They are satisfied

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sitting in a rocking chair  sitting in rocking chair 2

After being around the blocks/blogs many a time I believe most people are satisfied with their lot.  Enough to sit in a chair while opportunities for change are just footsteps away.  Maybe they’re smarter then the average entrepreneur who spends hours upon hours tinkering with an idea for independence and stressing their life away while they sit calmly just breathing in the air.  For many ideas of business and movies are upon these pages which I would fund but rarely has an individual decided to even contact me about them. It is true that I have not invested  the time and $$’s to alert more people’s because maybe that chair is getting a bit too comfortable for me as well.

Trump & $$$

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Donald Trump 5Money

If there is one thing we can learn about the Presidential election it’s that the American people aren’t as envious of those with $$ as the media would have portrayed.  A matter of fact most people don’t care where you got your start from or even how many “breaks” you get along the way as long as you take them to become a success. Maybe it’s the brash opulent style of Donald Trump or has commoner’s tone that has led to this development or just maybe American’s judge you for what is on the table rather then what was in your past.

Why my lap

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Dog on lap

Okay my dog is a tad smaller but I think you get the point.  My dog loves my lap and will stay there all day if I didn’t get up. It’s not as if I put on some special dog cologne on or have brushed myself up against a bone tree, he just loves this lap.  This is Nirvana for my dog but just like anything else all good things must come to end so get the hell off of me! Sorry but I have to get to work and I’m sorta smelling like dog and feel my butt wiggling as if a tail is coming out (I hope that’s all).  Anyway dog it’s time for the floor or another lap until I sit again.

Guiliani at 2016 Republican Convention = Bloody Red Meat

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Rudy Guiliana at 2016 Republican Convention Bloody Vampire

I was backing Donald Trump but I needed some really bloody raw meat to get my veins pumping and last night former Mayor Rudy Giuliani did just that.  Giving the oratory speech of his lifetime and hitting all the right points to make sure the flow continued until the finally bites “where is the one America we were promised” and then following up with a threat to Radical Islamic Terrorist “we’re coming for you”.   Oh the taste of “red political meat” can’t get much better and now my Trump train has the blood to keep it going till November or at least till the convention ends.


Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political, Uncategorized - No Comments

Oval Office

If you’re not currently living the dream maybe dreaming it isn’t so bad after all as last night it took me straight to the White House. I finally got to be President but instead of making policy decisions that could change people’s life’s for the better my dream decided to take me in a whole different direction.  I guess staying up too late for the Republican Presidential Convention has it’s consequences after all.  The trip too the White House though was more like a family picnic with the usually ants and fly’s disturbing my journey along the way.  Maybe someday this dream will become reality  (or at least a visit) and because of it I’ll be able to deal with any ants or flies that get in the way.


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Phone rings when sleeping 1  Phone rings when sleeping 2

You’re trying to get a little shut eye when the phone rings and your eye’s stay popped  open all night long.  Of course you could shut the phone off but what happens if an emergency call needs to be heard?  The “DO NOT DISTURB APP” is the only app that will send a text message to those that are calling as soon as the phone would ring with a message such as “Please note sleeping but if an emergency please press 1”.  If the said individual presses 1 then you’re phone will ring.  You can also block this person if they don’t know the difference between an emergency and a little more attention.  The “DO NOT DISTURB APP” because you need your rest too unless you truly need to be awake.

Because of Police-PLEASE SHARE

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African American Police officer

Because of Police….

  1. I can feel a whole lot safer walking the streets
  2. It is easier to express my unique habits in public as well as witness others without the fear of intimidation and violence.
  3. Freedom of Speech, religion and commerce is truly protected.
  4. My careless driving habits are kept in check
  5. Stupid Acts that I or friends and family might have performed  to impress others aren’t acting on and we still have all our eyes, ears, fingers and lives to prove it.
  6. Many of my African American, and Hispanic friends from the projects are still with me instead of being of a statistic of a random bullet.
  7. Acts of rage are kept in check and we all have a sense of peace and tranquility (well at least we should).



Meeting Mick Jagger

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Mick Jagger 3

Mick Jagger is a whole lot friendlier in person then you hear in the normal media accounts. He’s very gregarious, funny and even more generous then you think giving me  two amazing seats to his concert. The funny part is his English accent wasn’t as transparent as we spoke for an hour or so although it felt like it was only a few minutes… or was it just minutes? Sometimes it’s good to close your eye’s. I hope tonight I can meet Bruce Springsteen in person.

Bud School -Chocolate-101

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Bud's School Chocolate

Chocolate Beans 2    Chocolate beans 3

I have decided to teach my first class on Chocolate by tasting a Criollo Bar . I know this is cruel to my students but supplies aren’t included. The good news is I’m going to keep it very simple and straight forward. There are basically 3 different beans that chocolate is made from they are  the Criollo seed which has a  distinct flavor (see below) and is very rare, the Forastero (the most common bean) and the Trinitario let’s just say a combo seed of the two. Of course you can continue to break this further up but I believe the notes below will help you get a better understanding.

Artisana Chocolate bars


Criollo- Dark- Artisana bar -For a 75 % bar this chocolate has a distinct bitter ending that you probably won’t find in other bars that don’t contain the Criollo seed. It also has a fruity edge to it that is unique. I didn’t expect to get this bold variety of flavors in a bar that merely contained  75% Cacoa.    *** 1/2


Chocolate different beans specs


Police Shooting in Baton Rouge- WHY?

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Baton Rouge Shooting  Dallas Police Officers Killed 2Dallas Police Officers Killed 1

What is the cause of the recent slaughter of our finest police officers in today’s times whether it be in Dallas or today in Baton Rouge?  We can blame it on guns as the President has but guns have been part of our cultural for over 200 years and haven’t had any marketable difference in their capacity for death. Maybe it’s the poor treatment that African American’s feel as they deal with police officials but no matter what the problems might be today they are much better then they been in the past.  Could it be the 24 hour news cycles that constantly publicize such hideous attacks maybe somewhat but we’ve had CNN and Fox News for over 20 years.

Therefore the only difference that I can determine is the acceptance of over the top rhetoric such as “What we want dead cops, When do we want it now” by the acknowledgement  of such groups that say such hateful rhetoric from top political officials such as President Obama and Hillary Clinton.  In the past when groups such as the KKK and the Black Panthers practiced such as hateful rhetoric it was condemned by all and intelligence on activities of these hate groups was thoroughly sought. Today I fear that we worry way too much about political correctness instead of protecting those who put their life on the line to protect us all.

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