Monthly Archives September 2016

Your Word

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments


It’s a great story you have to tell even though you’re not really sure if it’s true and/or the details might be a bit … fudgy.  What harm could it do to tell one person I mean it’s not as if you’re “Barbara Walters” or “Chris Wallace” and are they really listening? The truth is not only are they probably listening but the hundreds of open ears around them which take bits and pieces of the story (the worst parts) and continue it down a path of no return.  Therefore “your words” matter more then you can imagine and one negative story can lead to an action that has deep ramification whether it destroys another’s reputation, gets them fired, or results in a physical alteration. We need to make sure that our facts are known or clearly state in the beginning and ending that this is just an assumption. Most importantly make sure you know who you’re speaking to can absorb and hold on to the information which is spoken.

Ahmad Khan Rahami Loser on all fronts

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Uncategorized - No Comments


If there was a picture of loser in your dictionary “Ahmad Khan Rahami” would be placed in the center with a few of his ilk on the following pages.  I hardly ever use this word  “Loser” for as a “Pro Life” individual I try to find some redeeming characteristic of an individual but terrorists lose out on this basis, as their goal is to kill innocents for a political cause. Yet Ahmad, Umar Farou (Underwear bomber, Faisal Shahzade (Times Square Bomber) etc are also fellow brothers in the loser front as well.  I thank G-D that many of this ilk fail in their mission to permanently maim and kill the innocence. These vile excuse for human’s should see the writing on the wall as all their careful and coordinated plans to do evil which logically should have worked have continually failed. They should see/feel more often then humanely possible this trend of failure continues because G-D doesn’t like “ugly” and these losers are the ugliest ilk out there.

Terrorist Ego- Bombs in Elizabeth

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments


The reason we will beat the bad guys/gals whether they be terrorist or thief is because of their ego.  These people who believe that “their cause” is above the law and have the confidence that they will be successful, will never end with just one act of evil.  Furthermore instead of moving far from the scene of the crime they believe they are smart enough to avoid any trap. They might have the advantage of knowing when and how they will act but once we get a scent we will track them down like the vermin they are and capture or kill them.  They will only run or hide for so long and when they are ready to return to their menacing ways we will have the traps set up to stop them.


Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments


It used to be investing in films was the way to go.  Yes it might have been a bit safer to investment in a television show but could you beat the excitement of a red carpet. Today that carpet has turned more and more gray as television appears to be gaining steam. Here are just a few reasons (below) I believe the boob tube is the way to go.

NEED-  With Hulu,  Amazon Prime, Netflix, Cable  and even the network channels there is a greater need for content more then there has ever been. 

EXPORT-  A television series has many more angles for distribution outside the states then a movie has.

TIME –  The excitement of having a movie played on the big screen has dwindled as their stay on that screen has shrunk to weeks rather then months and as used primarily as a marketing tool and not for profits. 

ENDURANCE-  When a movie has run it’s course there isn’t much more to achieve but television series can stay in rerun heaven allowing a continual flow of $$’s.

COST- It is less expensive to produce a television series (especially T.V reality) then an actual movie giving you greater odds of having a return on your investment.

FAME- It’s easier to tell your friends to turn a channel or their computer to watch your series then have to drive to a movie theater. Movies might still appear more glamorous on opening night but if you want that glamour rent a theater and have a sneak peak for those involved and their celebrity friends. 

Trump Close Deal

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments


Donald Trump should try to seal the deal with the American people, by gaining their trust that he will pick the right people for his administration and it should start with Rudolph Giuliana as Homeland Security Chief.  Of course naming individuals such as Newt Gingrich as Chief of Staff and Condeleezza Rice as head of the CIA wouldn’t hurt as well. This would show the American people the type of serious people he would bring to his administration and therefore make them feel more comfortable with him leading the country in times of peril.  By showing the depth of what his administration would look like it would help dispel notions that he doesn’t have the temperament to be a great leader.

FURTHERMORE- He also could realize his tax returns because it can’t be as bad as his opponents assume…. I hope.  

Active Shooter Situation

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

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Today I heard from an official that worked at the FBI and Homeland Security concerning how to prevent and deal with G-D forbid an active shooter/terrorist attack. The following video below outlines 3 responses they believe you should take (Run, Hide or Fight) and how best to act out each scenario. Although no decision is wrong and depends on your skills/abilities I’ve chosen to fight if (G-D forbid) such an awful scenario occurs in my life. For I don’t think I would be able to live with myself knowing that I had the ability to save someone’s left and decided to run or hide instead.  Now I need to prepare my body, mind and skills to live up to such words.


  1. One/two entrance many exits
  2. Visits by local police and emergency officials in area to such facilities so they have a better feel of the location should an incident occur.
  3. Discussions with all members of soft target to determine and coordinate such responses with training as need be.
  4. Have Security that wears uniforms as well as those that are undercover.
  5. Work with similar institutions in your area to present a similar plan without paranoia.
  6. Station signs and security barriers outside to make an active shooter decide on an alternate location.
  7. Encounter “strangers”  immediately in a friendly basis  to determine if they are friend or foe.

[youtube_sc url=”″]


Your Documentary

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog, Business - No Comments


There is a story in your life that the world should know about or at least your loved ones. YOUR DOCUMENTARY will provide such a service as your life story will be put into a documentary format for you to show to the world, some close friends or even to gain another step to success.  YOUR DOCUMENTARY will be as lavish as the production budget you design will afford and as honest as you want to take it. It could be about wild incident that occurred or build on your life experiences as your budget allows.  YOUR DOCUMENTARY  it’s your life but what you’ve went through and experienced is something the world should know about.  

Failed More

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments


I have taken the F more because I’ve attempted risky moves then those around me.  Those risks have resulted in stunning successes for me but to other’s at least a D.  For to me trying deserves an A+ especially where others leave the effort behind because they feel there is not much to gain or that it just won’t work. An effort that results in some financial success or opens up another door, which never would have appeared unless the original effort was made; is truly how we should grade those works.  In the end those that worry too much about failure that they don’t attempt the jump will find many falls but look at envy to those that have got back up and climbed the next mountain.


Your Awesome!

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog - No Comments

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You as a person and an individual of faith are awesome as long as you follow these two key principals.  One you have respect for individuals of authority and two you have the will power to restrain yourself from immediate satisfaction.  G-D does not expect perfection in human’s otherwise he wouldn’t have made us with all these faults all he wants is us to strive to be better. Faced with the world around which appears to grab at whatever comes their way and shouts down as well even assaults those who through their expertise and experience deserve respect your path is awesome.  If you’re of the Jewish faith and want to hear such inspiring messages maybe you want to join us one Shabbat to hear such inspiring words from Rabbi Jay Weinbach and if you’re not of the faith or have a different road to get there keep those words in mind so you’re walk in life will be awesome as well.

Bombing in NYC, NJ

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political - No Comments


Whether those trying to protect the President and his allies determine the explosion in New York and attempt in New Jersey is terror related we in the public know the truth. They may want to play down what occurred to make us more comfortable walking the streets are voting for H.C in November but the more they delay the truth the more difficult it will be to apprehend those responsible and prevent it from happening again. The people demand  to know the truth ASAP whether it is politically expedient or harmful to those in power.

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