Google & Oryx?

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oryx 2  oryx 3 laughing one

This has got to be a Google joke for how can the Oryx be the top trending animal?  It looks like a deer with some crazy horns what’s the big deal. Even my ape friends (below) think this is some kind of joke.  Can an Oryx sit like my dog, climb trees as my Monkey friends, or does it have the beauty of a Pelican what is going on here?  The truth is for some reason this animal species is become extinct and I guess people from Google felt it deserved it’s 15 minutes of fame.  I hope in the end that the Oryx survives and grows this in turn for they have some really cool horns but 1st place today come on.

Defeating Hillary Clinton & # 3

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Benghazi 1

15 won’t defeat Hillary Clinton in November but number 3 will.   If a Bernie Sanders, Al Gore or any other prominent liberal candidate decides to run as an independent the Republican’s will take the White House no matter which of the 15 is their nominee.  For when the vote is split between the Democrats and an Independent Liberal the Republican’s can start packing to move into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  While we spend monies fighting each other for the nomination let’s not forget to spend a few dollars and effort secretly to make sure this is accomplished as well.  If we were  Perot in the 1990’s it’s time for the Democrats to be Sanders/Gored today.

Hillary the Duck

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Hillary Duck

Once upon a time there was this beautiful Duck  who knew when and how to quack named Hillary. Hillary the duck knew how to make herself sound just right in front of any audience.  They put Hillary in charge of managing many lakes but one lake she loved above all else it was called Libya. This lake would prove her leadership abilities and she put in her good friend Steve Duck to manage it.  While she was busy frolicking in the water with her friends she apparently didn’t get hundreds of message from her friend Steve Duck that he needed more Ducks to help keep that lake safe from evil Canadian Geese.  When she received one such message she thought it was a joke although there was no punch line. She also had not built any strong plan for Steve to be protected if such an attack occurred.  During this say period many other animals were leaving the lake because the Swans were attacking.  Sadly to say Steve’s was killed by those Canadian Geese yet Hillary told her fellow ducks except her friends that it was due to a terrible wave created by an evil boat that wasn’t even in that water.  Many in the Duck world believed Hillary and she continued to swim happily ever after.

I’m sorry to say that this Fairy Tail is true and only the animals have changed.

No smoke in these lungs.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

smoking pot

Here are the reasons (below) that I never smoked pot.

(1) INNOCENT BULLET- I never wanted my monies to go to a drug dealer who could use those monies to purchase a bullet aimed at a innocent bystander.

(2)ILLEGAL- If a product is illegal you never know what other ingredients are added to it and where it came from (parts of body included, in sweat socks) to get to you.

(3)BRAIN- I don’t want to do anything that harms my brain and even has the chance to make me mentally ill.

(4) JOB- I’ve watched friends smoke on a regular basis as if it was a job that they couldn’t miss and instead waste hours of their precious life.

(5) LUNGS-  The only substance I want to put into my lungs is air with plenty of oxygen.

2:38 AM- It ended

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At 2:38 it all began or did it end? I heard this high piercing sound that was even above what the dogs could hear and it shattered through my entire body.  The echo continued then dissipated into the air and I believed it might have been that extra shot of Tequila coming back to haunt me but then as I awake nothing was really the same. Yes from an external picture everything remained the  same but just through the skin everything was completely different. It was if all my sensations saw a world through a different lense and now that lense was missing forever and I would walk alone knowing that 2:38 changed everything.

Snow Eliminator

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shoveling snow 2

It’s coming to that time of year when shoveling your walkway maybe become a daily added ritual, that is unless you have “SNOW ELIMINATOR”.  This product would be a heated sloped tarp material that you would put down before it snowed so when the snow begins it is eliminated from this location.  The “SNOW ELIMINATOR” would of course be easy to fold away when it’s not needed.  It’s time that you get to  enjoy  the winter instead of work through it, isn’t it time for the “SNOW ELIMINATOR”?

snow angel 2

Bud’s School Class 2- ELECTRICITY

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At this school there will be no tests, no written assignments and classes will be as short as you could read these blog posts. Yet the information you will receive will be something that you probably never learned in standard schools or were like me never really paid attention to or forgot.  My research will be quite limited do to time restraints so please add your own information/knowledge. Classes will meet anytime that I have a free moment. Our 2nd lesson is on basic electricity and this class has a video component as well. Here are your basic notes.

(1) ELECTRICITY- Flow of  electrons from one atom to another. When you make an electron leave an atom you get electricity.

(2) ATOM- Smallest known substance (that I know of) which contains an equal amount of  electrons (negative charged) and protons (positive charged) surrounding a nucleaus.

(3) CONDUCTORS-  Substances that have a fast pace of electrons movement. Best conductor is Silver. Electricity flows smoothly along conductors.

(4) INSULATORS- Substances that prevent conductor movements.

(5) ELECTRIC CIRCUIT- A closed loop which allow electrons to travel around and around so flow continues.

(6) VOLTS & WATTS- Measure electric flow



Information was gathered from, and the video above.

Success without $$$

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Success 2

As we watch a billionaire run for the White House and billions being spent on this election cycle I wondered can success be achieved without money? Of course you’re definition of success/accomplishment is what is really the question.  For if we measure success even by educational achievement, charity works, art etc  somebody has to pay for others to achieve their “accomplishments”.  Yet some of the greatest names that have lasted throughout time were not men or women of extraordinary means or deep pockets whether it be Adam, Moses, or Jesus their words and actions lasted way past their existence.

Can we find similar stories of success that weren’t achieved through the spiritual realm and didn’t require monies for their accomplishments? Maybe we don’t have the funds to build a large project but by working on personal goals like (building on the amount of sit up we can do, writing a story that is enjoyed by a loved one, learning something new etc) we can achieve success that makes us truly proud.   Yet even when it becomes more difficult to achieve those goals in our life due to illness or lack thereof  we can still move mountains by giving the motivation and knowledge to others so that they can achieve success.   This knowledge that we were able to help can give us more pride then the dollars that any dollar that reside in our pockets.

What would you do for a MET’S WORLD SERIES TICKETS?

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Met's World Series Tickets

In 1986 me and my friend drove down from enemy country and took the last Subway to then Shea Stadium to pursue tickets to the World Series Game between the dreaded Boston Red Sox and the awesome NY Met’s.  The first scalper told us $200 a ticket and we were ready to watch it in a local bar until the National Anthem was sung   and we grabbed a scalper who sold us those tickets for a mere $50 .  This was one of the greatest day’s of my life and one of the worst for Bill Buckner.  Today the 3D printer makes that more difficult with counterfeit tickets much easier to forge.

So what would you do to obtain them today?  With a scalpers price expected to reach a $1000 and above the question might be said what would you do for a $1000 dollars? How much embarrassment would you be able to absorb to sit in those seats at this extraordinary event? Would you be willing to sell your honor and your families honor as well?  After seeing the 6th game of  1986’s World Series game live I’d love to relive the incredible excitement again but if once with some honor is all I get then that’s fine with me.  I don’t look good running around nude anyway and it’s getting a bit nippy.

Funny Times

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laughing 2   laughing one

There are times when I can make people lose it as if they were a bunch of apes.  These “Jerry Seinfeld” times occur when I least expect it when a simple joke can make others howl with laughter way past the punch line. It usually occurs when I’m either extremely relaxed in my settings a bit tipsy or bored with what is occurring.  If only I can turn it on more frequently  Chiquita Banana’s would have me as their spokesman.

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