Bleeding Heart Conservative

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illegal children 2

I believe in the Capitalistic Free Enterprise system and the idea that even the least among us can make it in this experiment in freedom, called “America”.  That through families and private charities we can truly help those that are least among us to gain a foot to make it on there own in this country.  This is why I’m not troubled by the young people who are escaping hideous conditions of poverty and violence to try to get a start in our land.

Most of these “Illegal Children” who are coming across our borders have families that are ready to sponsor them so that they can be productive members of our society. We as a society have seen a decline in our youth population and without new blood programs many programs such as Social Security will fold before we know it. These young children may become our next wave of entrepreneurs as we have seen with past immigration patterns.  The small amount of children that don’t have any families to sponsor them would probably be welcome to those who can’t conceive their own children and would be an asset to our foster care program (as a last resort).

It is true that our border must be better protected if not to secure that those who would do us harm (ex terrorist) don’t have a free pass to get in but let us not forget about the compassion that is America.  Those that are undeserving should and must be set back at a rapid pace yet we have room in our heart and our country for those that children that yearn to breathe free. As it says on the footsteps of Lady Liberty.

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

We can bare the initial cost of letting those children taste the essence of freedom as in the near future there own individual talent will reap much more benefits to our society as a whole.

A revolution in diabetes treatment

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Health - No Comments

medical breakthrough

Sometimes we take for granted being born in the time period we are in but when we think about how many of our loved ones are alive today that wouldn’t have been in the past, it’s truly amazing!  People that would have lived in pain and suffering take one pill and their pain is eliminated.  Now (below) a new invention will alleviate some of the difficulties those that deal with diabetes have to go through. Thank G-D It’s a great time to be alive and the future looks bright!

See the newest health care innovation.


The Rejected vs the Rejector

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rejctor vs rejected

In life most of us fall into the categories of rejected or rejector and although it appears to be better to be the later category that might not necessarily always be the case. Here is the benefits (below) of each category. I leave it to you to decide which category you want to be listed in.


1. NOT YOUR FAULT- Blame it on that other guy or gal.

2. DONE WITH- You have less obligations and responsibilities

3. DREAM- It enables you to dream about what if’s and the future.


1. WHAT IF- You might always have a lingering doubt that you made the wrong decision.

2. IT’S ON YOUR LAP- The responsibility lies with you although certain people in a certain house have been very good at deviating from that responsibility.

3. DREAMS CLOSED- Now you have to work with what you decided at least until your next decision.

Peace with Palestinians and Israel’s = Capitalism

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

israel Palestine peace

G-D willing there will arrive a day when a Palestinian leader will arise telling his/her people that it’s best to wage Capitalism then war. They will realize the amount of monies foolishly spent on attacking Israel’s would be better spent on improving the life’s of their brothers and sisters with new jobs and entrepreneurial projects.  Capitalism will open up new opportunities for commerce between Israel and the Palestinian territories and then those borders won’t seem so ridged as friendship between old time cousins will occur instead. New financial opportunities will enable those denied basic rights the financial ability to speak out and demand such rights in peaceful demonstration and protest.  I pray that Hash-m will bring such a wise leader to the Palestinian people and thus become a city on the heel for the rest of the world on how we can all live in peace and harmony.

Losing Fame for Family

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utopia 2

   Life is about sacrifice. What are you willing to give up for a chance for something totally new?  Those that know me understand how much I would love to see change in our society but is it worth sacrificing a year with my family to test those changes in the real world? Additionally is it worth sacrificing a steady income for a chance of fame and future fortune? What would you decide to do? You still can make this decision. 

Tonight I spoke to the “Casting Director” for the show UTOPIA and was delighted with the way the conversation was going until the one year commitment came up.  I have to be honest I would love to be famous if only to see the thoughts and ideas I have move further out in the public sphere but my commitment to the needs of my family and the community I live in must come first.  It was with deep regrets that I decided it was best that I withdraw my application from this wonderful unique show.  Who knows maybe one of the contestants will steal some of political ideas on this blog and that would be fine with me. Fame is great but knowing that you had an impact on making this world or even household a better place is a far superior achievement.


If you can click to apply to this unique show and steal one of my political ideas.

Stand with Israel!

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Israel people

 There are many critics who feel that Israel is using maximum force in the Gaza Strip but they truly don’t understand the dividing wall. On one side is a land controlled by a gangster organization that rules by the bullet not the ballot and on the other side is the only true Democracy in the Middle East.  Israel is not only a threat to the dictators in the Gaza Strip but the entire Middle East as those citizens around her realize that Jew, Gentile and Muslim can live and work together in peace.  She is not a perfect land and not every battle is won gallantly but at least she is willing to listen and learn from the past and make herself a better society for all.  Israel should expect tougher criticism from the outside world because they like the U.S live up to a higher standard but there is a time and place for such a criticism but today is not that time.  Today is a time to stand up for this land of freedom and Democracy against a backdrop of  hate and oppression. Please stand with Israel!

Utopia … show

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utopia 2

 Imagine if you could build a society from the ground up. “Utopia” is the first “reality show” to attempt this endeavor.  Individuals will come together to build their “perfect society”  Yet in the end after they’re “year expert” they have to come back to reality and pay their income, sales and other taxes. They also don’t truly have the ability to enforce their laws with imprisonment or other means. Most importantly will they truly be fighting for their vision of a more perfect society or to be a bigger star on the boob tube?

