater Murderer and will wait endless years to see this animal put to death the bible would have seen justice done swifter. This murder used an item that he knew would kill individuals, trained for such an evil act and therefore the death penalty has to be applied.  G-D’s laws keep it simple because sometimes when we get caught up on a tangent we forget the essence of evil and therefore are unable to fight it. 

Guns Vs Terrorism

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

chattanooga shooting


As I went to my friends hunting cabin today to  do my annual target practice I realized how we are losing the battles we should be winning.  Just today 4 innocent marines were shot down in cold blood  in Chattanooga, Tennessee because they were denied the basic tools to keep them alive.  How many no gun sites have to be the target of slaughter before we realize that these laws truly due kill the innocent? If only 1 marine had ignored this stupid law we would be talking about the death of a terrorist instead of our boys.

While we drop occasionally bombs on terrorist training camps in ISIS and Al Qaeda protected lands they rigorously train their boys, girls, and children in the tools that kill. While I and many of my friends occasionally shoot at targets this is a ritual drilled everyday into those that hate us.  It is time that we took our head out of the sand and saw the world as it is not how we dreamed it would be.  Let those enemies of freedom understand that we never seek to fight but if called upon we will and victory will be ours.

Presidential Debate Questions 2016

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2016 presidential candidates


Here are the 3 questions (below) that I’ve already submitted to Fox News to utilize in the first Presidential Debate on August 6th, or any other debate afterwards. WHAT WOULD YOU ASK & WHY?

(1) What is the best quality of each of the candidates (excluding yourself) on this stage.

(2) Do you believe that just like a product if  government legislation doesn’t meet it’s objectives that it should automatically be revoked or revised? If so how would you adopt such legislation?

(3) What is the most difficult trait or charistic you will have to overcome as President of the United States

Rethinking the Donald

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political - No Comments

donald Trump  2


Donald Trump is not my top candidate for President as seen through my recent blog posts but I believe I’ve been too harsh. Here are a few reasons (below)I’m reconsidering my position on Mr. Trump.

(1)MEXICAN GOVERNMENT– Mr. Trump didn’t say that the illegal immigrants coming over the border were mostly drug dealers and criminals but the one’s that the Mexican Government is pushing through.  I may not fully concur with such a statement but it makes sense that a government would try to dump it’s least desirable out of their country.

(2) MSNBC- Even though he is doing well at the polls and one little slip will drop him like a penny from the Empire State Building he’s not afraid to go on the one network that would love to be the one pushing the coin with a “gotcha moment”. 

(3) STRONG- He will not back down even when the politically correct will go full force against him and even with a major threat to his own family is involved.

(4) DAVID LETTERMAN- Donald didn’t go on attack mode against David Letterman when he went out of retirement to ridicule his run for the Presidency. He showed real class by not taking this too seriously and even saying Mr. Letterman was his friend.