San Bernardino Massacre and ISIS

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political, Uncategorized - No Comments

San Bernardino

It may take time to have law enforcement officials reveal that there is a link between the San Bernardino Massacre and ISIS or a ” direct link” may not be found but rest assured ISIS has some culpability.  For every time ISIS completes an evil mission whether here or aboard it inspires other Islamic Extremist to act out in an evil way.  These individuals see ISIS as winning in forming the Islamic Caliphate and their evil acts as one way to build on this demonic regime.  That is why the following steps (below) must be taken if were are truly going to defeat this evil before it continues to kill the innocent.

(1)FBI LIAISON’S – The FBI should have liason’s that work within every Islamic community in the U.S (openly and discreetly if necessary) to try to pull out individuals with Jihadist goals before they occur.

(2) ANNIHILATE ISIS- It is not enough to defeat ISIS in a battle here or there but to destroy all resources that give it any strength (financial, communications, militarily etc) so that it is clear to even the Islamic Extremist that they have been defeated.  

(3) PROP UP MODERATES- Help fund and support moderate Islamic and Democratic movements throughout the middle east and around the world where Islam is the predominate religion.

(4) UNITE-  Political Leaders must stand together against this evil no matter the divide on other issues and put this at the top of their agenda even if it’s at the cost of losing an election. 


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