Confidence without arrogance

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments



When things start to go your way it becomes easy to slip from confidence to arrogance. Whether it’s due to dating the hottest woman on the block, getting that big promotion, and/or receiving recognition few others receive the push to become arrogant seeps through. It become more difficult to fight as jealous (or perceived jealous) occurs, material gifts are thrown your way, and it only appears stardom is just a few steps away. I’m waiting for all these to occur in my life but I personally have had my moments. How can you keep from becoming arrogant because not only is it wrong but it’s stupid. Your success can turn on a dime and that arrogant behavior can keep you from even climbing the first step, the next time. Here are just a few suggestions (below). I WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR COMMMENTS AS WELL

(1) KEEP IT REAL- I know it’s an overused statement but it still holds water (I did it again). Take the garbage out, pick up after the dog, do the dishes.

(2) KEEP IN TOUCH- Call your family and friends on a regular basis and listen to them.

(3) VOLUNTEER- It’s important to help out those less fortunate and realize that we could be on the receiving end someday.

(4) EAT IN- TAKE OUT- It’s important to be able to celebrate our successes but it’s also important to spend time in your own dwelling cooking your own dishes (not literally they don’t taste too good) and eating the leftovers once in awhile.

(5) THANK THOSE AROUND YOU- Realize you couldn’t have accomplished the goals you achieved without the loving support of your fellow workers, friends, family, and associates.

(6) TALK TO A TEENAGER- Unless you’re Justin Beiber (even he’s losing it) they won’t be impressed and they’ll put you in your place.

(7) THANK G-D/HASH-M – Don’t forget to get on your knees (literally or figuratively) to thank G-D for these moments, ask G-D for the ability to continue the success without the arrogance that can lead to it’s downfall. Finally make sure you apologize for any failures along the way.

A Solution to the Gay Marriage Debate

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments


It looks like those that in favor of “Traditional Marriage” appear to be losing the political war to those that are in favor of “Gay Marriage” but there is a way we both can win. Just like there are different forms of Judaism and Christianity that might not be accepted within the faith there can be different forms of marriage that are accepted and non-accepted by various faiths and or their communities. As long as we call it “Gay Marriage” and “Traditional Marriage” the state can decide which form they want to recognize and/or give benefits as such. I believe that “Traditional Marriage” is the backbone to any society and has been proven to be the best way to raise children so society must do it’s best to keep this institution strong. If society feels that other unions help promote a benefit to society then they can recognize those unions and give benefits as such but they shouldn’t equal exceed those given to “Traditional Marriage”. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!

Day and Night

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day and night

It’s amazing how things can change in a 24 hour period. Yesterday I drove in fear alone down a highway that could have been in any horror movie. Today that highway was clear of snow but full of the traffic I normally saw. The day before every click in my car led me like an old Edgar Allen Poe story while today the music blasted out all those sounds. Day and night are lives can change in a moments notice.

Worried about who votes

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments


The Attorney General worries about convicted felonies voting while I worry about who votes. I think we should worry about insuring that our public is truly educated on the issues and the candidates then worry about increasing the voter population. How many of us know individuals who truly have no clue who the V.P. or even what v.P. stands for and actual cast a ballot in the voting booth? How many of us know individuals who truly base their vote on how the candidate makes them feel and not on what they plan to do? I believe instead of worrying about convicted felonies rights let’s worry about the current voting populations rights. If we have an ignorant voters we will have a government that hurt us all. Here are just a few solutions.

(1) VOTERS GUIDE- (With coupons) That presents the issues and the candidates stands on those issues in a clear just way. It would be given to all citizens a week before the election for free because there would be corporate sponsors (coupons) and would be submitted with equal input from all the candidates and their parties.

(2) LOCAL CANDIDATE DEBATES- Candidates who run for office would have to participate in at least public debates with giveaways to those that attend

(3) STATEWIDE/NATIONAL OFFICE RACES- Candidates would have to participate in at least two televised debated (not just on CSPAN).



Valentine is not a time to be alone

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

Valentines can be the loneliest holiday for many. It appears that those who are in a good relationship are showing off like the person who is driving their Lamborghini slowly down your street (never drive a Lamborghini slowly). Many individuals may feel alone during this holiday because even if they’re in a relationship it’s not like the one we see in the movies or from that obnoxious couple smooching at the theatre. The truth is we are never alone. We may have a difficult relationship or no human relationship at all but G-D/Hash-m is always there with his loving embrace. As long as we have life we have love and G-D will help us find that special person that will make us a bit happier. It could be the loving embrace of a friend, family member or even the neighbor next door (they still exist) but always remembered you are loved and wanted.

. Broken valentine


Another Storm or Giving In

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

storm again
It is not usually the large storm, the surge of water, or bullet that usually kills us (literally and figuratively) but the constant flow that breaks us down. Many of us will become exhausted after many a snow storm that we don’t have the energy to pull ourselves out of bed. People have literally gone insane from the constant dripping of a sink. Great dreamers have taken ordinary jobs after too many doors have been slammed on their face. We have even witnessed loved ones give up after suffering from a debilitating disease that takes a bit out of them after each treatment.
We need something or someplace that gives us the ability to stand strong not just for the big battles in life but the small ones that eat away at our soul. A Marine is taught in boot camp how to train for such experiences but how can the rest of us gain these abilities. I hope that one way we can achieve this mental and physical abilities will be through PPC (scene on my Business Ideas) it will be a place where we not only will have to learn to deal with the elements but truly our own inner struggles. Whether you’re invited to join me on this venture or not please find your own “PPC” because life can ebb away at anyone’s greatness.

I can’t be your hero but I still try.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

Superman falling


I’ve learned that although there are times that I can perform a heroic act it’s impossible for me to be hero because many things are beyond my control.   This revelation has enabled me to realize that I don’t have to be feel so guilty when I can’t solve a problem as long as I’ve tried my best.  It might be simple for others but to me I would continually beat myself over the head  (not literally) when I felt I let someone down. Then I realized that I don’t control the trucks that bring the supplies that the manufacturer promised would be on time. I can’t control how others act and G-D knows I can’t control the weather or traffic conditions.

The truth is no matter how hard you try some will expect you to fly over mountains to get what they want even though  they know you  don’t have wings.  These are the people you can never truly satisfy so it’s best to tell them the truth and work harder with the customers that are more realistic.  So although I can’t be a hero G-D willing  I still will try to perform heroic acts to help those with realistic goals.

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