Jesus Revolution-A Jewish Perspective

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First of all from any perspective “Jesus Revolution” is a good movie. It offers a fresh new perspective to faith and our desire as humans to find a deeper meaning in life and still is enjoyable to watch. Not an easy chore especially to one of a differing faith. Yes, Jesus is mentioned many more times than my Rabbi would like but the idea that faith should bring everyone in no matter the steps they’ve taken before should be universal.  That maybe we really should walk in another’s path before we pass judgement even if that path is barefoot is another universal path we all could get behind. Maybe we don’t have to modify our basic service but find more unique ways to reach those that are lost in it.   The Jesus Revolution has such a universal theme that even those who follow from a different faith can get behind and for that I say “Amen”.

****-  It really was an inspiring and entertaining story no matter if you story is different.



Happy Fathers Day?…!

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With the rise of the negative perception of dear old dad can one still say “Happy Father’s Day”?  Many of the “educated elite” complain about the harm the patriarchal society has done for society but for us on the ground we realize the importance of fatherhood, especially for those who have lost this truly special loved one. Many a father has not been educated in this role but have performed as if they graduated Cum Laude. They have stood by their family through thick and thin not only bringing home the Bacon/Bagels but the love, fun and wisdom one can’t get from any a textbook. So Happy Father’s Day to all those who’ve earned this title you earned this special day even if society isn’t bringing out as many Hallmark cards as it did before.

Shabbos Club- A Business Idea When Business Isn’t Done

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The “Shabbos Club” would give the more traditional members of the faith a chance to do something not so traditional and still remain Kosher to the highest standards. One would pay a monthly fee to join this club which would be within walking distance. This “Club” would allow one to feed farm animals, play the latest “kosher game” and/or just be the  middle ground with family/friends. The “Shabbos Club” would also be open during the weekdays to continue the F-U-N all week long and come with all the Kosher certification. Shabbos is serious but with “The Shabbos Club” it also will be loads of F-U-N.

Rainbow-Expresses Herself

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I’m Miss “Rainbow” and I’m hurt!  Wow, that does feel good as Doctor cloud said it would, but I digress.  I’m here for everyone not one particular group of people and this is becoming an annoying month for M-E!  Can’t you be proud with some other symbol not M-E the one which comes after a storm?!  I mean I have a long, long history that you’ve taken away and that just doesn’t feel right. Everyone used to look at M-E  in the sky and know a better day was coming now I’m just being ignored by most.  After all these years maybe it’s not worth it and I should retire but then you’d all be retired for good as well as I have a deal with a higher authority.  All is I ask for a little respect for what I’ve always been is that too damn much?!!! Rainbow signing off maybe I’ll come back a brighter day.

FOOTNOTE-  Some might believe I’m acting like a snowflake and I say you’re right. For, we both only last a short time and need our message heard before we dissipate out of your life.

Rich? -Philosophy 101

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You’re rich and I’m the one who is poor? Your goals are so high to achieve while ours are a simple sunset and/or extra cookie. You have to continue to keep up with “them” while we are happy just being alive and well. We mark our steps in inches whiles yours are in miles and miles.   So I wonder who has the richness of life and who truly doesn’t?

Got M-E

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I knew you were watching M-E so why did I give Y-O-U something to look at.  I have the means to have someone drive “this car” so why did I have to take the wheel. It’s not like I wasn’t warned but I guess my ego got in the way and I felt if everyone was doing worse well couldn’t I just tip a toe or two in their pond.  Technically it might not even be illegal but it doesn’t have to be if their looking for your car and I knew that.  If only I wasn’t so stubborn maybe this all could have been avoided but at the same time when one is under a electronic microscope there is much more to see. Justice isn’t always just and this time it came crashing through my door.

FOOTNOTE-  A different angle in our sad current state of affairs.

Got Y-O-U

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I finally got Y-O-U.  You had that attitude with M-E and my colleagues for too long and now I’m the one who can bring you in. Yes, it was for generally going 56 when the speed limit was 55 but I also got you on reckless driving as you swerved a bit too fast and let’s not forget about the quick start. Your rudeness is only making my case a bit stronger as I think I might just get you on obstruction of justice. Me and my colleagues have been watching you through a electro microscope for years and finally we got our man. See in the end I’ve been given the legal authority to seek justice even if it’s really not just at all.

FOOTNOTE-  Does this sound like the current state of affairs too Y-O-U


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Is this really relaxing?  I’m dreaming at like 100 miles per hour as I do more in a dream cycle than I’ve done in many a day.  Running from bad people, jumping lengths I can’t measure and even flying, honestly I think I’m tired from these dreams.  If that’s not enough many of my worst fights and tension can occur during a dream cycle such as trying to find anything even my clothes. How come I’m so naked then?  Maybe instead of going to sleep when I’m tired I’ll just stay up and really relax.

FOOTNOTE-  I don’t recommend staying up just note sleep can be exhausting on it’s own.

Reality Blows Up

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TOM-    I’m about to have my reality blown up!! As I take the eyesite of a Mantas Shrimp, the hearing of a Dolphin (I’m just not into months), the sense of smell of an animal, the sense of touch of Racoon and the taste buds of a catfish.  These instruments I have developed will allow me to absorb everything all at once.

MIKE-  Isn’t that too much!!

TOM-   Our reality is twisted because we can only absorb it through the senses given to us. There is a whole world out there that we have no idea about.

MIKE-   Maybe we should start one sense at a time?

TOM-   Why just because it’s never been done before? Where’s your sense of curiosity my friend?  Shouldn’t we be able to see gamma rays, smell aroma’s that were never in our globe and just taste a new reality of flavor?

MIKE-   G-D gave us the tools we need and animals the ones that they need.

TOM-   G-D also gave us the tools to change it all.

MIKE-   It just seems too much all at once.

TOM-    It’s never too much. Just watch history be made my friend

MIKE-  Start the countdown as my instruments are just about ready to go.

TOM-  I don’t know. Maybe.

MIKE-  10,

TOM-   9, 8 ,7, 6,5, 4,3,2 1,

MIKE-  Blast…

TOM-   Holy shit your, your head just exploded.


Therapy When

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Therapy is there when someone is stuck. They can be stuck with a thought that doesn’t let them be the productive person they truly want to be or when one goes through a situation that makes their road much harder to climb. Yes, they can call a friend but a therapist is there and paid to listen through it all. A therapist should give advise that is non-judgmental to the individual and helps them see a reality that was blinded by pain and/or confusion. A good therapist can even help their client find their own solution just by leading down a bit more uncomfortable reality than they were afraid to walk. So the question might not be therapist when but why not now?