Drawing a line with no eraser

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

draw a line

Eventually it comes down to drawing a line and making sure you’ve hid the eraser. We have to clearly state how far we are willing to be pushed and when it gets to that level make sure that we can push back.  It’s very difficult when we feel pity or empathy with those that lines are drawn but if we are truly going to rectify a situation then we must be strong. Some are stronger then others and as such are willing to lose friends, family for a purpose that they belief is worth it while others continue to waffle away until their is very little left of their pride.  Therefore balance and logic are the key ingredients and when you put down that line make sure it’s made with a permanent marker and not chalk.

Car Confusion?

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I guess it’s a great confusion to have when you have many varieties of cars you can choose in, I mean we all could be stuck with a “Yugo”.  Yet this is one of the most expensive and costly decisions (safety) you can make. It will not only cost you monies when you buy it but add maintenance, insurance and gas and you’ve got an expensive that can expand like a balloon. Here are the top criteria (below)  in importance order.   I have put into this decision making with my own confusion.  PLEASE HELP WITH YOUR COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS AS WELL.

(1) SAFETY- I want a ***** star rated no car is worth dying for although a Lamborghini is tempting.

(2) DURABILITY. It is important that I don’t get a car that will cost me more later then now.

(3) HIGH MPG- Who wants to blow monies on gas? If you do please add those monies to my car fund instead.

(4) AWD- This was a high criteria but if there is another vehicle we can use in the winter maybe we can work around this.

(5) FUN- I really don’t want a boring car but one with a little “character” maybe a bit rebellious. I guess you can count on the buyer for that.

(6) AMERICAN MADE- I leave this last because it’s harder to decide now a days with Government Motors (GM) we truly only have one car company left and have their parts are made who knows where.

Condemnation and faith

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith, Philosophy - No Comments


Many would expect that those who are more observant would look down and even condemn those that are less observant but that is usually not the case. We can never put ourselves in others shoes so unless they commit a major sin such as murder or rape we can’t condemn their actions and/or less observant behavior. For example one who works hard to pay their payroll feels more obligations to his/her business then someone who studies the Torah. These business owners still have to take time for Hash-m/G-D in their lives but can’t be expected to be as observant as those that don’t have this obligation.

We also don’t know how G-D weighs our individual achievements and observation of faith maybe for some it is expected but for others it’s truly a great mitzvah. To conclude let us all look in the mirror and find our own scratches before we search for those among others.

A tie that’s a win for the people

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments


When a long term incumbent that has been bringing home the bacon and eggs for years is forced into a runoff the entire American people win.  Chris McDaniel held a slight lead over long term incumbent Thad Cochran in which it’s too close to call and therefor a  runoff  will presumably  have to occur.  What is incredible is that the people knew when they voted for Mr. McDaniel that they personally would not get all the Federal goodies they would get with Thad Cochran and still voted for Chris. The point is the smart people of Mississippi realized that you can’t keep spending monies that you don’t have even if that results in short term pains for them.  It is more important to experience a little pain now then put our children and grandchildren’s future in jeopardy under a mountain of debt. Congrats to Mr. McDaniel who proved honesty is still the best policy.

Jonah Hill- Sorry Tour

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

jonah hill


#Jonah Hill, #Sorry Tour

As one who was bullied I’m sick and tired of the sorry tour. I knew what it was like to be called names and how they “hurt” but we need to get an extra set of balls and let people say stupid dumb even nasty things without worrying that one word will kill their career.  I’m no Christian (although I hope to play one in a movie) but Jesus said it best” those without sin cast the first sin”.  If you’ve said something hurtful or offensive maybe you should say sorry to those that you’ve hurt or maybe you should just say you’re human.

Mr. Hill I’ve lost respect for your “Sorry Tour” you could have said I was angry and said something stupid and then moved on, but to gravel like you’ve murdered someone is ridiculous and truly offensive to comedians and just plain citizens who don’t have P.R firms working for them.  It is not the actual words that we use that should offend others but the tone, intention,  and action we hope in utilizing those words.  We also should consider someone’s emotional state upon saying some word or two as well.  If we are to gravel every time a word is said then eventually everyone will be afraid to express their point of view and that in the end will hurt us all no matter what race, religion or planet we belong to.

I’m sorry if this blog was offensive to those that were offended by … (oh forget about it)


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When you have been betrayed it’s a natural extinct to seek revenge but how, when and even if, are truly up to you.  For example sometimes what people have done to you might come back and bite them even worse and therefore you can wait and watch. Other times you might have to push that bite forward a bit so that it actually can occur without their direct knowledge that you had some impact. Only in the worst case scenario’s do you need to take an active direct role in seeking that revenge because if the recipient is truly evil your action can lead to costly reprisals that cost you time, money and pain.

Therefore think before you act and realize that time is on your side instead of those that have acted in a reprehensible matter. Maybe in those cases where the cost is too high that you forgive those that have wronged  realizing that in the end G-D will seek true justice even if it’s not in the time scale we might like.

Multilevel not my level

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments


I have many people approach me concerning multilevel business but I truly can only stay on one level at a time. I find it hard enough to convince someone to buy a paint brush when they are getting a gallon of paint then try to get them involved in some business scheme. I use the word scheme with respect but many a time these multilevel businesses turn out to more like a pyramid where it truly pays to be only at the top. It’s therefore hard to convince ordinary people that your multilevel business might be any different and I hate to be too pushy that is unless I’m in NYC.  It’s also hard to tell what the top management is actually doing with your “investment” in their plan. Therefore I will stay at a level that I know is just and one that is more accessible to obtain.

Have you’ve had success in this business format?  


P.S. This might be a great way to run a political campaign though.

Puppy Preventer

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

guilty puppy

Nothing is quite as annoying as finding your puppy has had another accident on your beautiful floors especially after you’ve taken them out. It’s time for a true solution! It’s time for “Puppy Preventer” a simple device that is attached to your dogs anal muscles so you’ll have plenty of time to prevent such accidents and train your dog for the right behavior. What makes it more convenient is it comes with a pocket size monitor that gives you the freedom so that you can go about your daily routine until it’s time. ” Prevent an accident and produce a profit instead. Join us in developing this product. 

Not the parade type

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments


Many people enjoy a parade but don’t put me on that list. I know I maybe sounding a bit cynical but it’s just people and some floats walking down the street.  It might celebrate some cause, faith, or cultural but it’s still people walking down a street.  Trust me, I don’t care if I’m the one walking down the street it still doesn’t excite me, although the exercise is definitely beneficial.  Therefore the next time someone invites me to a parade I’m going to have my own private parade and take my dogs along for the trip. If I really want to bold I’ll even attach a balloon to their leach.

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