Imagine – PLEASE SHARE- Save the World

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - No Comments

Imagine 2 Imagine 3


I’ve written probably thousands of posts over 5 years (or so) but this is probably the most important because if it was read and observed it would literally save the world!  The strange thing is I try to be original with my ideas but this is one thread that is written about in all different faiths and even those of little faith yet never fully weaved because many including myself forget the stitch.  “Love others as thy love thyself”.  Imagine if these 6 words were strictly observed we would see just a few of the following (below) and the world would truly be saved.  We should follow all the rules that get us closer to this ideal and I believe we will truly be worthy of the welcoming of the Messiah and G-D’s true message to us all.

1. NO MASS SHOOTINGS-  No one could kill another if they truly loved them as thyself.

2. TRUE LOVE FOR THYSELF-  If we love another then we must truly love our self

3. LOVE ALL LIFE-  From the day of conception of to the day of passing we would cherish all human life and would not allow means to take one away before their time.

4. NO RAPE/SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND IF…  How could we put someone we love through an experience that we wouldn’t want to go through ourselves?

5. END OF BULLYING/RACISM/POLITICISM/PREJUDICE AS A WHOLE- There is no way to hate and to love at the same time.

6. NO SOCIALISM AND NO POVERTY-  People wouldn’t be jealous of another’s success and those with success would truly try to spread the wealth.

7. TRUE FORGIVENESS-  Grudges and vindictiveness would end and we would forgive as we would want to be forgiven.

8. GREATER WEALTH-  For some it would be in their pocketbook but in others it would be in their heart and soul.


FOOTNOTE–   I know for now it is just a dream but if in our own way we all (including myself) did a bit more then this one path would be brighter every day for all those that walked.

Would You Stay

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Money falling from sky

If money was basically falling from the sky would you take the time to stay? Even if you know the resources you bring to the table can’t easily be replaced would you look for a lounge chair instead? Some still stay in their positions not for what it gives to them for they have enough but what they can give as an individual. These might be called workaholics but maybe they just want to stay so they can still be here. For even if you have all the money in the world it still takes effort to be deserving to stay in this place or get a key to the gate. Work might be just the key they need to keep going even if  others decided they’d rather leave.

Easter Sunday – A Jewish Perspective

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog - No Comments

Easter Sunday

While we of the Jewish faith have a different view of the resurrection we all can agree that we need a bit more of that in our own life’s.  For shouldn’t we resurrect dreams that many thought were dead or make bridges to relationships that could come back to life with just a call/text? We can’t change the past but maybe we can save it by resurrecting the good times and thinking that all is not truly lost.  Easter therefore symbolizes a time for new hopes to come from the ashes and that I believe is a message we all can celebrate no matter what tribe we belong to.

Chosen Path(s)

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Faith, Uncategorized - No Comments

Different Paths 2

Could all good humans be the chosen people(s) in one of the steps they take which another has walked across? Maybe their faith path appears more bumpy or crooked then ours but somehow leads to another part of the beautiful forest we can’t see from our route?  It is interesting that over 2 Billion people start out following the same path (Christian, Jews and Muslims) as our ancestors come from the same starting path and therein turn could the beginning be enough to get us to a good ending even if it might be at a different spot?  Some might appear to be chosen at one spot only to trip over another spot and then get back on their journey. In the end I believe if we follow these basic rules (below) our chosen peoples will come to the happy, peaceful ending we all earned.

(1) FAITH- Observe the route you’ve been given not forsaking it for fame, fortune or glory.

(2) RESPECT- Understand other journey’s might be quite different from yours and until you’ve heard it directly understand there is only one who can judge.

(3) SPEAK UP- Although you should respect others path it doesn’t give you an excuse to remain silent when you think it could hurt them at any phase. Speak up in a polite and understanding way that states your route without forcing anyone to take those steps by any means.

(4) FORGIVENESS- Forgive yourself and others for not walking or falling down.

(5) SEEK- See the goodness in others even those that are walking miles and miles away especially those who haven’t looked in the mirror.

(6) HUMBLE- Be confident enough to walk not walk over.

(7) PRAY- So you’re falls will only make you stronger, the path will be clearer, and others from all other routes will reach a happy, peaceful and successful ending.

Different Paths 2

Dripping Sink

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dripping sink extreme

During the week my mind is flowing with business ideas, concepts and thoughts such as the sink above yet during Shabbos I try to shut it off only to find ….

dripping sink 2 a dripping sink where my mind will wonder for a moment to it’s weekday phase. Maybe subconsciously I’m scared that if it’s completely shut off it might not open again but consciously I know it’s important to have 24 hours to think calm, peacefully and even thoughts above my own sink. Yet it’s hard to keep the pressure in even with new washers so I’m a dripping sink still waiting for the plumber’s visit.

FOOTNOTE- I utilized sink instead of faucet because although faucet might be technical correct sink sounded better to my mind and maybe its a bus…. . TURN IT OFF!

Passover Pet

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog - No Comments

Passover Dog 1 Passover Dog 2

You’re pet is part of the family shouldn’t they be part of the festival? It all depends to what length one goes with their 4 legged/ tail wagging friends. For just like humans the need of life supersedes that of observance and if you’re pet will truly get sick on the Passover dish’s I’m sure G-D will give them a pass.  We also don’t have any paw prints that they were free of slavery and they still have a leach to prove it so maybe it’s best not to overdue their observance. Therefore a little Matzoh might be in order but remember their health is 1st and ask G-D to let them have a pass over if the Gefilite fish doesn’t swim.

Shabbat Extra’s

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - No Comments

Shabbat Candles

There is bit more extra’s of life during Shabbos then you have during the rest of the week. For on this day you have a bit more (lot more) time to enjoy and appreciate then you have for the rest of the 24 hour days. Here are some added benefits  that are an addition to anyone’s life (below) and those around you.

(1) AFFECTION- This is the day hello’s can be longer then goodbye’s. Where a handshake can turn into a hug.

(2) READ- You have much more time to read and discover new worlds right inside your own house.

(3) BREATHE- You can actually take the time to breathe in and smell the snow. It’s been a long winter.

(4) SLEEP- Yes even the most observant can catch up on a bit more rest time.

(5) TASTE- Food can actually be chewed before it’s swallowed and the taste can linger (hopefully a good one) with you way past the time you swallowed it.

(6) THINK- What really is important? Why are you here? What does G-D expect of me? What did they actually put in that Chicken Soup?

(7) LISTEN- Absorb all the noises around you even the one’s your loved one’s make.

Holy – The Rebel Way

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - No Comments

holy person 1holy-temple-1

The Torah speaks about the tribe being holy by separating themselves from those who would act in a different path. I believe that separation shouldn’t be to exclude yourself from those in your daily lives but in ways that build a sanctuary around your being. Here is the way I try to stay holy while still be engaged in the society around me.

(1) PRAYER- My prayers allow me and others who share the faith to come closer to G-D while others appear unwilling to pursue these moments.

(2) TURN ON /TURN OFF- If something I listen to improves my search for the truth even if it goes in a cumbersome way I will continue to watch while turning off those that start closing the door.

(3) TRADITION- The rituals I follow help to allow my path to continue down those who have preceded me with respect to my ancestors but with my own accents.

(4) PATH- It has it’s own unique curves that some will join me on but other times I proudly walk alone.

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