What an incredible music video-

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[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/KmxaY_OVvWA”]

If it doesn’t bring a tear to your eyes then you have no eyes.

Animals are smarter then we think.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

I just witnessed an animal (my dog) using a tool. I gave Snowflake some pasta to eat in a paper plate but the plate would move. Snowflake leveraged the plate against a refrigerator so it would be stable for her to eat. Dogs are smarter then we give them credit for.animals uses tools

Flu and Roses

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

I got a touch of the Flu and it’s greatest effect was mentally. I had no drive to do anything but sleep and sit in bed. No longer did I feel the guilt or desire to try to get this or that done. This sickness has taught me that although it’s important to achieve it’s also equally important to take the time to enjoy life just because you’re alive. So the next time I pass a rose garden I’m actually going to smell a rose even if it gives me a little prick.

Yes that’s an actual picture of me and my first girlfriend. Pretty romantic huh.smell the roses

Saving the Nuclear Family

Posted by Bruce - in Political - No Comments

PROBLEM: Destruction of the Nuclear Family SOLUTION: Promotion and help for that family. State governments should have certificates for consenting adults to have a “formal relationship” with the rights and responsibilities but only religion institutions and/or approved secular organization can declare it a marriage.
These institutions should provide this couple with information on how to deal with difficulties that occur in a marriage, resources to deal with those possible difficulties and the significance of their special relationship. They should also have the resources to provide help for those couples (especially with children) that are having a difficult time. If after the counseling the marriage fails their should be incentives to provide a quick least painful way to a resolution that does the least harm to the children and insures that both parents(whenever possible) play a significant role in their upbringing of the children.
The key to any society starts from the ground up and their is no more significant ground then the strength of a nuclear family.


nuclear family

Good Combination

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - Comments Off on Good Combination

[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/bmZ9xRO7M9M”]

It works like a hamburger with ketchup.

Losing the cultural war!

Posted by Bruce - in Political - No Comments

PROBLEM: Losing the Cultural War SOLUTION: Get on the battleground

1. Purchase newspapers to insure they tell the full story. Newspapers can be purchased at a great discount because of market conditions and the poor quality they have represented. (Journal News)

2. Support Balanced Comedians- Comedians that make fun of everyone. Support friends who have talent. Train individuals so that they can spread some good humor.

3. Support talented musicians who are a bit politically incorrect and/or write your own music.

4. Be in the forefront to stop boycotts and censorship of individuals who take political incorrect stances. If we’re consistent then we’ll make the others extremist or against the first amendment.

5. Support movies such as Red Dawn, Atlas Shrugged not only through watching them on the big screen but by Net Flix, Pay Per View and spreading the message to various friends and associates.

6. Sponsor local plays or get involved in local plays and theatre groups to insure all voices are heard.


cultural wars

Making Disabled Able

Posted by Bruce - in Political - Comments Off on Making Disabled Able

Many wonderful people are caught up in a governmental trap of entitlements that keep these individuals talents away from the world.  Once an individual is deemed to be disabled by the government they can no longer seek to become an able body citizens without losing all their benefits. This creates a fear within this individual like a person jumping from a hot shower to a cold bath. Either you receive full disability payments or receive nothing.

I believe there is a middle ground which will enable the individual to regain self confidence so they can become a more productive person in our society. We should insist that people who are receiving disability payment make some attempt to weed themselves off these payments not only to save the tax payer monies but to save these individuals. Those with abilities can work at part-time positions and receive payments that reflect that work. Those with more serious disabilities can perform lesser tasks or take a class and/or get training so that they can seek a position in the future.  We need help others truly help themselves by slowly opening a door that has been slammed shut too many of our fellow citizens.



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