Common Ground

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments


How does a nation of such diverse nationalities, faiths, and views stay united in a world that seems to be continually fighting over such differences? We need to find common ground that unites us. Basic principals that most of us agree on and even those that disagree can still empathize with. I suggest the following areas where common ground can be found.

(1) CONSTITUTION- Every American should fully understand and appreciate the values and principals of the constitution. We must understand the Constitution from it’s concept to the latest amendment.

(2) LANGUAGE- Although we may come from different countries it is important for us to be able to communicate with each other with one language. We may speak to our friends and family in our native tongue but for all us to move ahead we must have the ability to speak and write in the language that is most common.

(3) HOLIDAY’S – It is important that we get to celebrate the national holidays. It might be only a few hours with friends and family but we should understand why these days are significant to our country.

(4) OPPORTUNITIES- No door should be locked closed so that any citizen with hard work and persistence can achieve their dreams.

(5) EDUCATION- Basic education should be provided to our youth so that they fully understand the concepts above and can incorporate them in their daily life as they see fit.

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