Falling off Ladders

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

falling off ladder

When is it time to decide to stop falling off ladders and just stay on ground level? I guess it depends on some degrees how much pain you can take and/or if there is someone to catch you when you fall?  It also can depend how high the fall is and how many ladders you have fallen from?

I continue to climb those ladders even after breaking a heart or two? I don’t know whether I’m into pain or just want something more out of my life but I’m not satisfied looking from the ground level. Maybe it’s because I’m shorter then the rest.  What I have determined after many falls is that I must be more careful on which ladder to climb. I must make sure that I have some type of support if I should fall. Most importantly I’ve determined that this ladder doesn’t have to impress the world just give me the satisfaction that I’ve achieved a bit more.  Once I climbed the top rung of that  ladder maybe then I can safely go down a few steps and enjoy the view.

Lone Survivor

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog, movies - No Comments

lone survivor

It’s a movie you truly want to love but with out the depth of character development it’s truly hard. The story tells the true story of what our Navy Seals battle and die for in their call of duty and touches on their brotherhood yet it misses the mark.  We learn more about the chaos and brotherhood of battle from this film then in most other war films of our time.  We also see how confusing it can be in determining who is the enemy and who is a friend during the act of war.  If we had met these four individuals during boot camp, with their families and/or during their youth it would have truly rounded out their characters and made it a wonderful fill. What is strange is the book has such a depth of these experiences that the movie has left out.

** 1/2  Worth seeing add a 1/2 star if you’ve read the beginning of the book.

Symptoms of a workaholic and/or Jewish Guilt

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, funny - No Comments

work hard

Today my business is open a 1/2 day for Martin Luther King Day, it’s my birthday, my son is moving to college but still I feel guilty about not showing up for work. In 26 years of work I’ve only had not taken a full sick (accept when I was in the hospital with Pancreatitis), went to work after my son was delivered, drove to work in hurricanes, blizzards and even on my previous B-days.  I can’t tell you every second of my day at work is dedicated to the business at hand but I have to breathe sometimes. Lunch break is never more then 10 minutes (okay 15 but that’s when Carnegie comes to town).  This is silly I’m not going to feel guilty it’s only a half day I’m going to relax and not think about work and…. (that’s after I call in and check the emails and… this is hopeless)

When I woke up.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

old man in mirror

Today when I woke up I looked in the mirror and although it wasn’t as drastic as the picture above I did notice an extra gray hair or wrinkle, see It’s my BDAY!  I hope that extra gray hair symbolizes extra wisdom that I gained through the years and that I will be able to share with others. I pray that this wisdom makes my family, friends, associates, strangers  think a bit deeper about a subject they have not considered, consider an opportunity that looked closed to them, or just make them laugh and enjoy life a bit more. Please note that this grey hair is just a symbol and I only need one the rest be colored blue (I want to stay hip).  The wrinkles are just annoying.

Journal 1/19/2014

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

PAST:  It’s hard to determine when I first started writing because I think it occurred as soon as a pen hit my hand. I’ve written letters to editors on a regular/irregular basis since high school. My first attempt at writing a screenplay occurred during  my first year of college. I have tried to perfect this art form through many classes which has resulted in 13 screenplays. I also had a column at Alma Mater Bryant University which caused quite a stir.  I also was a columnist for a local newspaper called the “Rockland Times”.  Today I continue to write for this blog, for Shul,  “Letters to the Editor, and screenplays.


PRESENT: This weekend went so fast with our new puppy Cinnamon (a beautiful Pomerania) making sure every moment was fun.  We also saw the movie “American Hustle” (please see previous blog on my review) and conducted a Men’s Club Board Meeting for the Shul.  The meeting went well with a robust discussion on how we can make our events more successful.

FUTURE: My son will be moving off to Campus at Purchase.  My birthday is tomorrow and we have some awesome plans for the day. My dog Sidney  will not be having as great of day since he will be Neutered. This procedure was pushed on my wife and daughter from the shelter  that gave us our new puppy “Cinnamon”.

Caught In The Middle

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, funny, Philosophy - No Comments

caught in the middle

What do you do when two of your most talented people and/or good friends are fighting  between you? Each side wants you to take their side but if you take one side the other will “never forgive you” (at least until next month).  You can try to speak to them privately but then the other will wonder what you said to “the enemy”.  As hard as it might seem the best thing to do is just wait until the storm passes (unless your the dog above).   Usually a spark of sunshine will break between the stormy positions your friends/associates are in and it will appear to them that they never fought at all.  When that sunshine is fully bright it might be a good time to discuss what occurred or just understand that you can’t solve all problems and grab a nap (you can’t pretend it was all just a nightmare).


Chocolate Review- A bar that bites back

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, food - No Comments

alter ego dark

Alter Ego chocolate is a psychological experience for your taste buds. There is an initial taste of the chocolate which is decent but nothing that stands out until the crunchy nibs kick in. That little nib puts this bar over the edge. It’s like walk on thin ice and then the ice slightly cracks with hints of cold ice seeping through.

Alter Ego gets  *** 1/2 Cocoa bars

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