Faith Path

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I believe that their path is right yet that doesn’t mine isn’t right for me. While they perform their rituals and belief’s in the more traditional path mine goes through a different set up steps to G-D. Here’s just a few differences I’ve walked along this path.

(1) KNEE’S- I say my personal prayers on my knees humbling myself before G-D

(2) PIECE- Food is not eaten to the core but at the beginning and end (and often many a middle) a piece is left with G-D who gives me all and allows me to taste it as well.

(3) ALONE- My prayers are often said alone in a quiet place of reflection.

(4)  CLOTH- A piece of cloth is placed in the corners of my garments to symbolize no matter where I go that I don’t want to forget the values that hold my path together.

(5)  FOR ALL- The personal prayers I make are not exclusive to any one group but expand to all G-D’s children and the world around them.

(6) TIME- Sabbath time is held within the time period that makes it fruitful with the life I’m living now and although it might end a bit earlier or start a bit later then others I believe G-D allows an expansion for the clock that keeps it ticking.

(7) FREEDOM-  During the high holidays I release an animal  to freedom that would be used for a kitchen table

Impossible Possibilities

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“Logically” it’s an impossible mountain to climb but you keep on walking. All the formula’s don’t add up but you keep multiplying. For in the end you know that with your efforts and faith in G-D’s glory will have you will see the light as others just see clouds even if it suddenly comes in a different direction that you’ve never seen before.

Chosen People

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Much has been made of the “Chosen People” phrase in the bible, as it relates to my tribe the Jewish people. Yet let’s face it according to the good book G-D personally directly played an intricate role in our steps to freedom which means that we have been chosen to do more “work”.  Let’s face it when someone buys you a coffee you feel a bit obligated to buy them a coffee back imagine now how much more you’d owe it G-D almighty stepped in and saved your entire people.  I believe that is why we continue to be Chosen and as such we must be more careful then others to continue to make the right choice from food to days off and all the intricacies in between. Chosen can be very complicated to say the least.  That is why many times my fellow tribesman have said “maybe you could take a break and choose someone else for that bacon looks really good”.

FOOTNOTE- I hope G-D has chosen me to a have a bit of sense of humor on this topic as well.

It’s Obvious

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After a couple sizes more in your waistline or an extra cholesterol pill it would appear to be obvious that this river is not worth swimming in. Yet someone can blindly follow a path even as everything around them points in a different direction whether it be the person addicted to…., or someone who continues to bang there head against the wall even as the door is only a few feet away.  Everyone in Pharaoh’s empire must have seen the signs that G-D had shown them but arrogance and a desire for ultimate power blinded him away from the truth. Today many are blinded as well and as much as we try to turn on their light they continue to shut it off. G-D willing a higher authority will pull of their blinders before their river runs red for good. 

Under Arm Deodorant & Faith

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One may wonder where to start a prayer I say let’s start with the roll on.

(1) Thank you G-D for allowing me to have arms to put under arm deodorant on.

(2) G-D I’m truly grateful that I have the ability to put on this product in a smooth even based.

(3) It’s wonderful G-D that you allowed me to born in a time period where there are so many choices of this product to choose from.

(4) I know this morning it might have been lost like my keys but thank you G-D for giving the insight to find it in time.

(5) Many a product appears to work but doesn’t therefore I thank you and many who will see me do the same. For  G-d  this product appears to be working again… at least this morning.

(6) I could have been born in a nation where this product is restricted or because of shortages isn’t available. I thank you G-D for this isn’t the case.

(7) Finally I thank you G-D for allowing me and my loved ones to live another day in which we could use said product among or other daily living activities. For without life I wouldn’t be able to write how thankful we are.


