Pay more get less

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments


Imagine if you went to the car dealership with $ 100,000 (nice to dream) and ended up with a Yugo while another customer with $10,000 ended up with a Mercedes Benz would you think that was fair? Yet today those that pay more get much less then those who pay less in one extremely important institution. An institution we all are made to depend on, “the government”.  Now don’t get me wrong I don’t believe the wealthy should get welfare checks,  a matter of fact I’m against corporate welfare in most cases, but shouldn’t there be some benefits in being the biggest contributor to this entity? Maybe they should have a gold card that lets them get to the front of the line at government offices such as the social security office or maybe they should have a special number so they get preferential treatment when they need governmental assistance.  It could be a simple thank you card during the Christmas/Hanukkah season for there contribution or a brick in their name at the White House.  No matter what we should acknowledge that those with means that they’ve earned through the system give more money back to the system then the rest of us and get less in return. If your one of these contributors I for one say thank you.

Garbage Fun

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

garbage fun

Why does throwing out the garbage and putting the laundry in the basket have to be such a bore? Why do you have to continue to beg and barter for your children do to such chores when it could be a fun activity instead with “GARBAGE FUN“.   Just add this cover to most garbage cans and the fun can begin as each piece of laundry that is added will result in an excited response. For the sports fan it will be the final shots needed to win a game and for the more youthful person it will be the item that fills the belly of a happy puppy. “GARBAGE FUN” keeps your house clean while keeping your family happy.

The Puzzle

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith, Uncategorized - No Comments


Just when we believe we have all the pieces together we find out we only have the first piece.  Life might appear to be falling apart before our eyes but that might just be the time it’s truly put together. On the other hand we might believe that we have a clear path to success only to find out that our piece truly doesn’t fit.  This is clearly demonstrated in the story of Joseph where after ever turn of misfortune sends a piece to a brighter clearer path where an imprisoned slave becomes 2nd in command to the most powerful nation of it’s time.  Therefore never feel that your destiny has been determined  G-D truly holds the pieces releasing them when you might least expect it.

Shoppers WAIT!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments



I had to share this information with my blogosphere  (link below) because before you run out and look for those “after Christmas Sales” it might be worth seeing if this truly is the month for that sale.  I just changed my December 26th plans.

Best time to buy certain products



Secular Vs Insular?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

right way vs wrong way


In many ways it appears that those of faith must choose between being within the world or creating their own world which is clearly demonstrated through the movie “Chosen” but I believe there are many other paths.  It is true that the secular world can promote values that go against those of faith without them even knowing but their are many principled individuals who know how to bob and weave through these “dangerous curves” and still be true to themselves. It is also true that other individuals would prefer the protective cocoon so that they will not be tempted to go down path not meant for them. Many will claim those who are insular will miss out on some exciting and beautiful experiences but who are we to judge unless we experience their world first hand and see some of the simple beauty that we might have ignored.  Therefore it isn’t black and white but full of various colors and shades. For example I will listen and watch almost anything because many forms of art need to be expressed in different formats yet their are clear lines that I have set for me and family that we won’t cross.  We should be able to live, learn and respect all those who have chosen a different good path for them and their families no matter where that path might lead or end.


Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

hand writing

If you truly want to get someone’s attention have it written by hand. Whether it be a hand written envelope or the contents inside these will be the letters not filed away in the can, before there even read. “HANDWRITER’S”  is that service that provides your political or commercial advertisement that extra touch so it is truly noticed in an ocean of “junk mail”.  “HANDWRITER’S INC. will take your typeset piece and give it that individual feel as they personally handwrite your letter, card, or invitation to your client/friend.  Isn’t it time your goals stood out from the rest? Isn’t it time for “Handwriter’s Inc?

Friends with Clergy?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith - No Comments

religious leaders together

Can you become friends with a Rabbi, Priest, Minister and/or Imam and if so is it easier to be friends with this clergy if there from your faith or from a different path?  This is a difficult question to ask here are a few more questions to help you discover if this can be a successful relationship for you.

1) If they are from your faith will they continually challenge to go into this faith and/or if they are from a different faith will they seek to push you in that direction? Can you or do you want to accept this pressure in your life.

2) Is the reason you have not drawn that friendship line because you’re afraid to show your flaws to them and/or find the flaws of this holy individual?

3) Would your entire faith be challenged if such flaws became apparent in this individual of the cloth?

4) Do you believe this individual will help you become a better person or will they continually nudge you down a path that you don’t seek?

5) Are the able to understand and empathize with your world as you do with theirs?

6) Can you both roll your sleeves up and be who you are without crossing the line into being rude or insulting?

7) Most importantly can you truly be good friends through such characteristics as loyalty, honesty, empathy and fun?

“Kosher Films”

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, film - No Comments


Many great films can’t be enjoyed by millions of practicing traditional  Jews and Christians because of there language, violence and sexual gratuitous scenes yet with some simple edits we truly can make these film “Kosher” and bring joy and revenue to many.  A film would have to be edited with the knowledge of the film-makers and certified by a “Rabbi” to make sure it receives the Kashrut label.  Once it does those who normally would be prohibited from seeing these film productions will flock to the theaters or rent the DVD’s to watch them (probably on their computer).  “Kosher Films” a way to generate more monies for the film-makers and bring entertainment to millions more.

A Jewish Merry Christmas

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith, Uncategorized - 1 Comments

christmas fun

As a practicing Jew and not the Messanich type I’m delighted that it’s just about Christmas.   Don’t worry  Rabbi I’m not converting it’s just I believe that Christmas has meaning for us all.   First of all we can be happy at the beginning of the story (although we might have some differences at the middle and the end)  for who shouldn’t celebrate the birth of a child. A child if I get the story correct who is visited by three kings.  It’s important that even those who appear to be truly powerful acknowledge that we all come from the same starting place and all the majesty in the world still doesn’t outshine the beauty of a newborn baby . Here are several other reasons below I proudly say Merry X-Mas.

(1) My Christian brothers and sisters get to spend meaningful time with family and friends.

(2) Traffic is much lighter when going to work.

(3) People in general appear much happier and charitable this time of year.

(4) Great after Christmas sales.

(5) I love looking at all the Christmas decorations.

(6) “It’s a Wonderful Life” and other Christmas movies still bring a tear or two to my eye’s

(7)  The Christmas story is the ultimate story of redemption  where Christ is poor boy born in a manger and today is recognized by the world over.

(8) A few good Christmas songs (they get a bit annoying after awhile)

(9) Christians finding their own path to G-D and redemption.

In conclusion I want to wish all my Christian Brothers and Sisters a very Merry Christmas with health, happiness and love.

Government hurts charity

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

charity 2

As I review my yearly budget I realize how much government destroys local charities. For after deducting all living expenses I not only realize that I will have to work for a longer period of time and devout less time to charity but that my obligation to pay big brother hurts my ability to help my local little sisters and brothers.  These taxes  are such a heavy burden that I can’t afford to give a decent amount to those charities that truly make a difference.   If we multiply this effect by a nation we will understand why heavy taxes and regulations truly hurt the local poor and disadvantage in our communities. For government has no incentive to be efficient and effect change because it needs those dependent to have a reason for it’s existence while charities look to effect change so that they can showcase the good works they do and therefore be deserving of the monies they receive. Therefore if we are truly to effect positive change we must lower taxes in a way that incentivizes giving to local charities and truly help those less fortunate.