Biden Feelings

Posted by Bruce - in Uncategorized - No Comments

What matters most is how you feel.  Facts and reality will leave to the pundits but how can I feel your pain now? It can be a pain that a loved one brings or the weather it doesn’t I’m hear to smell your hair and make you feel all better.  Words really do hurt even more then sticks and stones  that some group like ISIS might bring and that is why I need your support. Truth is boring but feelings touch your heart. For I’m simple Joe Biden and I feel that I need to be your President even if the truth I really shouldn’t be.

Biden Touchy Feely Camp

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

The “BIDEN TOUCHY FEELY CAMP” will be the one place a person can  be fully affectionate up to the point of baby making.  This camp will let adults feel affectionate for each other where in other parts of society it might be considered creepy, bizarre, or just plain old fashion groping. Don’t worry let your hair down and we will smell it.  The “BIDEN TOUCHY FEELY CAMP”  because don’t we all want a bit more affection … from an acquaintance.


FOOTNOTE- I’m not planning to visit.

Run Joe Run!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

I don’t support 95 % of Joe Biden’s policies and truly don’t want him elected President but I sure want him to run for it. Here are just a few reasons (below) I say “Run, Joe, Run”!

(1) ME MAYBE- We need to put a line between what is a bit weird maybe on the edge of creepy and  actually sexual harassment.  Joe Biden is just on the creepy side and that might scare individuals but not make them truly jump.

(2) OBAMA TRUTH-  Maybe some of the failings and scandals of the Obama Administration will be revealed when a white face is put on them (Genocide in Syria, Benghazi, Operation Fast & Furious,IRS Abuses, VA Hospital etc, etc, etc)

(3) BIDEN FAVORS– We might even learn how it literally pays $$$ to have a loved one in politics and the favors it truly shouldn’t bring.

(4) ATTACK LEFT- If there is any chance for Joe he’ll have to prove how those on the insane left are really nuts and how we can’t go that far even if you lean in that direction.

(5) HUMOR- Joe Biden’s “Oops” moments are hysterical and comedy needs a new twist.

Democrats Please Help

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

Democrats please help you steer you’re party from complete morale abyss. As a proud Conservative Republican I want to have a morale competitor from the other side insuring that my ideas and thoughts are logical and rationale.  A competitor that even though we disagree on many issues will stand united in supporting a strong relationship between the United States and it’s greatest ally Israel. AIPAC helps insure that alliance even with those who disagree on almost everything else.  I know you believe this is essential as well so please demand that the Democratic nominees for the 2020 Presidential Election attend AIPAC the place where we have always come together.    They won’t listen to my voice but I’m sure they will listen to yours so please make your’s strong and proud for this alliance. Then we can argue about the other issues of the day.

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