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Taking one’s thoughts and having them actually speak takes a unique person. A person who is daring enough to truly believe in the idea(s) in their head enough to share them with the world. An idea that will take many shots from haters,critics and even those that don’t want us to be hurt before it is even drawn on a piece of paper let alone in one’s hand. To create is to risk the ridicule and even condemnation from “friends” and family. Yet that’s only the 1st step for the vision you initially see will be darkened by the reality through each steps. That is why in the end many just keep it in their heads while only the few dare to belief.

Death & Life or Don’t Blame G-D

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heavenly gates in heaven 1

I’ve been dead for so long I’m starting to forget when I was alive well, technically. For death is more lively then life itself.  From the first moments you enter after a step in the hot stuff (depending on the path you took before) you are working like never before. You’re assigned a special task based on the skill set you’ve developed on earth so when people say G-D needed a carpenter trust me there is some remolding to do. Yes we are angels in someway trying to influence people to what we perceive is their chosen path and unlike G-D we get it wrong more often then you would expect which leaves it to G-D to straighten it out.  G-D can straighten out even the biggest mistakes we make as we see with the establishment of the United States and Israel.  Hey, it’s not all our fault you have the free will to make the final decision even if we have the wind blowing in a different direction.

FOOTNOTE- I’m still alive (I think) just giving you a different perspective on life and death that might be occurring right now and in our eternal future.

Dear G-D- Believe

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faith therapy 2

Dear G-D

I’m sure you have many requests that are probably more important then mine. For my Aunt has led a wonderful life up to now at 86 years and I’m grateful that this has occurred. Yet this miracle would make it easier for so many others to climb the ladder of faith and would never be forgotten as long as those minds were opened. Of course I can’t guarantee the actions of others but if you allow my Aunt the power to get out of bed by her own free will and enjoy the world outside her house then I will commit to the following points (below).  Please note I’m not asking this occur on a continual basis one last time would be sufficient.  As a G-D fearing business person I believe it’s a pretty good deal especially with the fruits it will return on your investment but I understand if it’s time my Aunt has invested her time with you. Thank you for listening and always caring.

(1) SPEAK ABOUT- Whenever I hear doubts of faith I will bring up this story to give those individuals a chance to open their hearts and soul.

(2) PURCHASE-  I will purchase 3 Tefilion one given to my Shul, one to my parents and one for me and my son.

(3) CHARITY- Monies will be given to a place of higher learning on annual basis.

(4) NEVER FORGET- This miracle will be added to my daily prayers.


Your Humble Servant Baruch/Bud


G-D Spoke Today

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - No Comments

faith 3

G-D spoke to me today and at first I didn’t listen because I thought maybe it was just a coincidence yet twice was enough to open my eyes. It wasn’t with words that I heard G-D’s voice but through action that the lips moved as I have been blessed to hear many times in my life.  Some of those words have been seen in miracles that I written about in the past (  ) and some through paintings I illustrate today.

I woke up at 612 on Shabbos and then went back to sleep only to wake up at 657 and I know you might ask what is the big deal? That is because we are looking at the clock with different eyes and souls.  For 6+12 = 18 and 6+5+7= 18 as well, which in the Jewish faith is 18 or Chai/Life.  On Shabbos I try to separate my life of work which consumes my daily thought to a higher life principle where I’m more open to enjoyment in the avenue’s I leave behind from Monday-Friday.  It might seem a stretch to those who lack faith that this is the word of G-D but my ears are tuned differently.  I hear these words telling me that life isn’t just about what you work for but what you give.  A simple sign/word that G-D wants us to get up and live as we experience the greatness of the journey.

Blaspheme who?

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Blaspheme 1

Blasphemy is strongly condemned to G-D in the holy book but that in itself condemns it to you and me. For we were all created in the image of G-D and if we are truly to do unto others as we would done unto ourselves then I’m sure blasphemy should be taken off our list.   Therefore any view whether political, religious, secular that speaks in a vile way against another individual or group for what they are not rather then what they’ve done is committing an act that should be condemned as well.  Jokes and small slights should be put aside for we know when blasphemy is heard and when it shouldn’t.

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