Kind of apple?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith, funny - No Comments

eve apple


If you were going to destroy the chance for eternal life, make woman go through labor then that apple must have been very tempting. It couldn’t have been your standard Mcintosh or Granny Smith, Golden Delicious is moving in the right direction but still far from truly that tempting. Maybe it was the dish it was served on or was it the server? Eve was known to be attractive in her day especially since there was no other competition. All I know is if I was around in those days I would have chose a peach or banana instead, not only do they taste better but I heard there health benefits last a much longer lifetime.

Closer to strangers

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talk to strangers

Do you find it easier to be closer to strangers? Individuals who you don’t have to worry about seeing you again and judging you for your past remarks or do you have that special friend, family member or loved one that you can spill your beans and pasta too. It’s not that the loved one will necessarily judge you for your remark(s) but could you feel uncomfortable when you say a bad joke, talk about a creative vision and/or tell them how you truly feel? Will they try to hard to get you out of that bad feeling instead of just empathizing with the mood that your in? Can they truly share the excitement and joy when that special song or moment is felt? If that is the case the next time you’re in a funk maybe it’s time to talk to a stranger.


Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Uncategorized - No Comments

smoking pot

The smell infiltrated my suite on a daily basis yet it never entered my lungs. I not only didn’t inhale but never tried this substance although my suitemates used it on a daily basis.  For them it was a job they went to and didn’t leave until the effect went away. For me it waste of time for someone who was trying  to change the world,  not just how I felt living in that world.  I was shocked to find that one of my best friends was also a user and unlike my suitemates tried to persuade to take a puff or two. I had all the psychological reasons to try this substance low self esteem, wanting to fit in and curiosity, yet the pressure never got to me for several reasons(see below) that I hold on till today.

(1) It pays for a drug dealer to buy bullets that can kill an innocent person in the drug war cross fire.

(2) Pot and other illegal drugs might come from unsanitary conditions since they are hidden in any spot to get to the end user.

(3) Marijuana is not regulated so it can be laced with other substances that might do more serious harm to my body.

(4) Pot has been shown to make many individuals  lazy, paranoid and can even lead to schizophrenia which I don’t want in my life.  I have one brain and I want to keep it as healthy as possible.

(5) Bringing smoke to your lungs can’t be healthy.

Never Wet

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

dog walking in rain  rain dog

How many times do you have to deal with all the elements when nature calls your dog? “Never Wet” produces a spot where you and your little one can do his/her business without either one of your soaked or ending up in Kansas.  It is an underground section built to your house that provides all the amenities of being outside without the rain, cold, heat, and snow attached. “Never Wet” also has the proper sanitary features (sprinkler and flush system) to enable it to be used over and over again without spreading disease or dirt.  In the future dog walking will still be fun even with all the elements G-D has in store for us (I might reconsider when earthquakes occur)

Coincidence or Sign?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

sign or concidence

Today as heavy rains poured down on my house I opened my Torah/Bible randomly and it told the story of the great floods of Noah’s time. After I read this section I went outside to take the dog for a walk and the rain dissipated. What do you believe?

Simchat Torah- A Celebration

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith - No Comments

Simchat Torah


This holiday is one of the happiest holidays and toughest holidays in the Jewish Calender. The happiness comes from the extra drinks that are served and the dancing around the Torah. It marks the end of the reading of the Torah/Bible and the beginning of reading a new from Genesis. It reminds us that G-D’s words never end and continue as a cycle in our lifes. The toughest part is dancing while carrying the Torah’s. It’s a great workout especially in the upper body.  If you think you’re so tough why don’t you join us in the celebration as well.

Personal Assistant for the rest of us

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

personal assistant

While top notch stars and politicians have personal assistance dealing with their mundane activities like picking up the dry cleaning, getting the car serviced and dealing with the DMV (did I mention the DMV) the rest of us must lose valuable time and pay performing these activities in time that we  just don’t have until “PERSONALASSISTANT.COM”.  This website matches up individuals from who have service request with those who could be of assistance from the same zip-codes.  Individuals who are willing to assist will have a basic background check to insure that there isn’t a history of criminal activities. Of course additional background and security checks will be available as well.  So isn’t it time for the rest of us to be treated like a star without having to spend like one?

Friendly- Pro-Life

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Uncategorized - No Comments


I believe that it’s time for the Pro-Life movement to use the charm offensive to help limit the culture of death.  Although I truly respect my pro-life brothers and sisters who stand outside such clinics protesting I might not sure it’s the most effective way to change a mind.  Those individuals seeing such a demonstration might get in the defensive mode and not truly hear what is said. Therefore I believe the following approach might truly save more lives.

(1) Have small stands outside abortion clinics offering free homemade delicious drinks and snacks to those who would considering utilizing these abortion services. Offer these snacks for free and ask them for a moment of their time.

(2) Explain the better choice and offer them the resources right there to make this choice including housing for them and their unborn child, training, and counseling.

(3) Respect their decision either way but ask them to think about it over a day or so. By not pressuring individuals and giving them the facts and resources to make the right decision we’ve truly done G-D’s work. At this point all we can do is pray that they make the right decision.



Posted by Bruce - in Blog, funny - No Comments

super nose

I love my nose but sometimes it’s size truly gets in my way and in those times I truly need a break or so it seemed.  The first time I can remember such a break was when I was playing football in college and made this amazing sack of the quarterback unfortunately the quarterbacks arm and my nose didn’t agree.  My nose also doesn’t like very clean windows as can be attested at the local tanning saloon. I found out that they use peanut oil to create an illusion of tanning and was ready to leave unfortunately my exit was blocked by a clear wall of glass which my “Super” nose couldn’t get through but tried to crack the code. It was quite embarrassing not only for my nose but my entire being. It’s great to have a larger nose because you can smell things that others might ignore but with great noses comes greater responsibility. You might be able to smell those bed of roses but those pricks really do hurt.

Movie Quiet App

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business, Uncategorized - No Comments

phone movie

How many times have you forgot to take your phone off the silence mode after leaving a theater? “The MOVIE QUIET APP solves this problem, by pressing it before the movie starts it silences your phone but once you get up it returns your phone to it’s normal statis. This way you won’t disturb anyone before and after the movie.

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