Guilty As Charged-The Secret Life of Pets

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Guilty as charged 2

I confess I’m guilty as charged as I did watch a child’s movie without any children around (unless you count my wife). This was a premeditated act as I actually took the time to go and pick it up at Red Box with the attention of a being a child .  You can throw away the DVD Player because I have FIOS which will allow me to stream it again.  I’m guilty as charged and to make matters worse I’m proud of it! This movie was original, funny and just plain entertaining something to many of my adult films seem to forget.  The secret is now out and I love(d) their life.

**** Funny, original and just plain fun for all those who walk on two legs no matter what the age or immaturity. Dark side of death for those who might be a bit too young though.

[youtube_sc url=””]


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Timeless Fight Club

I know I’ve written about Timeless before but I finally realized what draws me to the show and keeps me wanting more it’s the unpredictable nature that it breeds. This show washes away the formula that most television and movies keep repeating until your mind feels nauseous and adds in a few rusted wrenches instead. Here are few other  movies and televisions show that show creativity is still alive and somewhat well. WHAT WOULD YOU ADD TO THIS LIST?

(1) FIGHT CLUB- Wow it’s brilliant even after watching 10 times.

(2) TWELVE MONKEYS – Brad Pitt loves the bizarre and that’s why we love him.

(3) SIX SENSE- The best movie directed by M. Night Shyamalan

(4) BLACK SWAN- One of the greatest movies of all time.

(5) LOST- A show that kept you looking for answers.

(6) TWILIGHT ZONE- This is a classic that keeps on serving man… and woman.

(7) LA LA LAND- This is the weakest of the list but it’s ending definitely took me for a spin.


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sick in bed military prepared

I can either act like a sick dog or get in my battle mode? I’ve decided the later with all my resources. Last night the sneezes, coughing and ichy throat started their attack on my body and my response was an all out offensive. It started with 3 cups of specialty tea (for throat & cold season combo) followed up by a cup of soup, extra vitamins, grapefruit and finally an extra hour in bed.  Oh I forget the Aspirin and prayers so I don’t have to call the doctor in the morning. Will my offensive work only time will tell but the doctors number is in the back pocket in case I must go on the defensive mode instead.

Budrebel Bags- Bringing Style to Garbage

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Stylish Garbage Bags 2Stylish Garbage Bags 3

Tomorrow I have a meeting with a major garbage bag manufacturer’s representative that will discuss how to add a bit more style/rebellion into a common household product. If G-D willing we come to terms of producing such a bag, you will be proud to walk any runway with it.  Budrebel Products should always be excellent products with a bit of a rebellious edge which might just start in the garbage. This way we can say we really came from the bottom and moved all the way up.  Our goal with such products is to make sure everyone involved in them is winning!  Hint this bag will smell and look different then any other bag in the market but won’t speak to you…not as of yet. Your prayers for success will only help this garbage turn into Gold.


Steve Irwin

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They say the Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree but in the case of Steve Irwin’s son Robert, it appears to be on the same branch. Not only does he share the same fascination with animals that his father had but has the same DNA charisma of this great man.  Robert is as fun to watch as his father (see below) and G-D willing will be as successful yet more careful then his father, who we lost way too soon.

[youtube_sc url=”″]

Boycotts Help Trump

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Boycott Boycotts  Wegman's Winery

A woman’s group had told “Wegman’s” to stop putting Trump Wine  on their aisles and they did because after this boycott was proposed it was sold out by groups of Trump supporters and those tired of boycotts.  Pulling Ivanka’s clothes out of Nordstrom’s has only made them more valuable in the general public’s eyes as well. Boycott’s only work if their actions can actually deter a behavior that over 70 % of the public disdains. This is the reverse case with the Trump boycotts where even those who aren’t big fans of the President support the presidency and therefore rebel against any such boycotts. A matter of fact those who support the President/Presidency are seeking to instead financially $$ support companies more that are in the President’s camp or just free expression. We have had enough and are now boycotting the boycott.

