President Trump’s Great DACA Compromise

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

Daca President Trump 101

President Trump should offer the following compromise (below) composed of the following points as it relates to DACA, border security and legal compromise. He should either put this compromise forth at the state of the union or present it at an address to the nation.  Of course it should initially have the support of some key people from both parties who are truly willing to compromise.

(1) DACA-  Individuals who were brought to this country illegally as children would be allowed to stay in this country indefinitely  if they paid a $1500 fine over 20 years which would go to border security as the President deems fit. This would be a red card which would enable them to apply for full citizenship as long as they have a clean record and wait behind those who have applied before them.

(2) PARENTS OF DACA INDIVIDUALS-  Would be able to stay in this country for up to 5 years if they had a clean record, learned English, paid a $1500 fine and were involved in some community service projects. After 5 years they could apply for a Red card which would require them to pass a certain civics test and pay an additional fine of $500.00

(3) WALL- The President would receive funding for 1.5 Billion dollars to start construction of the wall and receive loan amounts to pay for the rest of the building based on future DACA individual, their parents payment and other fees based on this system. This also should include of course full border enforcement. 

(4)  CHAIN MIGRATION- Would be limited to immediate relatives of family including parents and children of said immigrant but not past that point.

(5) LOTTERY MIGRATION-  The lottery system to gain immigration status would be cut to 1/10 of what it is today and those individuals would still have to be vetted against any threat that they might pose to this country.

(6) SKILLED LABOR-  Companies could apply to have skilled labor enter this country but it would have to be approved by the Department of Labor to make sure no natural born citizens would be available for such work even if short term training might be needed in between.


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