NFL Playoffs- Bore fest

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NFL Playoffs 3

The NFL Playoffs game is so boring that watching Ted for the 10th time is even more entertaining and that is on Network T.V.  Can the Patriots stop being so good for a few minutes and why did I even turn on to watch Atlanta burn the Packers? Let’s just hope in 2 weeks it will be more entertaining at the Superbowl well at least we can count on the commercials.  Go Falcons!

Wrong Choice

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beautiful woman ugly man Ugly woman & good looking man

Most of us make the wrong decisions when picking out a partner and although it might not initially appear as dramatic as the images above over-time their flaws will look even worse unless we deal with reality. Life is not Cinderella we don’t run off to a happily ever after. Sometimes the most passionate relationships are the easiest to blow out because there base is hot on the outside but ice cold in the inside.  Our initial decisions are based on physical and initial emotional attachments which can quickly fade when the first smell of flatulation/body function occurs.

If we don’t deal with reality that our partner is not everything we expected them to be and neither are we to them then you both are headed for a heart break.  We made the wrong decision but because we are making the right decision now that “Prince” or “Princess” will suddenly appear if just for the moments that we count. By focusing on the positive acts, deeds and even looks of our partners when we count we will see their inner beauty shining through. When you’re friend or loved one says you have  someone special you will see that as well not look through the crowd to see what fish swam by.  Life may not work out to be happily ever after but it will be a whole lot happier then the way the story was heading.  You make the wrong decision but over-time it just feels right.

Founder- Cold Meter

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The Founder

Whether parts or all of the story told about Ray Kroc is true, in the movie “Founder” , we can determine that he had a very cold meter.  Most in business have degrees they will go to in making sure that their operation is running and turning a profit because sometimes being a bit too warm can get you burned.  It is the degree that truly matters when profits replace people or where you’re willing to slide into humanity.  After watching this film I realized I may never be the tycoon that Mr. Kroc was because success isn’t just spelled in the dollars for me but the greater impact you can have on others and the image you leave in your mirror everyday to get there.

Largest Silly Protest

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Woman's March on Washington

In the past there were protests in Washington that truly stood for something; fighting against the injustice African American’s dealt with during segregation, a woman’s right to suffrage/the vote, defending the right to life of the unborn etc contrast that with yesterday’s protest. A protest against a duly elected President of the United States who has only been in office for one day and hasn’t even addressed any of the “concerns” of these protesters. It was more of a big get together of leftist causes then a movement to change anything.  The biggest issue that appeared to unite them was to protect the right of a woman to kill an unborn baby. Compare and contrast that with the issues of yesteryear which dealt with the basic human rights and dignity of our citizens and you’ll understand why I consider this the largest silly protest in history.

Martin Luther King March Women right to vote

Pro Life Demonstration

The Founder-was fine but not…

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The Founder The Founder 2

“The Founder” was fine but not dandy.  As with many of the Weinstein Films there were too many scenes that were unnecessary in telling this story. “Ray Kroc” was  also portrayed  in a very dark light as you would except in Hollywood’s story line of any business magnet. If there were unproven controversies in his life they all appeared to fall against his character in this film   It would have added some complexity to his character and helped develop the story if Mr. Kroc had at least One Arch above his head.  “Founder” does give you some interesting insight in the beginning and growth of McDonald’s too bad it decided to add it’s own spin on the rest of the story.

**  1/2 Founders- 1/2 start added for the history it provides the viewer on McDonald’s

Immigration Island

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immigration Island

Immigration Island would be the helping hand to all those refugees seeking liberation from an oppressive regime.  This island would be basically governed by a group of countries with the goal of vetting these refugees to insure that they have no terrorist or extremist ties and to find a country that would best fit their skills as well as their background (s). The island itself would allow those refugees a place for them to start a new life based on basic human freedom, dignity and self worth. Any taxes received by those working or having businesses on such an Island would go to funding it’s operation.  Immigration Island a compassion solution and safe solution to our immigration problem(s).

World We’re Missing

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Searching for

No matter how rich, famous and powerful you are there is no doubt you are  missing out on a world that the Mantis Shrimp, Wax Moth, Catfish, Elephant and dozen’s of other animals are enjoying.  These animals have far developed 5 senses that we have and therefore truly enjoy the world at a higher level then we can even imagine.  The Mantis Shrimp can see ultraviolet, In-fared light that we could only dream of.  While the Wax Moth can detect sound 150 times better then even the greatest rock musician.  Come to think of it we haven’t smelled a bit of that rose that our Elephants can do on a daily basis. Forget about tasting that incredible Chocolate bar give it to the Catfish who has 10 times the taste buds we have. I won’t even get in to touch but the link below will.   We human’s think we have it made in the shade but we haven’t touched, smelled, tasted, touched or seen that shade compared to those simple creatures around us have.

Animals with greatest sense of touch

Roti- Subway goes Mediterranean

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Roti mediterranean Grill

The “Subway effect” where you really get what you want, continues to expand in other markets even Mediterranean Grill. From restaurants such as Chipotle to Pizza Rev restaurant are more and more basing their decisions on the choices of consumers who include what they want in their dishes down to even the spices.  These restaurants will utilize small differences to separate themselves from the competition not just types of food but where and how the food is grown/processed (organic, local etc).  The time for these restaurants is now because they lesson the need for a large staff and truly give the consumer exactly what they want to the salt in the shaker.

**** Excellent fresh  food with unique healthy drinks to boot.

Simple Act of an ANGEL

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Simple act of kindness

On Shabbas I try not to spend any $$’s, for to me it signifies the effort of work but this Uber driver was so considerate I felt I had to, which lead to an angel appearing. For in this effort of giving I inadvertently dropped my wallet, without any knowledge this occurred. I was attending Shabbos services when in the middle I realized my wallet was missing. This wasn’t just any wallet but literally held the passport for me to return home. The same Uber driver somehow found me even though the location I was dropped off was a bit further then the location I was at and returned my wallet.  I’ve had a similar experience in my life but it was extremely strange since it was cash in a paper bag returned to me after a simple prayer. There are angels all around us but sometimes their wings are hidden until simple acts of kindness allow us to see G-D’s big helpers.  Thank G-D for giving us those moments of flight.

My Inaugural Reflection

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Donald Trump Inauguration 6 Donald Trump Inauguration 5

This is my 3rd inauguration I was blessed to attend and has already given me some memories I will hold on for at least the next inauguration.

(1) SPEECH- Donald Trump showed oratory skills that I never expected to hear and beautiful words I will never forget such as “you can’t be patriot if you are prejudice”

(2) CONCERT- They may not had the “A” names but had the “A +” team instead lead by Toby Keith, 3 Doors Down and The Piano Guys.

(4) SECURITY- Went much smoother then expected although we lost our umbrella.

(5) PEOPLE- Our country has such wonderful people from sea to shining sea that will truly make this country great again and many were at this inauguration.