   I filled out an application to be on this show and left the information for you as well (below) but now that I found it’s up to a year commitment and I would be away from friends and family it might not be the Utopia I’m looking for.   It might appear to be “Utopia” or maybe it’s just another reality show it’s up to you to decide. If you get on the show just tell them Bud sent you.

Click to fill out an application to appear on this show

When betrayed?

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 How many times would your friend have to betray your trust before you stopped standing by him/her?  If your friend promised to be open and transparent with you but you kept finding out new secrets from others, would you still fight for him? Would it truly matter if you shared the same ideology or would character matter more?

 Most of us would know where to draw the line but it appears the media doesn’t.  They continue to back the President even though he has lied to them about Obamacare ( you can keep your doctors) , the IRS scandal (there is not a smidgen of corruption), and  Benghazi (this was brought upon by a video) etc  but how about if that stops them from doing there job would that matter?   It apparently doesn’t as the media is forbidden to investigate the “refugee camps” that the administration is keeping children. Whether they are personally for or against the President’s policy on this issue don’t they want to know how these “innocent children” are kept and if they are truly innocent.  It’s time the media elite learn who there real friends are the “American People” and start working on their behalf instead.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes – over-rated

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog, movies - No Comments

dawn of the planet

I don’t know what I’m missing but this movie was just okay. The script was fine but nothing incredible. The acting was also adequate but no Academy Award nominations here. Special Effects were well done but seeing it in 3D was a total waste of money.  At times the movie moved at a rather slow pace.  I give it a 1/2 star more because of the twist and the  development of Ceaser as a character.  The only reason I can understand the critics rave review is because they might have liked the underlining political message “there is good and bad in all types”. 

Wall Street weekend review for July 12th

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wall street Journal


This weekend’s Wall Street Journal had some fascinating articles that will make you think. Here are the main points below. Did I miss something?

(1) Veteran Affairs has begun ousting dozens of brain damaged Veterans from group homes because Congress hasn’t passed funding for this service. Let’s see how fast Congress would pass this funding if it was connected to their salaries.

(2) U.S Medical teams now have to decide who to save or let die, as troops and services are pulled out of Afghanistan. They should instead allow a non-profit organization to take over more of these responsibilities.

(3)CYNK had a 6 billion valuation although it had only one employee and produced nothing.  That’s a quick unethical way to make a dollar. This could be the “Wolf of Wall Street 2”

(4) A museum that holds a 112 year old “edible ham” is having a difficult time creating a display case to host it’s creature. I say creature because anyone who attempts to eat this thing will have something new developing in them.

(5) Reynolds America is looking to combine with Lorilland Tobacco brand. This will produce too much smoke.

(6) Zoo’s are having a tougher time keeping Elephants because of new rulings that require them to keep more then two together.  It’s a shame in the future that my grandchildren (G-D willing)  may only see this majestic creature in a book or in a theater.

(7) There are 50,000 Asian Elephants projected living in the wild. I repeat my remarks above.

(8) Common Core is being dropped as a discussion at the National Governor’s Association conference.  I suggest they drop it from the schools as well and start insuring or children learn the basics instead.

(9)  The  shortage of “Worms” has made it more expensive for those that fish. Charlie has been shown eating them up.

(10) The U.S Deficit has fallen 28 % or 366 billion from to Oct to June of this year. As the government becomes richer the people become poorer.

(11) 23 Ukraine Soldiers were killed on Friday by Pro Russian Rebels. I’m afraid this is going to be a long drawn out war.

(12) The U.S. lacks a mediator partner to stop the conflict between the Israel’s and Hamas. Maybe this time Israel can finish the job and protect it’s citizens, and  eliminate this gangster organization so the Palestinians have a true chance for lasting peace.

(13) Israel is keeping all it’s options open as it deals with Hamas. Finally leadership that understands the importance of not telling your enemies the plans in advance.

(14) A 14 year old girl was raped in India as a decision by the Village Chief based on a reprisal act of what her brother had done.  This Village Chief  and the rapist should be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law.

(15) Iran oil exports drop but surpass the agreed on cap. The Iranian government continues to use those monies to fund terrorist activities around the world.

(15) De Blasio plans to go on vacation with his family to Italy. It’s great to be the king.

(16) Governor Cuomo is getting involved in the talks to prevent a LIRR strike. Hopefully his leadership will help to alleviate a strike but if not then may the citizens take note that this king wears no clothes.

(17 Abu Bakr Baghadadi rise to power with ISIS was based on a rebellion of the old guard of Al  Qaeda.  It’s time for the Old Guard and New Guard to fight it out and may they both lose.

(18) How much would you pay for a Marilyn Monroe sweater vs a Madoff sweater? The answer is simple a hell of a lot of more even with the holes and grass stains.

(19) It’s not what you  would do in others shoes but they would actually do in their own shoes that count. Let the games begin.

(20) Your skin has a sense of smell which enable to produce more skin cells around certain aromas. This could be a breakthrough in the future of healing burn victims.

(21) Practice works best with games and music and not reading and arithmetic.  I think I could have discovered this fact by analyzing the “boredom trait”.

(22) Directors and crew are the true key to stars success according to a new book. I think there looks can help as well.

(23) Those individuals who will attend  panned movies are truly a blessing to the movie industry. They’ll be waiting out the door for Sharknado 2.