Peace through partitition

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

freedom movement

The Palestinian territory is ruled with a mob mentality, those that disagree are eliminated, therefore the only way to make peace is to partition the people from the mobsters.  A group of Palestinian’s that seek true Jeffersonian Democracy and accept Israeli’s right to exist in peace within their own land;  will form a separate country that is called “Free Palestine” . The establishment of such a country will occur with the help of the Mosad. This help will insure that all the pieces are together for their declared independence. Israel will agree to co-military alliance with this new country, as well as education and economic aid.

If an attack is placed on “Free Palestine” this new country will fight back with the help of Israel.  If the “Free Palestine” area wins more land in such battles then like any victor comes the spoils of controlling that territory.  Once more Palestine’s realize that peace and democracy are their best options for success they will fight to join “Free Palestine” and those that don’t will eventually (G-D willing) wither away. This movement will be so successful that it will spread in many regions of the middle east.


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