There’s a man in my shower!

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man in my shower

How disgusted would we be if our daughter or wife told us there was a man in shower?  Would it truly make a difference to us if they said this individual was just a friend and had no interest in us?  Yet for some reason many people believe it’s “homophobic” not to want to take a shower with someone who is attracted to your sex just because they are your sex.

What grown adults due in their personal life is up to their own moral values and no governmental institution or private entity should force their values on those individuals. These individuals should not be discriminated against in work (as long as they meet the grade) and/or justice.  Those with differing views should also respect those who don’t accept their values and no governmental or private group should impose their values on them as well.  Therefore those who want their privacy in the shower and/or other areas must have that protection as well be it with individuals from differing sex or the same.  No person should be silenced because they have a differing point of view. It’s time for true tolerance to begin even for those of faith.


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As the political races come upon us both sides will present scarier scenarios  if the other  side wins but what is the truth? I tried to present a fair and balanced debate for the 2014 race which will decide which party retains or gains power in the House and the Senate (below). PLEASE SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS AS WELL. Please note this is only for 2014 to 2016 as we assume President Obama is still President.

DEMOCRATIC  CONTROL                                     REPUBLICAN CONTROL

Economy- More Taxes and regulations                        Same as today

Gun Control- More regulation                                       Same as today

Abortion- Less Regulations                                              Same as today

IRS Scandal/Benghazi -Squashed                                More Oversight

Defense Spending- Cut                                                   Same as today

Israel- Support weakened                                             Support Strengthened


Parenting with an expiration date

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expiration date


Too many parents act like parenthood ends at a certain date. They’ve given their child all the basics now it’s up to them to fend for themselves. Although I agree that it’s important to allow your child independence to find their own path that doesn’t mean that someone doesn’t help hand out the instruction and lend a snack along the way.

Parenthood instead never ends.  It might be replaced with diaper to a tissue to help wipe off a different end but the love and care should cover a lifetime  When a parent forgoes their responsibility to their children it not only becomes an extra burden on society as a whole but more importantly makes it more difficult to help this individual reach their potential.  As a child grows we might have to grow as well as we develop  new and better techniques in parenting, so that we can continue to play a positive role in their life’s and in return make a positive role for ours as well.

Happy Mother’s Day!

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Happy Mothers

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mother’s and those that act like mothers in helping the most precious gift G-D has bestowed upon us, our children. You’re tireless unpaid efforts are rarely reciprocated except in the love that your children bestow upon you.   May your efforts, love and care not be in vain.  For you are truly the glue that holds society together with of coarse a Dad or “surrogate dad” on the other side.

Wall Street Journal Weekend Edition (Bud Notes) – 5-10-14

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Wall Street Journal

Wow this newspaper took me quite a long time to get through. I hope my notes will help you find the articles and/or information in a productive way.

(1) Private groups such as “Guardian Centers” have set up preparation centers so first responders can see how they would truly respond to emergencies.

(2) Distrust by Nigerian officials has made it more difficult to rescue the 200 school girls kidnapped by an Islamic terrorist group.

(3) Irene Triplett is the last person collecting pension monies from the Civil War.

(4) Malls are struggling to exist as Anchors like JC Penney and Sears leave them.

(5) Sid Dinsdale a Dark Horse in the Nebraska Republican Senate race is doing better then expected because of infighting between the two top contenders.

(6) RNC is going to take a more active roll in the 2016 Presidential Debates by controlling which debates and moderators it wants the perspective candidates to attend.

(7) There is an active debate on whether those that are mentally ill and/or drug offenders should be sent to prison or rehabilitation centers after committing a “minor” crime.

(8)UPS lost 1.9 billion in the first 3 months of this year.

(9) California is trying to identify the identification needed for illegal immigrants to obtain drivers licenses in their state

(10) The Pledge of Allegiance was upheld in Massachusetts  courts after challenges from Atheist  for the “Under G-D” wording.

(11) Senator Marco Rubio is taking a caution hard line approach to Foreign Policy which might fill a void in the current prospective Presidential Candidates

(12) Syrian Rebels blame shieks for their loss of Homas to the Syrian government.

(13) Vote buying continues to be an active part in Indian elections.

(14) Vietnam readies it’s military as it deals with territorial conflicts with China.

(15) William Browder is one of Putin’s biggest adversaries in the world.

(16) Newark has hit extremely difficult times as Cory Booker has moved into Senatorial position.

(17) Peggy Noonan commentary consisted of the difference between Benghazi and Iran Contra

(18) Great efforts are being made to keep the Inca language alive.

(19) Ronald Mcdonalds new wardrobe has been praised by a commentator in today’s paper. ( I personally hate it)

(20) Jim Olson a Pediatric Oncologist has found a way to paint Cancer Cells so they are easier to identify and remove during surgery.

(21) Finally there was a fascinating article about “Traponics” the art of tricking your opponent by anticipating what they will do next.


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I’m truly confused when it comes to fashion. Yes I understand that white isn’t to be worn in the Winter or was that the Spring? It’s just I don’t understand how some clothes  are in and the next year they’re out. More importantly if I wear the out clothes am I out or can I still be in for the future (maybe they’ll come back). Who decides what is fashionable and do they have an opening because I’d like to bring back those mini-skirts? Hey it’s just my fashion bug hitting me or something else. Here’s a list (below) of some of the NY Fashion week. Yes I know I’m late but at least I’m still in the right year.    WHAT DO YOU LIKE AND WHY? 

Click to see NY Fashion week

Sip to a shot

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

light path


Many a teenager has had a sip of alcohol before they were legally allowed to drink but for some that sip leads to eventually a shot. Where does one error of judgement lead someone down a path of destruction? Why will some learn to do things in moderation while others will fall through the cracks.

There are many factors that cause this downfall including a genetic component but I believe that the greatest factor is self worth. If a person understands that they are just human and are subject to sin ( once in awhile) then they can accept their mistakes ask for forgiveness and move on. If on the other hand a person doesn’t have this confidence they might believe it’s already too late, so why not keep enjoying the moment even when it becomes more and more difficult to achieve.

Those that don’t have faith will continue to struggle because they don’t truly see a path to true forgiveness and salvation.  Not every path is clear and simple, there might be roadblocks along the way but if we truly believe in a divine purpose we all will get there one step at a time. G-D allows us to slip and lends a helping hand as long as we try to keep on that path.  Try telling a friend, family member that is struggling that you’ll be that helping hand here when they need it but first they truly must grasp it.

Conservative because I care

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I have heard many a critic say that you’re conservative because you don’t care and nothing could be further from the truth. I believe my conservative philosophy is the old true way to help those that are disadvantaged.  Here’s some reasons why.

1) I’d rather give a seed to a person to plant their own fruit tree then have them dependent on government cheese

2)I believe it’s best give monies to local charities that can provide  resources to those in need so that they can get  jobs that are available today. Rather  then  have a government bureaucrat in Washington spend monies on jobs that don’t exist.

(3) It’s best for a Church, Shul or Mosque to reach out to the young people to keep them off drugs and from bad behaviors then a community board that’s existence is based on keeping these problems alive.

(4)  Families, Friends, and communities should have the resources to help those in need not have to go through  mounds of blue, black and red tape to get things done.

(5) There should be diverse solutions to problems tested on the local level because each community is different and the solution might be as well.

(6) It’s best for a person to struggle themselves to get out of problem then become dependent on poverty brokers who make monies keeping these individuals believing that society itself is to blame.

(7) Finally I believe in the greatness of each and every soul and that they have a G-D given purpose that the state will never truly find. It is incumbent on us to search for our destiny and with the right local supports we can do it.

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