Who runs for President?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

vote president

How does someone decide that they are the right person to run for the Presidency? There are 100 Senators, 50 Governors, thousands of doctors, and hundreds of thousands if not a million business people, but only a handful of the above will actually seek the highest office in the land. What makes these people stand out above their crowds?  Is it their unique ability to lead or their ability to appear to lead?  Does there policy decisions appear bold or boldly put them in the spotlight?  Do they have an extra ability to care for others or have others found a way to care for them, without them even knowing? The truth is it isn’t one trait that puts them in this category but a combination that makes them stand alone here (below) are a few of the key traits.

(1) EGO- These individuals must believe they have a unique quality to rise above the others in their categories.

(2) ORATORS – They must have the gift of gab and convince others that this is so as well.

(3) IMAGE- Their look must be similar in someway to the common person but also unique enough to be seen through the crowd.

(4) MONIES- Those with means or those that have friends with means must believe these individuals are uniquely qualified for this position.

(5) POSITIONS- They must take a side on some issues to make sure those organizations that support those views will support them.

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