Brother Terrorist

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Boston Bombers

I thought the Boston Bomber’s terrorist was just a fluke but after the killings in Spain I realized that this is a sick trend in the terrorist culture. Where other cultures will do there best to insulate  family members from the harm they might cause terrorist appear more then willing to make it a family murder machine.  It is a bizarre culture that not only seeks to destroy the innocent but will use their own family members as ammunition in the explosion.  Just another reason this vile form of existence must be eliminated from the earth for good!

Think Thief

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Think Thief Stealing 3

Think thief before you get away with stealing the murders that you do to society. For when someone steals they kill the trust that common people have between them. They cause more walls to build up between individuals and groups that would never have come up if not more for your selfish malicious act. You might get away with the crime but the cost you and your friends will have to pay for extra security and distrust will make it feel as if you are already in prison and that’s even before Karma takes a personal visit in your life.


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Prisoner 3terrorist 5

Which picture above is the most wasteful?  When we throw out edible food that should have been eaten it is usually biodegradable and therefore will by used by the earth in some form. Even the items that aren’t biodegradable can sometimes be used by other creatures in ways that humans can never think of. When someone waste their brains and bodies with drugs they lose out on the time that they can’t get back. While those who are locked in prison will lose their freedom, they can try to educate themselves so they can make something out of their experience when they are released. Therefore the terrorist is the greatest waste of existence. For they are given all the tools to be utilized for good and instead use their very existence for hate and harm. Furthermore they claim in some way that the G-D who has created all wants them to destroy most.  Waste is never a good thing but sometimes it’s just pure evil. 

FOOTNOTE- You don’t have to be a terrorist to be a complete waste child molesters and murders of the innocent can be added to this list as well.

Hurricane… Harvey?

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hurricane harvey 6 hurricane harvey 4

After seeing the devastation of another Hurricane I wonder why we want to personify them with a human name?  Who wants their name to be associated with pain and suffering of other individuals?  Waking up with the name Harvey in Texas today especially if you’re a child can cause further pain that truly is unnecessary. Why don’t we name the Hurricane’s after the date they hit shore or after the state that first felt their pain? This way we can remember the date and/or place of  such devastation as we build barriers to stop such destruction in the future.

Postpartum Depression for MEN?

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Postpartum Depression 1 Postpartum Depression 2

A recent scientific study suggests up to 10% of males suffer from Postpartum Depression as their testosterone levels decrease after the birth of a child, which is sorta a chicken or egg question.  Was research done before such a child was born to see if said individuals had lower testosterone levels due to inactive sexual activity as well as thoughts of losing “one’s freedom” as a result of a birth?  Even if their testosterone level appeared not to decrease during such pregnancy what inner thoughts invaded these individuals minds and what activities or lack thereof occurred during this time periods. Therefore maybe we should invite more men into therapy during and after pregnancy’s to insure their feelings are dealt with in a constructive and healthy way.

Trump Line

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President Trump thinking Charolettsville

Could President Trump’s line concerning the Charolette protesters help split the line between those that are clear racist and those who could be driven in that direction?  Just think if for some reason there was even one person in that rally and or the many that sympathized with one of their causes “not to tear down history” then having the President call them all haters would have left them hating even more. They might even believe that the only way to protect this right is join with those that hate other basic rights making such an evil movement grow.  The Trump line allows those that sympathize with keeping history separate from those that want to bring evil history back. The President clearly states how he is disgusted with hate and violence from all sides.   Who knows if this is what the President was thinking but if it helps stop separate political thoughts from  spreading into  violence and hate then his words are more brilliant then I initially thought.

Shout UP!

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falling asleep 1

The next time you feel a bit like the man above try a little what the man below is doing. screaming 6

For when someone screams it wakes them up to the world around them instead of falling into the subconscious world. Of course I don’t recommend this course of action if you are near other people except if they are falling into the same situation and could use a bit of your help. A matter of fact they might be able to add their own voice to the chorus as this beautiful young lady demonstrates. screaming 5.   It might take a few others to keep you up but it sure beats the price of a Starbucks coffee.

Need/Desire for Prejudice

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Prejudice 1 Prejudice 2

For us truly defeat the harmful effects of prejudice we must understand our personal need/desire to keep it alive. Here are some of the ways (below) why prejudice appears difficult to conquer especially in one’s mind and how we might make it less bold in one’s thoughts.

(1) SAFETY- Our prejudice appears to protect against those that might due us harm. If instead we learn to spot out the behavioral characteristics of individuals from all walks of life we might lesson such impact on groups.

(2) SUPERIORITY- Groups want to prove their group is better then others. We need to have an all encompassing history that tells the successes and honest failures of our groups.

(3 FEAR – Unlike safety this is a fear of discussion with people from different walks of life because of conflicts it will bring externally which leads to feelings internally instead. Ground rules for any discussion must occur before words are spoken such as no personal attacks and of course no violence between the parties.

(4) COMFORT ZONE- It’s easier to stay in one’s comfort zone then explore the world around you for real.  Let’s decide to grab a cup of coffee/tea with someone who might not fit our “normal groups” and find that there is comfort in all different settings.


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Of course I want you to read every blog piece I’ve written over the last few years but if you want a book that will truly twist your mind around and around read “Remember Me”. For how many stories, movies and shows can we determine where it will  take us well before the ending “Remember Me” brings the cliffhanger back to your mind. I can say with certainty that Lynda Renham is a a creative genius.  Well written from the first sentence to the last period “Remember Me” is a book I ask you to please read even if you have to skip  crying 10      a few blog posts in between.   I’ll grab a tissue.


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political divide 1 Political divide 2

It is the one form of prejudice that is still acceptable around the world, as we see an individual through the eyes of the political party they belong to. For if they belong to “this party” then they must think or act that way? They must watch different shows then “us” have different goals then us they might as well be on a different planet.  Politicism has taken over many of our thoughts because $$’s and power is made to keep us apart.  I for one know I have some “politicism” in me that I continually have to check at the door when speaking to someone from a different party.  It is not as if one’s political viewpoint doesn’t influence who they are but it is just one factor that should be considered. Therefore let us pledge to learn the other factors before we pre-judge who they truly are.

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