A Little Birdie

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red bird 2

A little birdie in a tree added a bit more light to my night sky. The beautiful red color for a moment took my breathe as I flew back to my youthful exuberance.  Just when you think everyday appears the same this bird showed how the smallest detail can make a difference and in a moments notice. Don’t let these moments fly bye without taking a glance of the beauty that they hold.


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Martha World's Ugliest Dog 2 Martha World's Ugliest Dog

This is a face the whole world should love! Martha makes having a bad hair day go away like a breeze. With a face like Martha’s you don’t have to worry about any of your own wrinkles. Though life might hit you in the face once in awhile you’ll never have to worry it will do as much damage as it’s done to our beloved Martha.   Martha we love you because you wear ugliness with such pride it makes us all feel a bit more beautiful.


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I usually try to wake up with a smile but today it turned to a cynical look.  Maybe I was following too much of a pattern that had me caught in a maze or maybe I didn’t even look at the cup but the spill instead yet cynicism ran deep.  It didn’t help by looking at the news stories from the various bent angles and seeing the same pattern. Cynicism can take the greatest stride and have it hit a wall head on with a full broken nose with blood spurting and.. (I think I painted the picture).  So to turn that frown inside out and upside down I’m taking a bit of a brake from my standard day and playing a bit more by nose. I’m actually going to take the time and use my senses to absorb things I hadn’t before or look a bit more deeper into the beauty that even was in the spill.  Cynicism may have had a start but optimism will have the finish…G-D willing.

House of Cards REAL….?

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As I watched the latest installment of “House of Cards” I though how far it was going into the fiction category then I realized the main character was a Democrat and the truth came out. For the news has become openly a propaganda piece for the Democratic party where it will cover up stories that hurt their polls while putting the Republican’s under an Electron Microscope.  Is it so far fetched with cover ups such as Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, Fast & Furious, IRS gate, etc that they wouldn’t cover up a stolen election if the Democrats won.  There was a time when all the news that was fit to print was the truth or close to it now it filters through a Donkey’s A…    Today the news lives by the motto “whatever means necessary” to tell the story they want you to hear and nothing more even if the truth is sacrificed at the altar.

Leftist Good Point… Ends

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Thinking 4

I was caught off guard as a person from the left came with a powerful argument that had me thinking what if? They were trying to raise monies for a “non-profit” publication because the rest of the media is controlled by the “media elite”.  I found that argument compelling as a person who belief’s strongly in the more competition the better but then the reading of the publication began.

This publication supported a huge monopoly where no competition was even permitted to exist.  For if a competitor tried to challenge their power this wouldn’t be fought in the marketplace  but be dealt with by the firing squad.  The greatest force of control doesn’t come from huge businesses that in many cases should be broken up but by dictatorial governments that continue to grab freedom and power. Therefore any publication that supports the Cuban government as this publication did and still say they support free competition is complete fake news. Nice try my leftist friends but I do read between the lines.

Life = Dealing with pain or PAIN

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Sleeping over bed of nails Walking over hot coals 2

Life is how we deal with pain or “Pain”.  The pain may not be as sharp as nails but emotionally it can take on you can hurt just as much. Financial pain can bring people to their knees as well as their world appears to collapse around them. Yet for those who learn to walk over those coals that stop others, they become the victor. They  may  never fully recover from the pain but have found a way to defeat it’s pull against them. Victory still can hurt but giving in hurts a whole lot more.

How to make ME happy

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Happy Dog 3 Happy Dog 2

So you’re wondering how to make me happy for I loyally stay by your side. It doesn’t require you buying me a new wardrobe I’m perfectly happy walking au natural.  I don’t need any fancy toys or bones although the chewy ones keep me thinking and biting. All I need is you and your happiness to bring a smile to my face. Enjoy my company and I promise I will enjoy yours. Of course rubbing a belly or 2 couldn’t hurt as well.

Hello Time Limit

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Clock Moving hello

How much time do you have to say “Hello” to another at a gathering before you should be saying goodbye? I guess it all depends on the size of such a gathering and when people are starting to say goodbye. It also might depend on when you arrive at such a gathering because nobody expects your greeting until you arrive. If you start with “Hello” to late it might be the only one word or expression of affection one can express before the door is closed.  Hello. therefore is not a fixed in time although time is a moving before goodbye’s are in order.

My Plans….

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Planning 1 Planning 2

Even though one’s greatest plans can be stopped in an instant I believe it’s important to put out my vision. For who knows whom might join on this route or might jump off the train if they don’t like the direction at the same time I realize G-D will decide where and when it will truly stop and/or if a different route serves a greater purpose. Here are some big stops I’d like to take on my journey and  possible detours I plan to have if things go a bit off course.

(1) Work with Social Media Marketer to make blog and it’s contents profitable. Put my 1/2 or so back into continued growth 7/5/07- Goal to brand Bud Rebel name with different opportunities for those involved in such project.

(2) Develop an Ad for Bud Rebel Bags/Marketing Materials which we can present in our marketing of said product along with other products that should be in development. Starting 7/23/17-

(3) Present marketing plan to sales professionals and then send them on the road to generate pre-sales 8/23/17

(4) Work to locate individuals  to run and location for Bud Rebel Restaurant/Nightclub 9/23/17 (maybe sooner)

(5) Art Graphics- Television series involved in developed and distributed 3/23/18

(5) Once conditions in family are stabilized for growth work to produce new film(s) 8/23/19

Obamacare Replacement- 3 Requirements

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Senator Mitch Mcconnell LISTENING TO YOU

The replacement of Obamacare should be judged on three basic principles for it to be considered a success. Of course others might consider other points but these 3  (below) should over-ride the other concerns. I have my own thoughts but want YOUR INSIGHT insight on this issue and how or if  YOU would make it different?

 (1) Does the plan give individuals and their families the opportunity to get the insurance that is best for them?

(2) Will this plan help stabilize the current cost of health insurance to the majority of Americans?

(3) Is this a plan that will allow the United States to advance with cures and treatment of many current illnesses and would this be accessible to American’s that would want this treatment/cure?