Day to D-I-E

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Preparing dead body Tisha B'AV

I want to live forever but if there was a day I could choose in the calendar to kick the bucket this would probably be at the top of the list. Not today of course but the memorial of Tisha B Av when the people of my tribe should already be sad because it markd the date of the destruction of the holy temple.  A date where bad things have occurred throughout world history including the Spanish Inquistion and the start of World War I.  People are already in a state of mourning on such a date so I would just add another reason for some sadness.  Here are a few other dates (below) that  I ask G-D to consider but I pray this in many, many, many…………..moons to go.

(1) September 11TH- Another extremely sad date where fellow American’s death lead to the liberation of a country and people will have one more reason to cry.

(2) December 7th- It’s a date that will live in infamy and if I was to pass on such a date hopefully I won’t be forgotten.

(3) Yom Kippur- My date will continually remembered in a Shul near you.

(4) Halloween- Yes it’s creepy but sorta a cool day to hit the ground.

(5) Passover-  It might not be the nicest date to leave but I hope it will give the room to Pass- Over to the other side and not stay in-between

Jump At

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Jumping up for joy jump-in-pool-3

If someone asked me to have a role in a film I would jump at it.  Whether it was a “short” or full length production my feet would be in the air and if you said there was pay involved my jump would be further in the air.  Yet when I offered this opportunity to many in the “real world” only one took the plunge.  Of course I understand that schedules can be a problem but if it’s a few hours here or there I’d find a way to take this leap. Don’t get me wrong there are some films which bare too much in which I would walk away instead of make the jump but as long as it fits my “decency” test and schedule I’m in even if the water is a bit cold. For having the chance to “act” in a production no matter what the size without an audition is something that doesn’t come to often and should get you off the ground.

NFL Dead Again

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Zombie Walk 3 Zombie Football

Just when I thought the kneeling controversary was being put in the grave, not fully buried, but at least dead it appears to being coming back to life again.  The NFL has just thrown out a 1/2 witted policy that would allow those players who didn’t want  stand for the national anthem to stay in the locker-room. The sudden change which again allows kneeling during our National Anthem occurrs just as the heart beat of patriots (not the team)  for this sport was slowly coming back to life. Patriots who have loved the sport for a lifetime but left as politics entered the arena instead.  Even with the 1st change we were not fully committed to watching the game because it was in the rules book that player must respect the National Anthem  just as we expect offsides rules should be respected . Now it’s back to zombie football for us, as this league appears to close both eyes to this rule and respect for our nation.  The NFL is now a place where zombies live and people continue to run from their stadiums.

“How It Ends” never….

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How it Ends 1

“How It Ends” on Netflix never should have begun. This is one of the most predictable movies I’ve ever seen accept for the part that should have been.  This film deals with so Dystopia that has rocked parts of the United States without ever explaining how or why it actually occurred.  Everything from that point on could have been written by someone who was just entering film schools accept for a few exceptional action scences. The first minute or drew me in and I only wish I ended it there.

FOOTNOTE-Repeatedly watching this film should be banned as a form of torture that one shouldn’t have to endure except in extreme cases.

Our Idea/Product/Film ETC

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black familyHanging out w Friends

It is not our idea/product/film but theirs.  Of course we creators deserve all the glory and profits for putting it all together but they are the pieces that enabled it to be constructed in the 1st place. Whether it was a product based on struggle of a loved one/liked one or a character in your life which led to a script in your head you wouldn’t be there without them. They are the inpetus that led to you getting where you are going and although you might be the creator they planted the seeds or helped it grow when the story was half way there.   So I  believe we creators should give a standing ovation to all the YOU’s in our life for without their input whether directly or indirectly we would be sitting in whole different seats.

standing ovation 2


Friends VS Family

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Hanging out w Friends  popular family 2

The difference between friends and family is the difference between the moment and a lifetime. For friends are great to have around and some will last throughout your life but family sticks by you through thick and thin.  Family always looks out for what they believe will make you happy even if you’re angry with that look while friends look out for fun. We need to have fun in our life but when that fun goes a bit overboard who do you think will rescue you?  Don’t get me wrong some friends can be more of a family then the one’s connected by blood and in that case you might just have to call your family, friends instead.  Friends play an important role in our life’s but family is the glue that holds that life together as a whole.

Your Choice #

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Which one is going to be your new song?  Yes, they are totally different but what do you expect from a REBEL.  Two different genre’s of music but both having a catchy beat and great vocals.  Which song holds you and which do you believe such hold me?


Being There

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praying 2

Does one prayer really effect the outcome?  I’m sure others are praying for this person or action why should our words or thoughts matter?  Maybe because we are their instead of somewhere else.  We have taken upon ourselves to shut off the rest of our life as it spins faster and faster to have a slow moment with G-D. Just as we would reward someone for “just showing up” so does the creator in whom’s image we have been created.  Being there might be the prayers that count in determining who we are and whom or what lives on the next day.

Float Your Boat Not…

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Floats Your Boat Sinking Boat

It’s one of the hardest concepts to accept in the waves of life allowing others to find their own path to floating their boat.  For surely the swim we are in where the waters are warm is a path you would want to travel …right? Yet some enjoy the cool rapid pace of river while others want the salt water of the ocean and although it appears insane to us that is what keeps them afloat.  All I ask is that we do our best not to sink each others boat. That means we help when the waters are really rough and keep a distance when they are sailing on their own.   Maybe some day they will see our waters are perfect to dive into or maybe we will see that the cold stream is nice on certain day, we might even decide that the salt is the meeting place for both minds. Whatever the outcome we all have to find our own floats even if it appears we might be drowning. For out of the water brings new life.

KILLER’S in Coffin ready….

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Filming 2 killer 2

Killers (the short)  is now in the coffin or can if like and G-D willing will come out of that grave to see you real soon.  It took 5 hours to produce a 5 minute at max film short because all the weapons needed to be throughly sharpened.  In the next month or 2 we will edit said project so that it can bring new life to some older established artists who we pray will be dying to shoot it.  “KILLERS” the short worth gunning for. 

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