Holy Place

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - No Comments

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There was a time when most nations would come to one place they considered the holiest place on earth.  The Holy Temple was such a place where peoples would sacrifice their livelihood to the one G-D that brought them to this existence.  Although many faiths have similar locations today such as the Vatican, Mecca,  Wailing Wall etc it’s not the same in spirit as the holy temple was and even if it is, for too many it’s still a place most can’t afford to go to, on a regular basis. Therefore we must visit synagogues, church’s & mosques etc that are closer to our locations, which helps us maintain some of the holiness we would encounter at “the Holy Temple”.  Yet that is not good enough for our holy place should be within us as a whole whether it be at work, school or relaxing at a beach.  As we get farther from the actual structure maybe some of the walls of rigidity of faith become weaker but let’s not them collapse as a whole.  For eventually we will be at the doors of the most sacred place and how we acted in our place will determine how many keys it will take to enter.

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