Attitude & Income

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments



There is a presumption that when income goes up that attitude follows which is reinforced in popular culture. We see those with means “looking down” on those without in almost every popular movie or book. Yet in the real world this isn’t always the case, attitude is something that is much deeper. I’ve seen individuals living off the welfare system for years get “an attitude”. Where they expect others to continue to give them benefits that include a brand new pair of the hottest sneakers and newest cell phone without even an effort to get a job. I’ve witnessed those just barely in the middle class driving their parents to near bankruptcy because they have to have the “hottest fashion item” while they look down at those in school who don’t have them.  I’ve seen star athletes and beauty queens baste in their glory while they ridicule those lack their looks and talent.

There are many wealthy individuals who might at times enjoy the luxurious their income gives them but don’t flaunt it and would rather give charity in private. These individuals are the first at their work place in blue jeans  and the last to leave in sweat.  They enjoy their income not only for what it gives them but what it enables them to give.  It is time that our culture expands from the simplistic approach that attitude comes from income and look instead look at us all as individuals.

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