H’s Early Hero’s

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Howard Hughes  Harry Houdini

Harry Houdini & Howard Hughes were my hero’s growing up and today still fascinate me.  Maybe it was their original character or their ability to take risks where others would play it safe that drew me to these larger then life characters or could it be simply these were the first bio’s I read as a child. Yet today I’m still fascinating by the talents Howard Hughes had in running such a large conglomerate while battling mental health issues and Harry Houdini’s final escape which he intends from the grave. The times may have changed but the characters you have seen in the past still remain and keep you thinking.

Obamacare – Replacement-Clear & Simple

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The Plan 1the plan 2

These are the basic principles (below) of a comprehensive plan to replace Obamacare.  DO YOU BELIEVE THIS WOULD WORK? COMMENTS WELCOME

(1) COMPETITION INSURANCE COMPANIES- Individuals can buy insurance across all state lines allowing prices to decrease for the consumer.

(2) INDIVIDUAL PLANS- Consumers will be able to choose the plan that is best for them (birth control, glasses, dental etc) except that each plan must have catastrophic coverage.

(3) MALPRACTICE LAWSUITS ESPECIALLY PUNITIVE DAMAGES WILL BE CAPPED- Insuring that doctors can afford to become and stay doctors.

(4) DRUG PURCHASES FROM AROUND THE WORLD- An individual can buy prescription drugs from any country that produces such drugs as long as they have an FDA type departments and consumers are fully aware of any risks.

(5) MONIES FOR YOUNG & OLD – Young people and older people on medicare have the option to receive monies from the government  to purchase their own health care insurance or use a portion of those monies for a health savings account. This program will also be open to those on Medicare who meet some basic mental conditions.

(6) HEALTH PLAN MOBILITY- Your health insurance will follow you wherever you go.

(7) PRIVATE/PUBLIC POOL- Those individuals who fall between the cracks will have access to a pool which will try to help them with their individual cases and insure that they make some attempt to pay this pool back.  This will be set up in each of the 50 states, run by the state governments, with basic funds from the federal government but mostly charitable giving.

(8) GUINEA PIG- Any individual who is suffering from a terminal illness can with a doctors approval and full understanding try any drug from around the world to heal or help their suffering which was approved by that government’s FDA. Of course these would be government’s that have a fully functioning and competent FDA as determined by our FDA.

(9) WELLNESS- Insurance companies will be given tax incentives to try and convince their clients to lead a healthy lifestyle ( regular exercise program, healthy eating, mediation, annual check ups, quitting smoking etc).


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Fake News Alert

And the award for “Fakiest  News Story of the day goes to ABC News with the AP a close runner up.  ABC actually put in it’s  national news a news story that was proven false earlier in the day that the administration is considering using 100,000 National Guard troops to kick out illegal aliens. The Associated Press first reported this story without checking it’s sources but later pulled back on it while ABC continued this false narrative.   The simple truth is ABC News is pouting because President Trump tweeted earlier “The fake news (New York Times, NBC, ABC, CBS,CNN) media is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American people.   I tell my children if someone calls you a name and it’s not true then it shouldn’t hurt  obviously ABC News felt the pain of this truth and decided to respond the way it only knows how with more fake news.  Congratulation ABC News for winning today’s Fake News award of the day keep up the bad work.

“Your Place”

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Your Place

What is “Your Place” this might be more of a theological question then you might assume?  For it is commanded in the Bible/Torah that no man may leave his place on the seventh day then how will we know if we’ve fulfilled that obligation if we don’t no what our place is? Some may assume that it is our dwelling place for the Israeli ties couldn’t perform their work of picking up Manna on that day but is that enough of an explanation in today’s times? I believe “your place” consists of the following elements (below) what do you believe and do you stay there enough?

(1) A place where you find out who you really are as well as  helps you discover why your here yesterday, today and G-D willing tomorrow.

(2) Love, hope and happiness must be found in this place.

(3) This place where your  loved ones can find you whom you don’t spend enough time with during the other 6 days.

(4) A place where  G-D finds you searching and his breath rests on your soul.

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