
Posted by Bruce - in Blog, creatiVe thoughts that... - No Comments

confused 2

She said “Hi” but did she mean it? Maybe it wasn’t even directed at me but the person near me?  There was a smile but it could have been gas or maybe she was remembering a past joke.  If I respond with a “Hi” back will she think that I’m being too aggressive or maybe I should expand it with “How are you” because it’s insufficient? What if we then get in a whole deep conversation, I just don’t have the time!  Yet if I don’t respond will she believe I’m a snob and never say “Hi” again.  How should I say it anyway with vigor or coolness will my inflection revel too much? It’s just one word but it could change everything or not mean a damn thing.

Kasich holds key-Republican Presidential Primary

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John Kasich

Right now John Kasich holds the key to see who wins the Republican Presidential Primary and the longer he holds onto it without acting, the more difficult it will be to insert.  Governor Kasich needs to suspend his Presidential race or at least remove himself from the Nevada Primary consideration to insure that someone other then Donald Trump is the Republican nominee.  I say remove himself from the Nevada primary because maybe in his mind he wants to consider the fight but at least he should give Rubio the gloves to go against Trump in this important state where he is out of contention.  If Rubio is able to squeak out a victory or come within the margin of victory maybe Governor Kasich will realize that the private sector is calling him back and drop out of the race.  Governor Kasich as a public servant that has done great things for your country it’s time to make the personal sacrifice for her now and hand in the key.

Donald Trump’s South Carolina Victory Speech

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donald trump

I’m trying to listen to the winning speech of Donald Trump but it feels as if I’m eating a meal at the  Olive Garden. The remarks taste as if they were frozen over from his New Hampshire speech.   They  appear to be portion controlled with the same amount of make this great as I’ve heard before Yes, Donald gives you plenty of salad and bread but it is very bland with no depth of flavor that any of his Republican opponents have. If it comes to Donald Trump or the Democratic Nominee I will strongly support the Trumpster but is the Olive Garden really the best Italian meal you can have and is Donald Trump the best Republican nominee?


KE$HA- the sad state of music

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Either Ke$ha is telling the truth about the abuse that she suffered under Dr. Luke over a decade ago (which Justice Shirley Korneich has thrown out) and Dr Luke has denied, or she is a very unstable person. This is just the latest  indictment of a music industry where young people without any needed support are thrown onto the big stage as if they were a piece of meat for the industry.  Too many of these “stars” become burned out before their even 30 years old because this industry appears as abusive to the young individual as to those that have run the garment district of the 20’s. They feed them drugs, fame and fortune without providing them any tools to deal with their sudden rise. It is like taking a lobster and throwing him in a boiling pot, only a few will get out alive.  It’s time that these young people are provided with the proper support they need to insure that they not only enjoy the ride up but can deal with the tumble falling down, so that they can lift themselves up again wherever they may end up.

Close but Distant

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Close but distant 2

You live in the same room but feel miles away? Dinner is just you two but your minds couldn’t be farther apart.  Just because you are close to someone doesn’t mean that you are still not distant.   For even those across the globe can have a bond that is stronger then those that are right in your own house.  It is not over an argument that has caused this rift to occur it’s just that the bridge has been warn down over-time. So can a bond be built when it appears proximity has nothing to do with those feelings. Here’s a few suggestions.

(1) POP IN THEIR WORLD- Spend some time each day trying to explore the world of the other and then ask pertinent questions about such a world.

(2) FIND SOME SPARK- Don’t expect a burning light to bring you together but look to those small sparks that you share together and try to add extra timber to them.

(3) GET AWAY- Sometimes spending moments apart can bring you closer then times you’re bound to be together.

(4) NEW – Shake up the routine with something new or different.

Donald Trump Loses South Carolina Primary

Posted by Bruce - in Philosophy, Political, Uncategorized - No Comments

Donald Trump sad

This is not my prediction after my Superbowl pick but the latest polls did show a tightening in the race so what happens if Donald is Trumped in South Carolina?   Will the political narrative we’ve been hearing since Iowa start to change? I guess it depends who wins the race for if Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson or the guy from Ohio (John Kasich) pull off a win it will be reported as the  upset of the century while if  Ted Cruz wins it will just be a squeaker nothing to look out, at least according to the mainstream media. Let’s just say Ted Cruz isn’t the media darling of the race.  Yet how will the winning Donald Trump spin a loss in South Carolina? What will Trumpster’s do and feel in response will they continue to follow as sheep off a cliff or could the other candidates peel them away in time for the general election should he continue to fail? My prediction for today (with my Duct Tape Crystal Ball) is that Donald Trump will win but only by single digits changing the entire race on Sunday.



Real Free Time

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Free Time

At this exact moment I have “REAL FREE TIME”!  For at this precise moment I have no work or family responsibilities. Every moment of my day and night is usually planned to the hill even to the point of the time I decide to visit the men’s room but now I can go (literally) whenever I want.  I guess I could help with the wash or clean something up or I could just sit and stare at a wall or the boob tube. This moment could be dedicated to discovering the world around me or just trying to absorb it for all it’s worth. I could go to sleep or start running in circles it’s my free moment and it won’t last more then a few more hours (sleep will start to sneak up). The clock is a ticking for my mind, body and soul can only exist in this moment for so long before the clock of real time begins again.

Presidential Election 2016-Superficial Question

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Bernie & Hillary  CNN Republican Debate 2

PLEASE ANSWER AND SHARE – If you were to pick a candidate just on looks and pleasant oratory skills which candidate would you choose? Please also choose your 2nd place winner.

A.  Ben Carson

B. Bernie Sanders

C. Donald Trump

D. Hillary Clinton

E. Jeb Bush

F. John Kasich

G. Marco Rubio

H. Ted Cruz

Let’s face it we are going to spend a great deal of time with our next President maybe more then with our own family because we’ll see them almost every night on the boob tube and even when we want to get away will here their voice throughout our morning commute.  That’s why this poll although superficial might be more influential then we think for who will listen to an unpleasant or nagging voice or look at a face that appears full of anger and scorn?  How fast will that look and voice become tiresome to the American people and/or Congress?  Policies are a key component but without the look and sound will anything truly be accomplished and if so would we notice it?


Donald Trump VS Pope

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Donald Trump VS Pope Francis

I’ve had some disagreements with Donald Trump’s rhetoric but on his rebuke of the Pope’s remarks I proudly stand on his side.  The Pope is the leader of the Catholic Religion and not all Christians and therefore shouldn’t claim that he speaks for the entire faith. Furthermore having a disagreement on a policy decision that protects one’s borders isn’t based on any Christian doctrine that I could find.   The Pope also shouldn’t speak out against walls seeing that Vatican City has many walls to keep outsiders from coming in.  Donald Trump has every right to practice his faith the way he see’s fit as long as that practice doesn’t harm anyone else and nobody should claim that his faith is unworthy only G-D has that power.

Marketing & Food

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Salesperson       Chocolate Chip Cookies.jpg 2Salesperson 2

In today’s world where minutes are seconds it takes more then a nice smile and handshake to sell a product the person’s appetite should be wet as well.  They might want to rush away from a sales pitch but ad a few cookies or nice hot Apple Cider and their ears will perk up. Suddenly those extra minutes won’t mean as much as long as those cookies find their spot and with the guilt of a free item in their stomach they’ll be more interested in what you have to say.  Free delicious items might cost you a few pennies upfront but you’ll reap the dollars in the end.