Truck Drivers-Can be the greatest minds

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changing radio station

Those who drive a truck for a living spend endless hours on the road and if used fruitfully can be make those hours extremely productive. They can spend those hours learning anything from Socrates to Speaking Hebrew as they absorb Audio Books and then have the additionally hours to think about what they’ve learned. Of course they can’t take a written exam while driving but when you’re spending endless hours going straight on a highway you’re mind will absorb the information even better.  Even if they don’t use audio books they will have a great deal of time to analyze music, sports, or political discussion that we who drive an hour or less back and forth from work are denied.  So the next time you run into a truck driver realize that he might have a great deal more information then what hits the road.

Stars Wars – First Force Awakens Tickets on sale here …Qo

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog - No Comments


I know some will believe that this is a devious attack to draw attention to my blog and they are exactly right.  Yet those who truly have their minds in the clouds would have know better by the term Qo.  I have no such tickets but have vital information for those Star War fans (below) so maybe I’m not so devious.

The tickets though will be available right after the new trailer which will appear during Monday night football and there will be an insane Star Wars Marathon Event on 12/17/2015 followed by the release of  The First Force Awakens at some “special theaters”. Now you can go back to work and living in your real world.

Murphy’s Law-reversed

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NY Mets

Murphy’s Law seems to depend on which team you are rooting for. If you are Dodgers Fan you have already had the Daniel version of it put on you and now the Cubs are feeling it as well. Yet we as Met’s fans have always seen the cup 1/2 full and that is why G-D willing our version of the Murphy’s Law will take us to the World Series and beyond.  Daniel Murphy has showed us Met’s fans that just when you thought everything was going to go wrong it can actually go very right, as a superstar can be come up just when we need one.


Welcome to Bud’s School-CLASS 1- Soap

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At this school there will be no tests, no written assignments and classes will be as short as you could read these blog posts. Yet the information you will receive will be something that you probably never learned in standard schools but were curious about or at least I was.  My research will be quite limited do to time restraints so please add your own information/knowledge. Classes will meet anytime that I have a free moment. Our first lesson is on soap and some of the pertinent facts you may have never known about this substance (see below) but were afraid or didn’t think you cared about.

(1) Roman Legend- Says soap was created when animal sacrifices were made near the Tigers River. The Ash and fat flowed down this river and people noticed it was helpful in cleaning their clothes.

(2) Ancient Babylonians used soap in 2800 BC as they boiled fat with ashes

(3) The Ancient Egyptians mixed animal or vegetable fat with Alkaline Salt to make their version of soap.

(4) It was only for the extremely wealthy until 1791 when Nicholas Leblanc, a French Chemist, found  a way to extract soda from common salt that it became more common.

(5) Louis Pasteur another French Chemist promoted the use of soap by saying it would reduce the spread of disease.

(6) In the 1970’s Liquid Soap was invented.

If you got to point 6 you get an A if you add information you get an A+

Bud’s School is not an accredited school but you get credit with your brain.

El Chapo Injured-

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El Chapo

El Chapo the infamous drug kingpin was injured after  escaping Mexican law enforcement authorities but I believe it’s just a matter of time before he is killed or caught. For he has not only made many enemies rising to the top of this evil empire but has embarrassed the entire Mexican government and although corruption in Mexico flows like water his brazen escape set a dam that should change it all. El Chapo may have made a great deal of monies in his illicit train but I would recommend him going on a spending spree for his days of freedom will soon becoming to an end.

Mets Vs Cubs-Game 1-A lesson for us all

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, diary, Sports, Uncategorized - No Comments

Met's Vs Cubs

It’s Illogical, Irrational and thoroughly unrealistic but the NY Met’s proved it could be done. For during the season the Mets lost every single game they played against the Chicago Cub (that’s 0 and 7) but some how managed to kick butt last night. Whenever anyone says it’s time to quit that you’re being illogical, irrational I want you to pull this memory out of your head and give it one last try because you might just have a NY Met experience as well.

The Movie Club

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Rodger & Ebert

I’m in the process of developing a movie club in which we enjoy a small discussion about the movie before, watch the move and then continue the conversation after. The conversation would be seen live.   I have a theater in mine and some of the details but just like building a film it is in the pre-production phase. If interested in playing a role please send your contact information.

Feeling as a divorced child

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divorced child

For a moment I felt as if I was a divorced child as two good friends of mine ended their friendship and I was caught in the middle. What made it more difficult was not only their split but the split in the supporters they both had on each side. It was also difficult because although one side appeared more correct then the other they both had strong points to make and if I gave an inch to one the other would believe it to be a mile. The pain I felt was minuscule compared to the pain a young child must feel as the most important people in their life tear each other part.   It therefore begs the question is the fight more important then the pain you bring to the innocent loved ones who suffer through it all.

Acknowledge not Accept

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Many have said once society accepts a certain behavior, value, artform etc that we as individuals must go along but I reject such a notion.  We maybe forced to acknowledge that this behavior or value is accepted by many and  show some deference but that doesn’t mean we must accept it in our life’s.  An individual  should have the right to see the world through their eyes as long as those eyes don’t blind another.  Whether the issue be Gay Marriage, Abortion, or Texting VS Calling we should be respected for holding our values against those who only see the world as others do and not be punished for our differences.  We all of should be able to stand upside down in bright colors instead of being pushed to follow the trend.

Dog Dreams

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, pets, Uncategorized - No Comments


What are they dreaming about? Do they have dreams with humans speaking and if so is it communicated to them in dog or human language? Do they have nightmares and if so is it a raging dog, another animal or human to blame for their subconscious misery?  Could their dream(s) have a significant impact in their personality or is it forgotten as soon as they get up? We may never know the answer to these questions but they must enjoy it because they spend a hell of a lot time sleeping. All I can say is keep it up because you give me a moment to accomplish my goals and are so cute to look at.



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