Green with envy

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Seeing my brothers and sisters leave to a new world leaves me with green with envy. I hear that they will be used in some sexual fantasy or in a comedic act as a fake phone while I sit here waiting day after day for my turn.  When will I be chosen? Am I not strong but still sweet? My ego is starting to bruise.

Suddenly I’m chosen but wait with the rest of the gang a feeling of yellow sunshine envelopes me.  A smaller group of us has been chosen for some secret mission because we are carried in a dark bag. One by one we are selected for this special mission as I see a smile appear on our leader as he grabs the next one and…. wait he suddenly has grabbed me.  I’m so excited it feels like my true self is being revealed to the world.  Suddenly it all ends with a sharp pain as it feels like I’m being ripped apart.  If only I had been satisfied with the world I originally had nothing like this would ever happen.

Movie Silence APP

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

phone movie

Wouldn’t it be great to have an APP that shuts up your phone just as your movie was about to begin and start it back up as it has ended the “Movie Silence APP” does just that? Once you download this APP just put in the name of the movie you are seeing and the time that this will occur and this APP will go to work. This APP will also keep you current by showing you trailers with similar themes coming to a theater (or being released by Netflix) soon.  The “Movie Silence APP” allows you and those around you to escape to the movies but get back to the real world as soon as it done.

Kosher Food Court

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

Kosher Mcdonalds 2

Many Traditional Jews don’t have the opportunity to try the wide assortment of fast food restaurants for them or their families because of Kashrut laws. Kashrut laws limit the types of meats they can eat, the slaughter of such animals and what can be eaten together (no milk and meat) but with the “Kosher Food Court” they can try such a variety of food.  This food court will have the traditional McDonalds, KFC and even the newer chains Moe’s all with the Kashrut certificate. There will also be TV’S shows broadcasting family type movies, local sporting events and news because many of these don’t have access to television show.  It’s time those that are traditional can enjoy the variety of foods (without violating there faith) that others in the public have access to. It’s time for “Kosher Food Courts”.

Not look and find.

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There are times to search for what is missing and there are times when it needs to be left in the hands of a higher authority.  When items are missing whether they be my keys or wallet I spend a formulated time in the search and rescue mood but when this is unsuccessful I get don’t my hand and knees and ask for divine help. More often then not this results in a positive outcome even at a later period then I would initially want. When there are pieces missing in my life I follow in those same steps and although many times the direction of what I expected to occur might not occur the new path opens up different channels that I never expected. In conclusion it’s important to know when you’ve done your search and let G-D find the answer.

Your Animal Planet

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog, television - No Comments

baby chipmunk

Did you ever wonder what animals & plants live & play and around your house? “YOUR ANIMAL PLANET”  will have a wildlife biologist & botanist explore your property for as 24 hour period setting up video camera’s for you to see the various life in your area. Once the research is taken they will take you and your family on a eye opening tour that will show you a world around your house that you never knew existed. Not only will you see a world that you never knew existed but might understand how  modifications in your property (such as building a fence ) might effect that world as well.

This could also be a great television show on the “Animal Planet”


Wall Street Weekend Edition- Quick Glance- 12/20/14

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wall street Journal

I had approximately 5 minutes to read the news so my mind didn’t absorb much. Here are the top stories I wish I had more time to read.

(1) Turning point in the Syrian civil war.

(2) The market for animal presents for X-Mas (they might want presents for Hanukkah as well)

(3) Boko Haran governance in Nigeria. Let’s hope it’s short lived.

(4) The different faction in Sunday’s Tunisian election.

(5) A different take on the “Stern Gang”.

Please share your insight if you’ve read these articles.



When not to talk

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

mouth zipped

There are ties it’s best to save your breath.  It all depends on the people you are dealing with.  I don’t believe it’s necessary to be rude but being polite doesn’t mean to start a conversation. If 3 out of 4 (below exist) it’s best to keep that mouth zipped.

(1) The person you’re talking with has taken parts of your remarks to make themselves look good and you bad.

(2) This person truly doesn’t care what you’re thinking about.

(3)This leader has led his/her group without a true interest in those that they are serving and instead has done everything just to keep the power they have.

(4) This individuals consistently works with those that are opposed to you or your ideals.

Let them come to you (Fidel & Raul) with some chips in hand before the conversation begins.

Job is a job.

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exhausted at work

A  job is a job even if it’s doing what you want to do when you’re set to do it at a certain time on a regular basis and have to deal with certain people for the  reward you want.  While a leisurely activity can moved to a different time and place and the feeling of reward will still be there. If your friend is getting on your nerves you can always cancel plans but try doing that in the work environment.  I don’t care if you’re the star of a television show or a famous tennis player there are times you just don’t want to perform. Maybe you want an extra hour of sleep or feel like watching the boob tube but when the time clock hits one you have to be at the “office”.  Don’t get me wrong I’ll take that television job in a heartbeat even if there is ***hole or two to deal with  but I’m sure even those guys and gals don’t feel like getting going sometime.   So enjoy the weekend Monday is less then 48 hours away.

Not worth that extra dollar!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

holding onto money

  What do you hate spending money an extra dollar on?  Does that extra dollar really make a difference in the quality or service you receive. Here are few items/services (below) that irk me to spend that extra dollar on

(1)PARKING- I’ll park ten blocks away to save even $5 dollars.

(2) ELECTRICITY-Call me a green nut on this issue whether it be Solar Panels, LED lights or motion detectors I’d rather spend monies on these devices then give my monies to the Con Ed or Orange and Rockland.

(3) AIRPLANE TRAVEL- It’s annoying to spend $100 if not thousands of dollars to get from one place to another when they won’t even give me a snack anymore.

(4) LIST PRICE FOR ANYTHING (except Chocolate)  What can I say I need to feel I did better then Joe Smith.

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