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   My house appears like the one above even though there are many more bedrooms and bathrooms. For, you have taken space in my main living room and won’t leave me alone. I should kick you out but for some reason I can’t.  As a  Matter of fact, wherever I go you seem to jump into that room rent free. I guess it’s time to see if someone can help me live in this one house alone but until then you’ve won even if you didn’t know you were living here in my brain.



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Everything is so peaceful until I’m forced to say those dreaded words “Get Up”. You are so delighted to be in this world that I’m afraid to bring into the one where you actually have to do something.  The sleeping tiger can literally awake and boy does it roar. So I gradually change the lighting and sound so you can do the same but ultimately must deal with the reality that sometimes I’m the one that must be the one that ends the peace. I just pray that this war will be as short as the bed is made with you not in it.

Keeping It Unreal

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Let’s face it life can be so “real” that sometimes it’s best to keep it “unreal”.  Yes, escapism is not only find but awesome!!! It can be a game in the Metaverse, a podcast that takes one away, a dinner at a restaurant where they appear so delighted you came or takes your feet off solid ground it’s time to keep it unreal.

Cruise ships are the ultimate in this unreal feeling as people are generally nice 24/7 especially ones you never met before. They are delighted everywhere you walk and you are treated as if your part of the royal family. Shows are performed within walking distance some that are actually good. The refrigerator over flowed with food and it’s a funnel of drinks.  Yes, one must keep it real most of 52 weeks in a year but sometimes a bit of unreality is just perfect.

Don’t Have Too

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The pressure is flowing all around you but you just don’t have too.  You can walk on a whole different path then others are walking and it’s not only fine but could be dandy. Yes, this should be based on logic not just rebellion but it’s perfectly to swing to a whole new “Cow Bell”.  Everyone is going to “the party” but you’d rather finish that book.  The world is watching the “big game” but you’d rather finish writing the “big script”.  They might say “you missed it” but if what you do brings a bigger smile you’ve missed nothing.  So remember it’s okay to just don’t do it if you truly want to.

Lose Weight??

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This post is definitely not guaranteed to work but if it does it will probably taste good as well. According to a Haitian tour guide the way to lose weight is the combination of three simple ingredients Pineapple, Lime and Ginger. If one takes this combination for two weeks he guarantees that your waistline will go down and uses his own body as testimony to what can occur. I don’t have his name or address in case your results don’t occur in the same fashion but I figure it’s worth a taste. In the end if you lose the weight all I ask is that you refer others to this blog post and if you don’t at least you’ll have a replacement for your morning Jaffa for a few weeks that tastes pretty damn good.

Win or Loss- A Story Could Be True?

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Just stop I don’t want to know anymore! It started with an experiment to my head which lead to this Frankenstein existence.  Your thoughts are killing me from within. For, what you do and say is nothing what you’re actually thinking about it. You would think the world is a bunch of killers, psychopaths, perverts, or just freaks if you read what I had to. Yes, even the holiest can have thoughts straight in the gutter.  Those thoughts that just pop in your head and are quickly disbursed are absorbed by mine. Yes, I could easily manipulate this information for my benefit and have at times but at what cost? In the end knowing the whole truth about an individual leaves one not wanting to know anything.

Cure For Cancer?

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Could this fruit above be the cure for Cancer or just the next “snake oil”?  On a recent tour of Haiti my guide passionately noted that this “SourSop” had prevented his ailing grandma from the effects of Cancer for over 2o years. Those who lead to conspiracy theories might say that “big pharma” doesn’t want us to know the truth because it might kill there bottom line while others might wonder if it is such a cure oil how come this information hasn’t leaked out to the public?  All I can say is this something I believe is worthy of an independent government resource board to search for the whole truth/fruit and nothing but.

FOOTNOTE- According to City of Hope, a cancer treatment organization, some research has found that soursop can lead to symptoms like that of Parkinson’s disease: rigid muscles, issues with gait and balance, slow movement, and more. The organization also notes that a study found that tea made with soursop leaves can cause neurotoxicity, damaging the nervous system.

Your Fault- **A Shadow Series

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KATHY-  If only you listened to me we wouldn’t be in this boat.

MIKE-   Come on an Iceberg who could have predicted that?

KATHY-  Hello, anyone who watched “The Titanic”

MIKE-   Excuse me that was a bit before my time.

KATHY –  Now, it’s both our times isn’t it!!!

MIKE-  Yes, dear. Of course if I knew this would have occurred I would have picked a different ship but you’ve got to admit it was the biggest maybe not the best.

KATHY-   Maybe, hello we’re dead!

MIKE-  Yes, but our last meal was a delicious buffet.

KATHY-  The bread was stale.

MIKE-  Oh yeah well at least we didn’t die alone. Isn’t that great dear!

KATHY-  Yeah just great. I’m going to get my wings spruced up for the wedding that will truly last for eternity. See you in an hour or millennium watches don’t work here

MIKE-   Okay

O.S. –  Wing noises

MIKE-   Maybe dying alone isn’t so bad


Michigan VS Alabama A Different View

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ESPN 2 was a great way to watch “The Rose Bowl” or probably any other football game because it was just F-U-N in a way that others games are not. The camera angles were a bit more intense as were the announcers. It honestly felt like a big party even if in the end it all came crashing down as my team Alabama  lost.   ESPN team thank you for the fun and exciting moments along the way.



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I’m alive again!!! After a brief time in internet coma my blog is up and running. Yes, all those brilliant, dumb, controversial, silly, funny and most significantly “authentic” words that come in my head even ones that are grammatically correct will be seen again. So please read and let the world know I’m alive again and ready to reveal my unvarnished “truth” as it see to my beating world.

FOOTNOTE-  Lesson learned have your credit card payments up to date especially when going away.

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