Block Out

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I tend to block out all minor league arguments to the point of not knowing the exact words that had caused the explosion in the 1st place. You can say this is beneficial for it allows me to carry on full force after my blood pressure cools down. Yet not knowing the actual words that caused these chemicals to explode might just cause another eruption in the near future.  Knowing your triggers causes that gun to stay out of the hands of those who just might want to provoke you or are unaware of where the bullets might fly (not literally… ).  Blocking out is good formula for building up unless that is the steam you forget to release.


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one drop of blood blood flow 2


Seeing it ooze out causes a release that can’t be felt any other way. Don’t get me wrong I’m not a cutter but when the annoyance keeps building and building you have to stop the banging and all it takes is one slice for it to all go away.  Of course pain lingers on but the deception just before when the razor hits the mark leaves a semblance of  freedom which is truly exhilarating. Some live for such moments and some must die.

FOOTNOTE- This is a story which if it appears more true to you then it is should counseling might be advised.

President Trumps-Suburban Push

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President Trump Chris Wallace

For President Trump to prevail in his 2020 re-election campaign he has to have a game plan to reach the suburban (especially woman) voters.  The President won’t change his tune but he might pick up a few songs that will hit those notes. Here are some songs  he might consider singing (below).

(1) LOVE ME TENDER- The President should do more one on one interviews with various networks that aren’t openly continuosly hostile (less the 90% bad coverage)

(2) TELL HER ABOUT IT- Yes, the President should be interviewed and attend woman based shows.

(3) SHARE A MOMENT- The President isn’t known to shed a tear but should select a story from his personal life and/or one from 1600 Pennyslvania Avenue that has the viewers reach for their Kleenex.

(4) I’M SORRY SO SORRY- It’s not such a bad after all and if said in the right context might help build support in unlikely spots.

(5) GET UP AND GO- The President should visit the areas where very few Republican’s have gone by (inner cities, artsy areas etc) and listen to their concerns while he bites his lip. Lessons can be provided by former President Bill Clinton who has a bit more time on his hand then he needs.

Happily After- WARNING TRUTH

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Fairy Tale

WARNING-  Not meant for those who live in La La Land

There is no happily ever after but happily… after. For once someone finds that Prince or Princess they don’t just stare in each others and magically happiness continuously occurs. If that was the case they would never need to socialize with another person, go on a vacation or even eat that anniversary cake.  Yes you’re okay with the other person but to be truly happy you need many afters. It’s the shared fun/exciting experiences that build on such happiness so it can be a fair tale ending of truly ever after.


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Taking one’s thoughts and having them actually speak takes a unique person. A person who is daring enough to truly believe in the idea(s) in their head enough to share them with the world. An idea that will take many shots from haters,critics and even those that don’t want us to be hurt before it is even drawn on a piece of paper let alone in one’s hand. To create is to risk the ridicule and even condemnation from “friends” and family. Yet that’s only the 1st step for the vision you initially see will be darkened by the reality through each steps. That is why in the end many just keep it in their heads while only the few dare to belief.


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Shattered Glass 1 fragile glass

We’re friends and that should be more then the flow? For you said it yourself but once I closed the spout our friendship appears to have shattered as if a rock went through it. It appears you used that 6 letter word to get what you wanted and continue to use it whenever you needed more.  It’s a shame because you’re another reason why I doubt I have any real ones left.

Crying alone 1

FOOTNOTE- How many have had their glass shattered?

Rudeness on the BOOKS

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President Trump Vs Jim Acousta

It’s a shame when common decency and respect for the office needs to be codified into law because common sense has fallen of the cliff.  Common sense that should tell any person of the press that they should feel honored and privileged to ask a logical question to the Commander and Chief on behalf of all Americans. That this floor where they stand is not their’s to use as publicity stunt but as a professional who is trying to discover a truth that might not be aparent to all no matter where it might fall. It is not about shouting question after question as if you’re the only one in the room but being respectful not only to the President but your colleagues that also hold this honor.  Now the White House has to put new laws on the book so that this respect and decorum is clearly marked for all to see no matter who might be living in 1600 Pennyslvannia Avenue. It’s a shame that this profession has stooped so low that laws need to be implemented to restore them back to the press corp.



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hot air balloons 2

In life you must decide whether you rise above your crowd or float down to the ground.  Of course there are one’s who basically stay in the middle as well.  As one floats above their crowd they often don’t notice others in their way but could feel the pressure of trying to keep the heat up so they won’t fall below.  Sometimes those on top are so busy trying to get there and stay at this place that they don’t even enjoy the view. While those near the bottom might feel what’s the point of trying any harder since the rise is so steep. Maybe everyone should look at their sights a bit differently by appreciating that they are still floating while others no longer do and try to encourage others to join them in their own rise.

Liberal Snob

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snob 2 President Trump 5

Let’s face it the unifying quality that unites all liberals against the President is his vernacular.  They would prefer the language of a scholor or an aristrocrat rather then the common droll of the people. Don’t get me wrong  if the President did speak with a silver spoon in his mouth they would still find reasons to detest him but since he brings his message directly to the people in their own language that is even something more they hate or is ….it fear.


Energy in Tank

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angry 5 Angry Parent 2

Some people may think I’m a bit cold but that’s only because I don’t want this tank to over heat. For when a person is full of rage they can utilize all their energy to keep the anger going until their tank needs a complete refill.  The crazy thing is that energy can expire so fast that a person is stuck in park not moving anywhere.  In general I hope I’ll stick to the cool and calm so that this car will keep going as far as G-D allows the mileage to run and only take my foot off the pedal when the heat really burns me up.

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