1st Time – Obama + Trump –

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President Obama Happy Donald Trump Sad

Don’t worry I’m not turning leaves but on this issue President Obama was right and as painful as it is to say President Trump is wrong.  President Obama don’t go on gloating about it because it took 8 months for you to agree to open up the White House visitor logs to the public so this President can change his mind even before you. The President works for all the people so all the meetings he has with individuals should be open to the public. Of course if there is a national security concern that information can be withheld for a reasonable amount of time (30- 90 days ) yet if we are to have transparent government  we must insure that the basic information on how it operates is open to all.  Details of such visits and discussions can be withheld but that they occur shouldn’t.  President Trump is time to turn that frown upside down and reverse course on such an action you still have several months to beat President Obama on this as well.

Healthcare Reform- Piece by Piece

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American Health Care Act 2  Donald Trump Oops

Before Paul Ryan hands Donald Trump another “oops moment” maybe he should break up the America’s Health Care Act into the various letters/parts it’s made up and let each part be voted up and down by the Congress. These separate votes would occur all on the same day and the parts that passed would go to the Senate to vote on in reconciliation and the parts that failed could be tried again.  By having such votes health care reform will truly move forward and our elected officials will be held accountable for their direct votes by the American people. Here are some of the individual votes that should occur.

(A) Individuals and corporation can buy healthcare plans across state lines.

(B) Groups can make up their own health insurance pacts (farmers, gun right owners,  actors, etc) which would cover their specific needs.

(C) Medical Malpractice lawsuits would be capped on punitive expenses.

(D) No Mandates on the insurance packages one may get but full disclosure of provisions absent and possible cost must be clearly discussed with individual and/or companies.

(E) Repeal Obamacare



President Trump’s loss a WIN.

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President Trump Sad Donald Trump 5

There is no sugar coating the loss the President suffered as all his cajoling to pass the American Health Care Act ended in a failure yet knowing Donald Trump’s history this will be old news in no time. His Supreme Court Nominee is next on the list and if the Democrats don’t fold on the Filibuster they will lose all power in this part of governance now and in the future.   The President has already moved on to tax reform a policy where even a Democrat or 2 might join along.  He will build new coalition(s) with even some “moderate Democrats” that might alienate those in the base but if you slap the President he will punch you back.  Donald Trump’s losses (Atlantic City, World’s Tallest Building, Previous Marriages etc) have never stopped him before and I don’t believe this loss will slow him down now or anytime soon.  Losses can help build character and strength this might be the dose of medicine as bad as it tasted that the White House needed.

American Healthcare Act- Oppose Donald Trump?

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American Healthcare ActDonald Trump Empire

I’m just curious if you’re a Congressman/Congresswoman on the fence concerning your   vote on the “American Health Care Act” whether the Trump empire helps you jump his way? I fully respect those who on some principal can’t vote for the act but seeing you and your family have a brighter future must be a principal as well.  For you know this gig in the House won’t last forever and it would be good to be able to put your support of Trump Care on your resume, just in case an opportunity for you or your children suddenly appears at a Trump Address near you.  Most President’s can offer you little gig’s after your time serving but with this President there are many more towers you might suddenly be able to climb if you say “yes”.

Trumpcare -It’s Now or Maybe

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American Health Care Bill 1

I’m a Tea Party Conservative Republican that is proudly standing with American Health Care Act/Trumpcare not because it’s perfect but because it’s the best we can get with the rules that are in the Senate. It is true that if the Senate changes reconciliation rules that they could add many of the features right away that we all want ( buying insurance across state lines, caps on medical malpractice, insurance pools for groups) but if so then the Democrats can easily change those provisions in the next election cycle.  Those provisions will be added but might take a bit more arm pulling then we can do initially. If we just repeal Obamacare without a replacement that deals with some of the problems it has created there is a good chance we will lose the next election and before you know it just like Frankenstein Obamacare will come back to life. So please consider your rejection of the American Health Care Act because if it falls we might be going through another Groundhog day before you know it and the only one who will be smiling is Obama.

President’s Trump Speech to Congress- To Fold

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President Trump's Speech to Congress fold poker

After  President’s Trump phenomenal speech to Congress and the American people it’s time the Democratic Congressional obstructionist fold their cards,  They must learn to  work for their employees the citizens so they can survive this political game.  Just remember one great speech by a State Senator lead to his trip to the White House only a few years ago and this speech might lead this President to successes even the lame street media won’t be able to stop. If these successes occur without you then the American people might declare your party null and void as your chips are spent away in only a few years.  It is true that you might find a casino in New York, California or Vermont but that is not where the big game of politics is played anymore.  So you can either join the train and add your thoughts as well as ideas to make America great again or watch it run as your party is passed by in 2018 and beyond.

FURTHER NOTE- Russia won’t save you.

Trump Haters- Tone & Response

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Hollywood Haters Meryl Streep 1

Let’s be clear those in tinsel town that hate the President do so because of the tone he uses and that he actually responds to their attacks on him forcefully.  How dare he have the audacity to  respond to the liberal elite for they know what’s best for the country not him.  Most other Republican’s understand it’s best to sit in the corner with the dunce hat on and take the abuse for they are Conservative and need to be quiet when the liberal Professor speaks. The President also has the nerve to use the tone and words of the common man and woman, how beneath the dignity of the office he holds. The policies and effectiveness don’t matter it’s just that the President isn’t in their club and therefore needs to be quiet like the rest of the public. Unfortunately for them the American people will be quiet no more and we will be the one’s speaking out and turning off even if our professors tell us not to.

Keith Ellison Boycott

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Keith Ellison

If Keith Ellison is elected as the Democratic Chairman then every Jewish Democrat and sympathizer should stop funding the Democratic party till at least 7/4/17 . Don’t worry the Democratic Party won’t fall apart but at least it will get the message that even if Mr. Ellison’s Anti-Semitic remarks were of the past that we won’t take it in the future.  I’m speaking as a Conservative Tea Party member of the Jewish faith who would never accept that from a leader of my party. It’s time we send a message that hate is unacceptable and stands above ideologue.

[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/uEmTxVxYMC4″]

Trump w Snake Skin

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Tough Trump

One of the great fears of a Trump Administration is that he would be too thin skinned but with the avalanche of attacks from the news media, movie/music stars and even his own party you’d have to say his skin is more like a snake.   He has continually been under fire from day 1 and has only occasionally taken a shot back. At first many might say he was using a machine gun but now it’s a pistol and his aim is more precise.  I believe just as the Terminator waited for his shot this President will fight now only when his shot is clear and has it’s greatest impact.  Trump fans do not fear for our terminator is waiting in the wings and will hit when his enemies least expect it.

FOOTNOTE- The firing of Michael Flynn is a short term loss but the example it sets for his cabinet is simple the terminator is back as this might be the long term gain this administration needed.

Not Nuclear Option but still explosive-54

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Nuclear Option Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch

While the Democrats threaten to filibuster President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court Neil Gorsuch the Nuclear option is being considered yet I believe a less explosive option should be considered. The nuclear option would allow the Senate to confirm Trumps pick for the Supreme Court with only 51 votes, which is exactly what the Republicans have in the senate plus one, instead of the 60 currently agreed upon. I say compromise in the middle and make it 54.  Allowing the number to be 54 would mean that  two Democrats would have to vote in favor of Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch and with many of their seats up for competitive elections in 2018 I believe 2 would make the switch.  If of course the two Democrats decided not to vote in favor of the nominee then the Senate could go nuclear but at least a good effort of bi-partisan compromise could be met first without blowing the whole thing up….yet.

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