Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

tired from work chef to go 1


You hardly can keep your eye’s open and then you have to go home to make dinner that is until CHEFTOGO,COM comes out.  CHEFTOGO.COM allows you to find the right chef within your budget to make the perfect meal for you and your family at home and they even clean up.  Why worry about all the salt, cholesterol, sugar etc that restaurants put in their food with CHEFTOGO.COM you know the ingredients in advance and can enjoy a relaxing meal together.  CHEFTOGO.COM will make you feel that you’re at a top notched restaurant without the expensive bill that awaits at the end.


Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments



This blog contains at least a hundred business and film ideas and I know that there are many jewels among them but due to an extremely tight schedule I have not been able to pursue them, so here is your challenge!

(1) Find the business or film idea that you want to pursue on the blog.

(2) Send me a copy of your resume, why you would you like to pursue this concept and how you believe it can be successful  to

(3) If you are the right candidate then we will come to a working relationship  where you you will invest your time and I will invest the basic seed monies (although I want stop you from helping as well) and split the (G-D willing) the profits where you receive at least 51% for your efforts.

I’d say that’s not a bad deal for a person that has the experience, drive and great attitude to make some extra $$$’s

Inside and outside box.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

inside box outside box

For an organization to survive you must have people that think inside and outside the box. You must have your feet squarely on the ground before you jump to the sky or you will fall right on your face. Individuals who can make sure the numbers add up are as important if not more important then those who throw numbers all over the place.  It’s important not to stuck in one way but it’s also important to have a clear plan of where your going and have been before.  Therefore let us soar like a bird from our boxes but be able to rest and contemplate in them when we’ve flown enough for the day.

Isis Appeal

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments


For us to defeat ISIS we must first understand it’s appeal (see below) and how it will continue to grow unless we attack it from these roots.

(1) BLACK & WHITE–  Life is simpler when there is a clear distinction between what is good and what is evil and ISIS portrays that belief.

NEW ROOT– Sneak video’s and music to show how many other colors the people controlled by ISIS are missing. They shouldn’t be too bold a color (or shocking) but some simple enjoyment ISIS has forbidden.

(2) IMMEDIATE PUNISHMENT– While we in the west wait years in court to seek justice ISIS punishments are immediate and strong.

NEW ROOT- Present information on how leaders of ISIS aren’t held to the same judgement and any signs of corruption in that leadership.  Do not fear gathering this information for  where there is human power there is corruption. Note many innocent people’s name and life that have suffered punishment and death under this system.

(3) RELIGIOUS CAUSE- ISIS portrays itself as a holy movement against the infidel and that they are fighting for a higher cause.

NEW ROOT- Covertly  support new Islamic leaders that challenge the concept of conversion by the sword and replace it with conversion by the heart and soul. Make sure that all efforts are pursued in the Middle East and Africa to spread this message.

(4) WINNING SIDE– People have a tendency to join the team that is winning and ISIS is either holding ground or taking even more land.

NEW ROOT- Do what needs to be done in the military field to defeat this cancer now before it continues to spread in the body we know as the world and cost more of our plunder and greatest among us to defeat it. 

(5) REBEL SIDE- ISIS is going against the greatest powers in the region and in the world.

NEW ROOT- Build and support a new rebel movement based on western type democracies and Islamic cultural values.

(6) FEAR- The callousness that ISIS has for killing has created great fear to fight and kill their leadership.

NEW ROOT- Capture ISIS fighters and have them scene as broken people in prison guard.

Screwed Up Move On

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments



I’ve spent way too much times worry about people’s reactions to my mistakes instead of grabbing those mistakes and throwing them behind.  Of course you must learn from your errors and apologize for the wrong they’ve done but you must not  allow those errors to shape your future. Yesterday I had a brave moment which I hope will give me the courage to continue in this path. I messed up admitted too, looked to correct the problem and quickly moved on to my next course of business.  My previous course would have included paths leading to giving myself a guilt trip, lowering my self esteem, getting angry or just lowering my enthusiasm level to a point of mediocrity.  Today I pledge to continue to travel this the new path (with occasional wrong turns)  so don’t stand so close behind you might be hit with one of my previous mistakes.

Invest in Candidate?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political - No Comments

donate monies

You love what the candidate stands for and believe he/she can deliver the message like know one else on the campaign trail but when it comes to administration they’re surely lacking what do you do?  We’ve seen this story played out in the 2012 Presidential Election where Mitt Romney had all the pieces together for a win but didn’t have the right team to put them in place for victory and we can see it many of the early campaigns for President today. If these candidates can’t deliver on promises to their early supporters now what makes us believe they can effectively assembly the best and brightest to run the most important office in the free will?  Of course running a campaign on a shoe string budget, at the starting gate, with basically volunteers is nothing compared to having a well paid selected staff  behind as you get the nomination but if you fall too behind in the administration in the beginning it’s hard to pull ahead at the end.   Therefore invest a few dollars in an early campaign and see if they have any return on that investment (T-shirt, Bumper Sticker etc) if not maybe it’s time to look at another campaign that can go the distance.


Posted by Bruce - in Blog, funny, Philosophy - No Comments

person dog 2 person dog

It’s just a matter of time where a person will claim that they are stuck in a human body but truly am a dog. Maybe they’ll claim it’s their past life calling them back or that they’ve always felt they were missing their tail but I’m afraid Trans dog will become the new way to seek attention.  Trans dog will want the same rights as the rest of us and feel discriminated against if they can’t pee on a tree or walk on all 4’s. They will demand to carry a bone where ever they go and insist on people respecting them by petting them or rubbing their tummy’s rather then the traditional handshake.  Trans dogs will come out of the closet and ask to be taken for a walk instead.

2nd Chance Investment

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments




You’ve just been rejected for the loan you need to keep the business running and you’re not sure how long you can keep the business afloat it’s time to go to 2ND CHANCE INVESTMENT where we not only give you the funds to keep going but the advise you need for the future. 2ND CHANCE INVESTMENT is an investment fund that will help you get out of the difficult times by having a team of experts truly review your books and take control of a difficult experience so you can move to a bright new future based on a prescription that works.  It’s time to get over the slump and hit a home run it’s time for 2ND CHANCE INVESTMENT.

Could be a great reality T.V. show as well.



Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith - No Comments

televan 2

As a practicing Jew I have listened to televangelist all my life not because I’m moving to the Christian faith but because there’s no Rabbi in this field.  The truth is that those televangelist have many things in common with my faith ( excluding the Jesus aspect) and I always enjoy a different perspective on the way of the world and it’s higher purpose.  Yet I’m bothered that there is no Rabbi that has taken to air waves like my Christian brothers and sisters have it’s not like we have a packed house at our local synagogue everyday.  The wonderful messages I hear from my rabbi every Shabbos are only heard by a few and I believe that this is a shame.  It’s time that a Rabbi took up to the plate or pulpit and preached there message to the people as well and spread the good news from a Jewish perspective.

Woodbury Commons Exercise

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, funny - No Comments


Yesterday I went to the gym but that was nothing compared to the “Woodbury Commons Exercise“.  I didn’t know that I was going to take this exercise program until an hour after my arrival when I realized I couldn’t find the parking lot that my car was stationed in. We kept thinking we were getting closer to a break time and then realized we were going the wrong way. I apologize if this appears prejudice but once you look at one store at Woodbury Commons they all appear the same.   It took me over 10,000 steps to find my lost vehicle which has to compare to a couple of miles on the step master or cycle.  So the next time you want to get a great buy on some items and want to exercise at the same time leave your mind in the car and go to Woodbury Commons.

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